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  • Ne moze Miki u istoj recenici sa Veronom, i u onakavoj formi je bio dobar kad je igrao, ne najbolji sto moze biti, ali pak dobar. Istina nije mu lezao sistem niti PL, ali strasan igrac. Armenijac ni sam ne zna sto je dosao u Manchester.


    • Ja zelim da verujem da su ljudi iz Mancestera zeleli Mikija iskljucivo zbog njegovih igrackih kvaliteta.
      Ali uzimajuci u obzir njihovu transfer politiku i sve sto se desavalo u poslednje vreme - dolazim do totalno suprotnog zakljucka.
      Jel bas zinulo dupe da se pukne lova za igraca, koga si mogao da dovedes sledece sezone za dz? Kada uzmemo u obzir ko mu je menadzer, sumnja moze da bude samo jos jaca.

      A Huan Sebastian Veron je u vreme kada je dosao u Mancester vazio za jednog od najboljih veznjaka sveta. Sta je kasnije uradio je iz te perspektive nebitno, jer cenu njegovog dolaska u klub ne odredjuju partije koje ce u buducnosti pruzati u tom klubu, tj njegova igra u buducnosti. Vec njegove partije - igra koje je pruzao pre nego sto je dosao u Junajted (u ovom slucaju). Sa te tacke gledista i Mikijeva cena nije nerealna, ali u odnosu na Verona je i dalje mali.

      Always somewhere Miss you where I've been I'll be back to love you again

      U crnim rupama možeš ludo da se zezaš. Da lebdiš iznad zemlje. Da slušaš rock ´n´ roll.Dozivaš kišu.
      Ili da mazneš neku lepu ribu. Samo je bezveze kada se probudiš….


      • Ne bih ja vjerovao da je doveden zbog Pogbe da mu nije masni agent, posto jeste sve je moguce.

        Mikitarjan je svakako bolji igrac od Lingarda, a Lingard evo igra ne patise. Protiv Sitija je vracen na brzinu i bio je ocajan, nije ispunjavao zadatke i moguce da ga Zoze na ovaj nacin kaznjava, ali je klub trazio od Jermenije da ga ne zove i nisu ga zvali u reprezentaciju, bice da ima neki problem. Neki dan uopste nije izgledao nezadovoljno ili nesrecno, tezak je ovaj period, ali je Zoze sam rekao da je spreman i sad ga nema u protokolu. Cudno, bas cudno.

        Nema ni trunke dileme da je on za prvi tim inace.


        • Mislio sam na flopovanje a ne poredjenje Mikija i Verona. Veron je tada placen preko 40 miliona a u tadasnjim parama to je mnogo veca suma nego danas. Ono sto se ocekivalo od Verona i sta je pruzao u dresu Mancestera njega svrstava u top najgorih transfera u istoriji kluba. Ne znam sta su svi zapeli da sude o igracu nakon par tekmi i jos covek bio povredjen.


          • Odakle to 40 miliona inace, Jermen je placen 27 miliona funti i bukvalno je haos pravio Rajola Dortmundu kako zeli u Mancester


            • Originally posted by mikisavic89 View Post
              Mislio sam na flopovanje a ne poredjenje Mikija i Verona. Veron je tada placen preko 40 miliona a u tadasnjim parama to je mnogo veca suma nego danas. Ono sto se ocekivalo od Verona i sta je pruzao u dresu Mancestera njega svrstava u top najgorih transfera u istoriji kluba. Ne znam sta su svi zapeli da sude o igracu nakon par tekmi i jos covek bio povredjen.
              Ja ga prvi ne napadam, cak ga i gotivim, i opasno mi je zanimljiv igrac.
              Naravno da se slazem da je mnogo rano da se ospe paljba po njemu.
              Ono od malopre uopste nije bio napad (barem sa moje strane za bici-ja ne znam) vec samo komentarisanje razloga zbog kojih je doveden (po meni).

              A to za 40 milki Vlajko - pitaj bici-ja. On je izneo tu cifru.

