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Manchester United

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  • Zlatan nije mogao da dođe sebi sve dok nisu otrpilike krenuli na tribine. Sve govori.

    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


    • sigpic


      • sigpic


        • FA kup treba da se pusti ali je Mo previse sujetan da pusti to, pogotovo nakon 4-0.


          • To upravo rekoh Mandusicu, sanse nema da ce izvesti drugi tim protiv Celsija, a eto uzeo je trofej, Mancester je uzeo FA prosle sezone, nema potrebe da se juri, a fino mu se otvara LE pritom i raspored u ligi je sasvim dobar do sredine aprila. No znam tacno da ce crci da dobije Kontea i Celsi iako su generalno jaci i posebno mnogo odmorniji i samo ce doci do novog trosenja.


            • Kakvi crni odmor idemo po sve do kraja


              • Biće naporno ali plus je da nema nove utakmice u slučaju remija na Bridžu, dakle lijepo znamo posle utakmice na čemu smo. Ne bi loše bilo baciti FA kup u vodu,da, ali hipotetički da računamo da ćemo doći do finala u tom takmičenju imamo da igramo samo 3 meča. Nije to ništa katastrofalno, protiv Čelzija 1, u aprilu 1 i u maju jedan.

                LE već zeza, moramo je forsirati jer nam je možda i najrealnija šansa za trofej + plasman u LŠ, a opet do eventualnog finala+finale 7 mečeva, 7 mečeva počevši od 9. marta kad se igra prvi od tih 7

                U ligi sve vrijeme dišemo za vratom ovih iz top 4, jednostavno mora se i tamo igrati jako. Plus nemamo pretežak raspored do sredine aprila i Čelzija, tek posle idu gostovanja Arsenalu,Totenhemu,Sitiju. Dakle i tamo maksimalno.

                Dobro rotira Murinjo samo nek Ibru malo odmori negdje, zvijer je i opet danas je morao spašavati ali ne može ni on svaku igrati.


                • Ibra samo da produzi taj ugovor vise, oteglo se ovo bas. Inace ako produzi i ako zeli da ostane na ovom nivu, a siguran sam da zeli, niposto mu ne dozvoliti da ode, nego da u klubu zavrsi karijeru. Na prste jedne ruke mogu da se nabroje napadaci njegove klase i dok se bavi fudbalom i dok je ovako posvecen i spreman to se nece promijeniti. Jer od brzine u njegovoj igri nista ne zavisi. On je bolji od 30. nego sto je bio do 30. Murinjo je juce rekao da ovako moze do 40. Dosta od njega zavisi naravno ali definitivno u klubu trebaju da razmisljaju da ga zadrze dok god bude zelio da se bavi fudbalom. Kakvo kretanje samo kod treceg gola, kako inteligentan i klasan igrac to je nemoguce nesto.

                  Zlatan before turning 30:
                  232 goals in 529 games

                  Zlatan after turning 30:
                  246 goals in 300 games

                  Zlatan is like wine, better with age.


                  • sigpic


                    • Dovesce sigurno 3-4 igraca, a prodati Janga, Svajnija i mozda Runija, Runija ako bude zelio da ode, ako mu teska rotacija ne bude problem on ce ostati. I tu ce biti 30 igraca, previse jbg.


                      • 4 igraca je malo kad pogledam. Stoper, d bek, vezni, ofanzivac. Minimum.

                        A levi bek ako se situacija sa Lukom ne popravi? A golman ako ode DDH? A novi spic ako Ibrahimovic ne ostane? Kapiram da ce ici i Blind, mozda Felaini...


                        • Prije ce dovesti lijevog beka nego desnog ako logicki razmisljamo, jbm li ga Valensija i Darmijan, pa i TFM(moze cak i Balji) je bolje sto puta nego Blind, Darmijan i Roho, posebno ako Sou ne zablista. Felaini i Blind su spremni da budu rotacija i za Junajtedove standarde su na smijesnoj plati, Kerik ce produziti na jos jednu sezonu, doci ce Kesi/Fabinjo/Bakajoko, taj neki tip igraca(nadam se Naingolan jbg), doci ce ofanzivac siguruno nevezano za Zlatana, eto ako je Grizman taj igrace iza napadaca sve sto treba ili ce biti drugi napadac, i prica se da ce doci i klasicni napadac, opet nevezano za Zlatana. Ovo zamjena glava za glavu je drugo, ali sigurno 3-4 dovodi ne prodavajuci nikoga, jer Jang i Svajni ionako dobijaju priiku na kasicici, TFM isto ostali-otisli svejedno je potpuno(TFM pozajmica). Ne znam, previse je igraca, mozda ce prodati Darmijana.


