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Manchester United

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  • A šta kaže Ferdinand, da Runija moraju da pozovu u repku

    "When people get hurt, they learn to hate… when people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow… and how you grow is up to you"


    • Ako je vjerovati svedskim medijima Zlatan je dobio manji odmor i nece biti u konkurenciji za Zorku, pametno, pametno. Najjace mi je kako su iznenadjeni na rcu partijom protiv Lestera, kako je orkestrirao sve i kakav je doprinos dao i bez golova. Ti ljudi stvarno nista ne prate mimo svoje lige, zastrasujuce da ne znaju o kakvom se majstoru sa loptom radi i kakav osjecaj i tehniku ima.

      Je li neko postavljao Pereiru?


      • Mata 111 utakmica za Mancester, 28 golova i 45 asistencija. Nema tu puno razmisljanja, mora svaku da igra.


        • “Luke Shaw is ill. Temperature, fever, bad throat. He arrived this morning and the doctor sent him home.”

          Mourinho says Mkhitaryan won't play tomorrow despite training with the main group this morning.

          Mourinho on Rooney
          “I was completely convinced of playing him tomorrow. I’m not sure if I do that because with the situation that you create to him I think he really can’t afford to have a performance that is not really good and I am here to protect him and have to analyse the best thing for him. If he is not totally ready for it, I will discuss that with the medical staff.”

          Mourinho confirms he will 'change his approach' for Zorya after defeat to Feyenoord. Says that means more key players will play.

          Martial is available
          “He’s now recovered from the contusion - not the concussion. He has recovered and he is ready for tomorrow.”

          Mourinho tetchy
          “No more questions about Rashford? Why Rashford is playing so well? No more questions so now you turn to Martial?”

          Ibrahimovic will play
          “Zlatan starts.”

          #MUFC boss Jose Mourinho says he feels sorry for Sam Allardyce but his like and respect for him won't change.

          Jose: "If we win tomorrow it will be 3 wins in a week. So if we win, I will wait & see if the media reaction is the same as when we lost 3"

          Mourinho: "At Chelsea Mata was a good player. At Manchester United, he is a very good player."

          Lingard: "The main thing for me this season is consistency."
          Svedjani slagali, ocekivano da mu se ovaj Mata vise svidja od onog iz Celsija, ovaj se mnogo vise trudi defanzivno i masu trci, to je Van Galova zasluga.


          • Ibra startuje ? Nisam ocekivao

            Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk


            • Ne bi me zaducilo da vidimo sve isto kao u subotu, mada se nadam da ce Timoti poceti.


              • E ladno nas RTS prenosi... Kadar kilometar (nevera, ali morao sam Sergeja da citiram ).

                Daj Murinjo ne zajebavaj. Zorja i LE i ti izvodis I tim.
                Last edited by ExEric; 28-09-16, 19:39.


                • Jose Mourinho: 'I never sold Juan Mata. I need him at Man United more than I did at Chelsea'



                  • Pratimo Martinsa. Prebrz je, bas ono sto nam treba. Ali traze 50+ miliona funti izgleda. Zezus kaze da u Portugalu takvog igraca nema.



                    • @Vladan

                      Sta im je mali radio, nije znala odbrana Reala gdje udara.



                      • Vrhunski je igrao, ali ima jos da radi da bi bio top igrac.

                        E na koga smo mi dali onolike pare
                        "His problem is his attitude," Rothen told RMC. "When he goes into matches, he doesn't put himself in 'I'm going to be a warrior, I'm going to run, I'm going to make an effort' mode.

                        "He doesn't put in enough effort. He has to be given a stern talking to, like Ben Arfa. 'You change your attitude or you're not in the squad.' But it's difficult to do with players who are signed for so many million euros, with a status, with titles..."

                        Sledece sezone Kina ili MLS


                        • Di Magia je zvijer na terenu kada hoce da igra.

                          Ma kakva Kina i MLS, nema nista od toga.

                          Prije par dana sam citao da je Conte zainteresiran za njega.
                          Last edited by Rossonero; 29-09-16, 14:09.


                          • Igrao je na top nivou nekih devet mjeseci, i to sto je igrao je bio fantastican, mozda i najbolji na svijetu, ali on nema nikakvu radnu etiku, nije lider, i najvaznije nema kontinuitet. Ponasa se kao razmazeno deriste i uvijek mu je neko drugi kriv. Van Gal je barem imao muda da ga smjesti na klupu, vidjecemo Emerija. Bolje je igrati sa deset igraca nego s njim kad je indisponiran, sto je osam od deset utakmica u prosjeku.


                            • Pa siguran sam da ce Unai da pokusa da ga vrati na pravi put. Ako vidi da ne ide, ima transfer lista.

                              Ali vjeruj mi i dalje top klubovi cekaju na njega, tako da ova prica sto se tice MLS-a i Kine u startu otpada.


                              • To sam rekao zbog njegov stava i mentaliteta. Iako je rano taman mu je vrijeme da ide u Ameriku, posto je sve sem krvavi radnk.