              Always somewhere Miss you where I've been I'll be back to love you again

              U crnim rupama možeš ludo da se zezaš. Da lebdiš iznad zemlje. Da slušaš rock ´n´ roll.Dozivaš kišu.
              Ili da mazneš neku lepu ribu. Samo je bezveze kada se probudiš….


              • Neki hoce da predstave kao da je Miki trebao da se dovede dzabe a ne da je placena realna cifra za njega. To sto je bio u poslednjoj godini ugovora nista ne znaci kao sto smo videli na primeru DDG ovde. Nema nikakve sile da je doveden samo zbog Pogbe i ulizivanja Rajoli.


                • Cifra je svakako realna. Da nije u poslednjoj godini ugovora, moglo je i vise da bude.
                  Ali je doveden ne zbog ulizivanja Rajoli, vec zbog njegove ucene.
                  Tipa: "Ako ne kupita Miktarijana necete dobiti Pogbu."
                  A naravno da je moglo da se saceka i da se sledece sezone dovede za dz (finansijki bolja opcija), dok je ovo ipak sigurnija opcija, jer niko ne zna sta ce biti sutra, a kamoli za godinu dana.

                  Always somewhere Miss you where I've been I'll be back to love you again

                  U crnim rupama možeš ludo da se zezaš. Da lebdiš iznad zemlje. Da slušaš rock ´n´ roll.Dozivaš kišu.
                  Ili da mazneš neku lepu ribu. Samo je bezveze kada se probudiš….


                  • Ma Mancesteru je trebao ofanzivac, ne klasicni napadac, tu se znalo da Murinjo ide po Ibru, nego prije svega krilo, a sa Mikijem je nekako doveden igrac koji moze maltene sve da igra iza napadaca, pa i samog drugog napadaca. On je zvanicno proglasen od strane igraca za najboljeg igraca Bundeslige, Borusija nikako nije zeljela da ga se odrekne, ali eto poslednja godina ugovora i nevjerovatan pritisak koji je Rajola izvrsio da predje u Mancester. Njegova cijena je s obzirom na kvalitet morala biti veca, ali i ovo je ok za igraca u poslednjoj godini ugovora. Mancesteru pare nisu problem, po meni je uvijek bolje dovesti igraca odma ukoliko treba treneru. Ali sad je problem sto svi na njegovoj poziciji dobijaju sansu, samo on ne. Ako i za mjesec dana situacija bude ovakva bice zabrinjavajuce, sad jos nije, samo je malo cudno.


                    • Andreas Pereira: Manchester United can't take Wayne Rooney away... he'll stay until he dies

                      Andreas Pereira is currently on loan at La Liga club Granada
                      The 20-year-old Brazilian wants to return to Manchester United next year
                      Pereira lives in a bungalow cut into the hillside south of Granada
                      He will come up against Barcelona in a league fixture next Saturday

                      Louis van Gaal never confronted Andreas Pereira about suggestions he had duelled with Adnan Januzaj to score directly from a corner during a Manchester United reserve game.

                      Pereira denies it happened, but there is a glint in the youngster's eye when he talks about it being a legitimate trick to try to score a goal.

                      'Of course, if the goalkeeper is not concentrating and you spot that, you're entitled to have a go,' he says. 'I did score from a corner. Ask [team-mate] James Weir if I meant to. He says that I'd told him before the game I could do it.'

                      Pereira, currently on loan from United to La Liga side Granada whose next game is against Barcelona next Saturday, retains a free spirit.

                      Born in Belgium and made in Manchester, his Brazilian roots run deep. Father Marcos grew up in the same southern city Londrina as Manchester City's Fernandinho and was a professional in Europe with Antwerp and Mechelen.

                      His son was brought up to idolise World Cup winner Romario and has even named his dog Zico after the Eighties legend.

                      'It was a bit of pressure growing up in Belgium with everyone saying 'He's Brazilian, so he must be good at football,' said Pereira with a smile.

