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Manchester United

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  • Prosao je taj voz, bio je bas blizu kad je Mojzi dosao, prije toga realno nije, ali tada je bio bas blizu i tada nam je trebao, sad i ne bas. Robena treba uzeti, 20-25 utakmica izvuci iz njega i dovoljno.


    • Inace prica se da su odrzani odredjeni razgovori sa Grizmanom ove nedelje i da ce mu biti ponudjeno 220 000 funti nedeljno, toliko prima i Pogba. Sto se tice Atletika morala bi da se plati klauzula, koja je 86 miliona funti.


      • Ja sam za Grizmana apsolutno ali ono što me nervira je što bi prešli na 4-2-3-1 formaciju.

        Mourinho wants Patrice Evra to return to #mufc [di marzio]
        Last edited by BorisUnited99; 06-01-17, 00:43.


        • Nejasno mi je ovo oko Evre, imao je katastrofalnu sezonu kod Mojzija, jednostavno to nije to bilo vise, posle je u Juventusu imao i dobrih i losih partija, ali sad je bas defanzivno u problemu. Ima logike samo ako ce da poradi sa Souom i da bude teska rotacija, no kad zavrsi karijeru svakako mora da bude u klubu, pa kao trener ili ambasador to je vec na njemu i klubu. Legenda je Mancester Junajteda i sjajan lik. Dobar za svlacionicu svakako, rodjeni sampion.


          • sigpic

            Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
            But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


            • Nema smisla vracati Evru, moze kao i Vidic vratiti se u klub poslije zavrsetka karijere.
              Grizman bi cuda radio sa Ibrom, koja god formacija bila.
              Kada se Runi oporavlja i vraca?
              Gdje Nato kaze, pa bilo kroz zid, ili u vatru, ili u vulkan, tu Mandusic ide bez pogovora!!!


              • Vratio se tajo. Trenira.
                Originally posted by Vladan
                SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


                • Kazu da Snajderlin odradjuje preglede u Evertonu.


                  • Ako ode i Fela eto Lasa
                    Originally posted by Vladan
                    SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


                    • Comment

                      • Ma on sigurno ide, Zoze je to na neki nacin i potvrdio, sad ce mu pres, ocekujem da kaze da ce biti prodat narednih dana. Samo da se vrate pare, veliko razocarenje bas.

                        Martijal je stvarno idiot ako slusa agenta
                        Anthony Martial is unhappy at Manchester United – L’Équipe
                        Manchester United attacker Anthony Martial is unhappy with his current situation at the Red Devils, according to L’Équipe.

                        The player, who did not feature in Manchester United’s victory over West Ham United, wants to receive more playing time and there is a feeling that the enormous fee that the Red Devils paid for him is not being reflected in his current importance to Mourinho’s outfit.

                        Martial is one of the most highly sought after attackers on the European market today. Sevilla and West Ham United have had loan approaches rejected by Manchester United, with Mourinho keen to keep the French international on for the rest of the season in his current bit-part role.



                        • Only one player missing for United
                          And that’s Bailly.
                          Jose Mourinho tells #MUTVHD Eric Bailly is the only player unavailable for Saturday, due to international duty. There are no injuries. #MUFC
                          Mourinho: "Some players, they need a little rest. Many players, they need to play. Many players deserve to play. I trust them all." #mufc
                          Ovo sam bas htio da kazem, mnogo bolja situacija nego kod Van Gala sa povredama. Vjerovatno je i do nacina rada.

                          How Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho has improved injury record

                          Mourinho: "There are zero injuries. Zero injuries! We have 27 players and zero injuries." #MUFC
                          Mourinho on squad rotation
                          “There are zero injuries,” Mourinho told MUTV. “Zero injuries! We have 27 players and zero injuries.

                          “During the season, we have never had big, big problems with that. We had the normal amount of injuries that happen all the time but, in this moment, we have zero. We have every player available apart from Bailly, who is in the African cup.

                          “Yes, we have to rest players. Some players, they need a little rest. Many players, they need to play. Many players deserve to play. I trust them all. I know that, if I change three or four players in the team, some people will say there is a risk. Some people will say we do that because it is a Championship team but Reading is better than some Premier League teams.

                          “The risk is only if we face the game with the wrong attitude, with the wrong frame of mind. If the players go into the game feeling the responsibility and the desire that they are showing match after match, then we have a good chance to win, even if we give some players a rest and some others a chance.”
                          The manager reveals to #MUTVHD that both Sergio Romero and Wayne Rooney will start for #MUFC against Reading.
                          Ajde da Runi obori rekord sjutra taman

                          Jose on Schneiderlin + Memphis. "Will allow them to leave for right offer. At moment, no. Normally they wud b selected tomorrow but aren't."
                          Snajderlin i Memfis su bivsi cim nece biti u sastavu ni sjutra.


                          • Runi Rasko Lingard, svi startuju verovatno. Ibra odmara.
                            Pogba i on treba da odmori, ali cisto sumnjam.

                            Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk


                            • Originally posted by Vladan View Post
                              Ovo sam bas htio da kazem, mnogo bolja situacija nego kod Van Gala sa povredama. Vjerovatno je i do nacina rada.
                              Mislis? Ma neeeeee
                              Originally posted by Dekinjo
                              Šta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3
                              Originally posted by La Jugoslavia
                              Crvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.


                              • Ukoliko ne dođe mladi štoper Benfike, što je već mala verovatnoća, Žoze ima spremljen plan B. A to je Grk Manolas iz Rome.