                          • sigpic


                            • Last edited by Lord Aleksoni; 27-02-17, 01:08.


                              • Ostani da ostarimo zajedno.

                                'The lion is born a lion': Zlatan Ibrahimovic reveals he wants to finish his career at the top

                                Manchester United’s Zlatan Ibrahimovic has hinted that he has no desire to leave Manchester United for one huge last pay-day in China, declaring that he is “an animal,” feels “like a lion” and wants to quit football at the top.

                                In a memorable interview of great theatricality which had echoes of Eric Cantona’s “seagulls follow the trawler” philosophy of 1995, the Swede provided his strongest hint yet that he wants another season at Old Trafford, though in keeping with the aura around himself which he likes to build, the 35-year-old fell short of admitting the fact.

                                United’s League Cup Final match-winner declared before leaving Wembley that he would not trade on his reputation – “being Ibrahimovic” - by taking another big contract on the basis of his reputation. “I will not be like other players, playing because they make a great career and name and they are still playing because they are who they are,” he said. “I will play as long as I can bring results. I will stop on top. I will not play one game by ‘being Ibrahimovic’ and for what I did before. If I don’t perform, if I don’t bring results, I will not play.”

                                Asked if there was another club or manager he would like to play for, the Swede said: “no.” He insisted that qualification for next season’s Champions League was not a pre-requisite for him being at Old Trafford next season.

                                “No, it’s not about that. I came here and the club wasn’t in the Champions League. So it had nothing to do with the Champions League. So somebody made up a story that if they don’t qualify for the Champions League I will not extend. It has nothing to do with that.”

                                Asked how he will decide where he is next season, he said: “Let’s see what happens. I mean the moment, how I feel, the situation. We have another two months of the season to go, because according to many I could not do what I’ve been doing.”

                                Ibrahimovic’s answers imply that he and his agent Mino Raiola do actually have a say over whether the player remains at United for the 2017/18 season under his ‘1+1’ contract (one season, with a one-season extension option). Neither United nor Raiola have ever disclosed whether this is the case. Most of the contracts United now sign with players bestow that decision upon the club alone, though Michael Owen, for example, had it written into his deal that he could decide to extend if United agree to do so, when signing in 2009. He stayed until 2013.

                                By keeping his intentions under wraps, the Swede is preserving the aura around himself but also potentially giving himself better bargaining power when he sits down with United to discuss his future. Usually, the extension option does not include potential to renegotiate salary but his own deal might allow him to do so.

                                His self-confidence was evident in his discussion of himself as “a lion” which will be remembered long after he has gone.

                                When it was put to him that he looks like a 25-year-old, he said: “I look good. I know I look good.” It was when Ander Herrera’s comments, that the striker has the physique of a 28 or 29-year-old old, was put to him that he said: “OK. I feel fresh. I feel good. I feel like an animal.”

                                He returned to this theme later, declaring: “I’m an animal. I feel like a lion. I’m from the old school where they work hard and get what they get from doing the hard work not like the new school where it is easy to get what you want.”

                                Why was he like a lion? he was asked.

                                “I am a lion. I don’t want to be a lion," he replied

                                Did he mean he had the hunger of a lion?

                                “The lion is born a lion.”

                                What does that mean?

                                “It means I’m a lion!”

                                Ibrahimovic’s prime motivation seems to be settling what he sees as a perceived wrong: the supposed declaration by football analysts that he would never flourish in England.

                                “I am still doing what I have been doing every year but some people won't accept it or admit it because I don't do it in their home ground,” he said. “I have come to their home ground and now I am doing exactly the same thing what I have been doing all the years.

                                “I was not worried about age because I know what I am able to do. It is because I am here in England. After all these years 'he didn't come and show himself here' but I came. And I came when people thought it was impossible for me to do what I am able to do. It feels good. I am enjoying it.”