                      'But I enjoyed it as well. I like to do tricks, play Brazilian-style football. I think it suits me.'

                      He joined United on his 16th birthday after impressing in a youth tournament for PSV Eindhoven. 'Sir Alex Ferguson told me United was a family club and he had a space for one more Brazilian!' he said.

                      Yet this summer, after a dozen first-team games under Louis van Gaal, he made the big decision to take a sabbatical abroad after a frank discussion with the club's new incoming manager, Jose Mourinho.

                      'I wanted to play more games under Van Gaal and thought I could have played more but it's not the way it happened,' said Pereira.

                      'When I spoke to Mourinho in his office at the training ground, he said he really liked me and the way I play, and he wanted to give me a chance to go on loan. He said it was important to get experience and prove myself and that he definitely wanted me to come back after a season.

                      'He was very honest with me, which I really liked. I think it's why he is a very successful coach.

                      'I only worked with him a short amount of time and played a pre-season friendly at Wigan but I liked the way he works for the team and speaks to people. He knows what he wants and what his players are capable of.'

                      There were no shortage of offers for the Brazil under-20 midfielder but he opted for Spain because 'I wanted to develop my football. Things I am good at already, to get even better.'

                      Home today is a lovely bungalow cut into the hillside a few miles south of Granada, a historic Andalucian town close to the Sierra Nevada mountains. It has a swimming pool, naturally, and an area for basketball.

                      To add to the normality, his Brazilian girlfriend has moved in and his parents are 20 minutes away by car. He watches all of United's games on television and stays in regular touch with his team-mates from England, often competing on PlayStation.

                      'Life is a lot different here. If you walk into town in England, people see you as a kind of hero if you play for Manchester United, not a normal person. It's more relaxed here, the people are calm,' he said.

                      'If I went shopping in the Trafford Centre, you could feel people looking at you. If one asks for a picture, they would all come.

                      'It's natural because you are part of the biggest club in the world. Here in Granada, you go for dinner, they don't care if you are a footballer or not. You're free in that way.'

                      On the pitch, the gulf between the big teams and the rest in La Liga hasn't made things easy.

                      Individually, Pereira has done well and been a regular assist-maker, but Granada have already had three managers this season and lost their last away game 7-1 to Atletico Madrid.

                      'You can tell the Premier League is stronger in terms of being played faster and being more physical. In Spain, it is a bit more technical and more tactical,' said Pereira.

                      'For me, the Premier League is still the best because every game is tough. United can go away to Crystal Palace and have a difficult time. Here nobody is surprised if Barcelona or Real Madrid score six, seven or eight goals.

                      'It is very difficult for us against the really top sides. You just defend all the time, wait for one opportunity to counter and after 90 minutes it still hasn't come.

                      'We have a young team, a lot of new signings. When you get a new manager, everything changes and you are in between styles. Hopefully the new coach [Lucas Alcaraz] will be here for some time.

                      Pereira is due to stay at Granada for the season though there is an option to move to another club in Spain or England in January if all parties agree.

                      He thinks the experience of La Liga would help a lot of Premier League stars. 'Particularly defensive players who want to learn something about playing more football. Here they try to play any time, any way,' he said.

                      Might it be good for Wayne Rooney at some point? 'No, not for Rooney. He is the club's icon. You can't take him away from Manchester United,' he said. 'It will not be the same Manchester United without Wayne Rooney. He has to stay there until he dies.'

                      Rooney has clearly been an important mentor for Pereira. The day before he scored his only senior United goal against Ipswich in the League Cup, he had practised free-kicks with Rooney, who showed him how to swing through the ball properly.

                      The younger player executed the technique perfectly at Old Trafford, 'Rooney came up to me afterwards and said it was his assist,' said Pereira. 'I have to thank Juan Mata as well. He wanted to take the free-kick, I said, 'Juan, you play every game for United, please let me have this one.' And he did.'

                      With temperatures still comfortably topping 20 degrees and Pereira's home in an area of total peace and tranquility, Manchester seems a million miles away.

