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Manchester United

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  • Ima karakter, ne odustaje nikad, mentalno je itekako na nivou Junajteda.

    Ljudi kukumacu za Snajderlinom koji je sto puta losiji bio u Junajtedu od Maruana, samo pas na dva metra od sebe i pozicioniranje ocajno, kad je na terenu bio potpuni gubitak balansa. Naprijed s loptom nikad ne ide. Kleverli je igrao rizicnije od njega.


    • Koga briga što je mentalno na nivou Junajteda kad je operisan od fudbala. I ja bih grizao i davao sve od sebe da primam platu platu kao on i da igram za Junajted. On mora nekako da nadoknadi to fudbalsko neznanje, a to radi tako što daje sve od sebe, a to sve od sebe nije dovoljno. Može on da posluži u specifičnim situacijama što kaže bici, možda nam zatreba ta njegova visina, ali ne sećam se da je bio neki poučer, kec iz rukava i da je doneo nešto, na sredini je živi antraks, kancer.

      No dobro, ugovor je produžen na godinu dana što znači da se ne računa na njega, i da su produžili ugovor samo da ne bi otišao za dž na leto i da bi se uzelo nešto.

      Niko ne žali za Šnajderlinom, Vladane. Nije se pokazao, neuspešna epizoda, putuj.


      • Mentalno jak fudbaler ne pravi onako glup penal u 90 minutu, ali dobro, daje sve od sebe uvek, nije dovoljno po meni. Ne moze da prikrije fudbalski antitalent borbenoscu.


        • Na rc, tw i rd itekako zale za Snajderlinom. Felaini je itekako bio koristan za Junajted od odlaska Mojesa i to je nepobitna cinjenica.

          Svi su od odlaska SAFa dobili ugovore plus opciju za jos godinu dana, ali svakako nijednog igraca sem teskih veterana eventualno ne treba pustiti da im istekne ugovor.



            • First partnership of its kind for the club
            • Global campaigns creating exclusive experiences for Uber riders and drivers around the world
            • Dedicated Uber zone to be created at Old Trafford

            (NYSE:MANU) Manchester United and Uber are today announcing a global partnership, the first of its kind for the football club, which will enhance fans’ matchday experience at Old Trafford and how they connect with the club on a global scale.

            As part of the partnership, a dedicated Uber pick-up and drop off zone will be set up at Old Trafford, creating a convenient and safe way for all fans to travel to and from games, with just a few taps of their smartphone. Over the next several months, Uber will also connect fans in over 30 countries around the world to United through a number of experiences, including behind-the scenes content, bringing fans together on matchdays wherever they are watching, and sending riders and drivers to the club’s famous Theatre of Dreams.

            United’s group managing director, Richard Arnold commented: “Manchester United is always looking at ways in which we can improve our fans’ experience and our relationship with Uber will allow us to do this in new and exciting ways.

            “Supporters will tell you that the journey to and from a game, whether they are watching it at Old Trafford or another venue on the other side of the world, is an important part of the matchday experience, contributing to the build-up and anticipation of the day. Working with Uber we will look to enhance this experience for our 659 million followers, both home and abroad, by bringing them the spirit of Old Trafford and Manchester United through various experiences and interactive campaigns.”

            Amy Friedlander Hoffman, head of business development - experiential marketing at Uber commented: “Uber makes it easier for people around the world to connect to what they care about and now we’re excited to give that connection to Manchester United fans.

            “We’re thrilled to be partnering with Manchester United to not only make match day transportation more seamless, but to deliver fans incredible experiences throughout the season, no matter where they are ."


            • Ovu njegovu sezonu pamtim, ovog Felainija pamtim. Uzivajte

              Uporedite ove igre sa trenutnim, van forme je, debelo. Krivo mi je sto vlada misljenje da on nista ne ume, pa se zbog toga sa radoscu ceka svaki njegov los potez da bi se pljuvalo po njemu. Naravno da mi ne bi bilo svejedno da on igra startnu jer ima igraca koji mogu da nam daju neke druge kvalitete koji su generalno bitniji i bolji na duze staze. Medjutim, vi kao da namerno ignorisete jednu cinjenicu. Dubina tima osvaja titule. Felaini je zato tu. Da stvori dubinu, bice rotacioni igrac. Samo sto dubina tima nije ono kada imas dva igraca na svakoj poziciji gde je jedan kvalitetniji a drugi moze ovog kvalitetnijeg da zameni pribliznim kvalitetom u istoj roli. Dubina tima je kada imas dva-tri igraca na istoj poziciji koji mogu da igraju razlicite uloge i da donesu razlicite stvari na terenu. San svakog trenera.

              Felaini je zahvalan igrac, nece mu smetati da igra prilicno mali broj utakmica. Murinjo ce birati utakmice za njega, igrace u utakmicama u kojima ce njegovi kvaliteti doci do izrazaja, u utakmicama u kojima bi njegova snaga, njegov prijem grudima i spustanje lopte kod 16, igra glavom i ostali kvaliteti mogli da stvore mnogo vece probleme nego li oni kvaliteti koje poseduje Erera, koje je posedovao Snajderlin, Svajnstajger... Od 38 utakmica u sezoni, u 30 ce uz Kerika i Pogbu Erera biti taj koji moze vise da pruzi od Felainija. Ali u ovih 8 ce Felaini biti bolja opcija jer ce stvarati veci problem protivniku. Murinju treba fleksibilnost, uvek ce se jako ozbiljno prilagoditi protivniku.