                      But once a United player, still a United player. 'They ask me all kinds of stuff about United in the Granada dressing room,' he says.

                      'When you're there at United, you don't realise how big the club is because your life becomes normal life. Now I am here, I realise. You can see in people's eyes when they talk about United, it is special.'

                      He reveals the most frequent question asked is which United player is best in training.

                      'I tell them there are a few, but when I was there, Wazza [Rooney] and Marcus [Rashford] were doing very well. Marcus was very sharp but Rooney has been up there. He is very sharp in training.'

                      Ironically, Pereira's last United game was Rashford's first, when he scored twice in the Europa League against FC Midtjylland in February.

                      'Everyone at the academy and Carrington knew how good Marcus was. We were expecting great things of him even though you couldn't have predicted exactly what he's done,' said Pereira.

                      'He has stayed very calm. He doesn't chase attention like some players do. I think it fits in with how United are. I knew Pogba as a kid before he went to Juventus. He hasn't changed, still humble, a nice guy.

                      'United changed in some ways after Ferguson left. Every manager has his own philosophy and style. But in other ways, the club hasn't changed. You can tell a United player like you can tell a Chelsea or Arsenal player. It is in the blood, a mixture of very hard work and very skilful players. A United player knows where they have come front. That is still the same today.'

                      Pereira hasn't taken his career break in Spain as a sign that his time at United is definitely up. 'I love the club so why can't I go back and play with Marcus and the other guys? It's my big ambition to get as much experience as I can and try to go back next year and be a regular first-team player.

                      'Mourinho will be honest with me. If he says I can't do it, I will try do my best somewhere else and maybe come back another time like Pogba. But the club are keeping in touch, I got a message last week from Luis Faria [Mourinho's assistant]. It shows I am not forgotten.'

                      Next up is Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez and Pereira's compatriot Neymar. 'You have to try and enjoy it, playing in a big stadium against great players, even if I am not going to have a lot of the ball. I won't be scared,' he said.

                      After all, despite Barca's aura, Pereira sincerely believes he is already signed up to the biggest club in the world — Manchester United.
                      I dok Pereira blista u Granadi, Vilson je gotov, pokidao ukrstene ligamente koljena


                      • Znam da je cifra oko 27M funti, al ne secam se dal je pre ili posle bregzita doveden. Ako je pre, onda 30M evra, ako je posle, onda skoro 40. Mozda ste me pogresno shvatili, ja Mikija obozavam, i zato sam jako razocaran sto ne igra, ne mogu da docekam da pocne. 30-40-50 miliona za igraca njegovih kvaliteta nije mnogo, ali obzirom da je bio u poslednjoj godini ugovora i da nije zeleo da potpise novi, cena je po meni itekako prepumpana. Najbolji primer je Kagava, dosao je u Junajted kao jedan od najboljih igraca Dortmunda, a cena je bila nekih 15 miliona evra, upravo zato sto je bio u poslednjoj godini ugovora.


                        Last edited by bici; 23-10-16, 10:43.
                        Originally posted by Dekinjo
                        Šta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3
                        Originally posted by La Jugoslavia
                        Crvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.


                        • Ako Miki ne dobije bar 20 minuta protiv Sitija u srijedu onda ću se zabrinuti.


                          • Originally posted by Vladan View Post
                            I dok Pereira blista u Granadi, Vilson je gotov, pokidao ukrstene ligamente koljena
                            Ma on je sa Junajtedom zavrsio od Mitjilinda na Trafordu, tj cim je Ras stupio na scenu.

                            Savrsen primer koliko je ustvari rezervni fudbal smesan, on je tamo bio dominator zbog brzine a realno jos nije ni za startera u Cempionsipu.


                            • CvdSZ2HWYAEpNQe.jpg
                              Originally posted by Dekinjo
                              Šta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3
                              Originally posted by La Jugoslavia
                              Crvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.


                              • Ni na klupi!?

                                Originally posted by Vladan
                                SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.