              Da ispisem sad zakljucak. Uvek, ali uvek, ce biti bolje imati Matuidija, Felainija, Modrica i Hamsika koji se bore za dve pozicije, nego imati Modrica, Iniestu, Fabregasa i Veratija koji se bore za iste te dve pozicije(uvek, osim kod Gvardiole). Uvek, ali uvek, ce biti bolje imati Zirua i Vardija koji se bore za devetku, nego imati Cicarita i Vardija. Toliko od mene na ovu temu koja se proteze mesecima.
              Last edited by bici; 12-01-17, 12:43.
              Originally posted by Dekinjo
              Šta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3
              Originally posted by La Jugoslavia
              Crvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.


              • Comment

                • Odlican tekst pred derbi!



                  • Biće baš zeznuto u nedelju. Liverpul je imao par loših rezultata ali derbi je derbi, znali su završavati na sedmom mjestu ali protiv nas su uvijek maksimum pružali. Sad su puno ozbiljnija ekipa nego tad, sa napokon odličnim trenerom. U nedelju im se vraćaju Matip, Henderson i Kutinjo. Sa ta 3 igrača oni su druga priča. Nedostajaće im Mane, to je veliki plus.

                    I da, mora da se podigne kvalitet igre protiv Liverpula. Zadnjih par mečeva, prije svega Vest Hem i Hal, ispod nivoa. Reding dosta dobro, doduše. Kao što je Murinjo rekao, moraće protiv Liverpula biti bolji, i on i igrači i navijači. Očekujem: De Hea,Valensija,Džons,Roho/,Blind,Kerik,Erera,Pogba,Miki,Marsijal,Ibra. Jedino nije sigurno ko igra štopera, lijevog beka i da li Marsijal ili Mata.


                    • Whenever I’m asked if I’m sorry for celebrating in front of the Liverpool fans back in 2006, my answer is the same every time: Of course not.
                      Originally posted by Vladan
                      SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


                      • sigpic


                        • Buhafsi kaze Lion je poslao ponudu za Memfisa. Moze, idi kod Fekira i Lakazeta.


                          • Izglasan gol meseca:

                            1. Mikitarjan vs Sanderlend
                            2. Mikitarjan vs Zorja
                            3. Mikitarjan vs Totenhem
                            Originally posted by Dekinjo
                            Šta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3
                            Originally posted by La Jugoslavia
                            Crvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.


                            • Na pricu najsebicnija fudbalska zvijezda, na terenu najnesebicnija

                              IBRAHIMOVIC: I AM ZLATAN THE CONQUEROR
                              Summer signing Zlatan Ibrahimovic feels he has already conquered English football with Manchester United - and it only took him "three months".

                              The Swedish marksman missed the EFL Cup win over Hull City due to illness after sitting on the bench throughout the FA Cup triumph against Reading. But Jose Mourinho expects to have him back leading the line for Sunday's mouthwatering showdown with rivals Liverpool.

                              Ibrahimovic, United's top scorer this season, is only one behind Chelsea's Diego Costa in the race for the Premier League Golden Boot but insists it is not in his thinking as he is pursuing team glory. That said, he believes he has achieved his individual targets already by proving his class in the Premier League.

                              "No, I’m not chasing anybody," he said, when asked by about the prospect of chasing down Costa. "I’m chasing the head trophy – the Premier League. That is my aim. The individual things come as part of the main objective because that is like a bonus for every individual player.

                              "If the collective does well, then the individuals will do well. I try to help the team and try to do what I’m best at – scoring goals, playing good and creating chances for my team-mates. As long as I can do that, I know I will help my team. The same thing with them, they help me the way they can for the team. I have no individual targets because that I did already, after three months in England. After I conquered England – it took three months."

                              The striker feels United cannot be discounted from the title race as the crunch encounter with the Merseysiders approaches. Victory would leave the Reds only two points behind Jurgen Klopp's side and the Swede has been consistent in his view that things would click eventually into gear.

                              "We had our dips, our ups and downs when we were winning, losing, winning and losing," he explained. "Lately, we have been winning, where we have been more stabilised as a team. The coach has found his base, which is not easy when you’re a new coach coming to a new team and want to put in your philosophy, your game and the way you want it to be.

                              "I said from the beginning – slowly, slowly, we will get better and everything was about the click. We needed to click as a team. Now you the see the identity of the team. We are finding each other but I think we can do much more and be much better. And we will do it – we are working hard for it.

                              "The last one and a half months have shown the right way, the gap [at the top] has been bigger but now it’s better. So we are closer to that now. We wait for the other teams to have their dips, to make their mistakes, and we will be there. We will give them hard work until then because I think the second half of the season is the decisive one and that will decide. Whatever you want, wherever you will come, let’s see what we want. I know what we want. We want to show it."


                              • Lyon coach Bruno Genesio confirms the club are trying to sign @ManUtd's Memphis Depay - he says it is a 'priority' for this window #MUFC
                                Prva ponuda odbijena. Napokon nema rasprodaje, nego ce da plate zainteresovani za igraca kojeg zele.

