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Manchester United

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  • Nadam se da nece docekati novu godinu u klubu, posto ovo prestaje biti smesno i postaje biti zalosno.


    • Van Gaal: Journalists must apologise to me
      Has anybody in this room not a feeling to apologise to me? That’s what I’m wondering.

      I think I was already sacked, I read. I have been sacked. My colleague (Mourinho) was here already. What do you think happens with my wife or my kids? Or with my grandchildren?

      Or with the fans of Manchester United? Or my friends? What do you think? They have called me a lot of times and also Arsene Wenger is saying something about that. So you think that I want to talk with the media now. I am here only because of the Premier League rules.

      I have to talk with you. But I can only see when I say something that you use my words in your context. And I want to say only I have tried to lift the confidence of my players. I have done everything this week.

      Van Gaal: I have had a meeting with my players
      I held meetings with the players with my members of staff, I hold a Christmas lunch, I did a speech and I feel the warmth and support of everybody in Carrington, this AON Training Complex.

      But I didn’t feel that in the media and of course I can imagine that you can write about that subject. We are not in a good position but four weeks ago we were first in the Premier League and in four weeks’ time we can be back in that position again.

      Van Gaal has spoken to Ferguson, Gill and Woodward
      No I don’t think that you can do that because you have to stick by the facts and when I get calls off Alex Ferguson and David Gill and Ed Woodward because you are creating something that is not good, what is not being the facts, now I have to answer questions. I don’t think I want to do it.

      I only say now I am focused on Stoke City, I help my players. I wish you a Merry Christmas and also maybe a Happy New Year when I see you.

      Enjoy the wine and a mince pie. [walks out)
      Ovo je nista sta ce biti na presu ako dodje Murinjo, a i prebrzo ste zaboravili SAFa i sta je sve radio


      • Sad isao na SK, MUTV i golovi Solskjera...kakav je to fudbal bio napsram ovog... Uzivanje!


        • Miki, u kojem si ti svetu da želiš da LVG ostane, pa čovek je pukao


          • Ako ostane kojim slucajem do kraja sezone mi necemo biti ni blizu top 4, garantujem.


            • Nekad mi dodje da pitam Mikija jel mu LvG neki blizi rod, ovo mi ja najjace nesto kako on brani njega uporno


              • Like Mourinho was doomed after his comments at Leicester, hard to see any way back for Van Gaal. Man United a team in disarray
                Though Woodward will be pleased because Van Gaal did refer today to the training ground as the "AON training complex"
                Van Gaal to media: "You are creating something that is not good".

                Man United fans might say what's not good is the team's football
                Je li ovo tacka bez povratka vidjecemo.


                • Ja sam na kraju i za Gigsa, samo da ne gledam vise ovo mucenje od igre.
                  Ali se pritajeno nadam da ce LVG da se dozove pameti i promeni stil igre.


                  • Ostani Van Gale. Digni se kao Betmen.. Uzmi ligu forumu u inat.
                    Originally posted by Vladan
                    SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


                    • Ha, sad su navijaci na Van Galovoj strani, ne ponasaju se mediji fer prema njemu, vide strast, zelju kod njega, imace punu podrsku za Stouk sve su prilike.


                      • sigpic


                        • Originally posted by Ser Gagi View Post
                          Nekad mi dodje da pitam Mikija jel mu LvG neki blizi rod, ovo mi ja najjace nesto kako on brani njega uporno
                          Miki gleda situaciju realno. Ti se npr zamlacujes time da mozes sutra dovesti Murinja i resiti problem. Jasno je meni da bacas hejt na Gala poodavno ali da ovako prebacujes kao on meni caca pa ga eto 'branim' jer eto nemam nista protiv coveka vec navijam da tim pobedjuje i uzima trofeje mi je smesno...


                          • Originally posted by mikisavic89 View Post
                            Miki gleda situaciju realno. Ti se npr zamlacujes time da mozes sutra dovesti Murinja i resiti problem. Jasno je meni da bacas hejt na Gala poodavno ali da ovako prebacujes kao on meni caca pa ga eto 'branim' jer eto nemam nista protiv coveka vec navijam da tim pobedjuje i uzima trofeje mi je smesno...
                            Bacam hejt koji se na kraju ispravio kao tacan, puko je na 50 delova nas LvG. Ne zna sta radi, jos od Nemacke i ispadanje iz LSa... eto nije mogao u LS, ajmo sada bajke osvojit ce PL, mozda neki put ....

                            I da, ja navijam za Mancester Junajted, a ne za Van Gala.

                            EDIT: Ja bih rado da LvG okrene sezonu, ali mislim da za to sanse nisu vece od 15%.
                            Last edited by Ser Gagi; 23-12-15, 17:27.


                            • Dead man walking

                              Onaj govor tijela posle Norica i ova sad konferencija govore da visi o koncu, mozda je i svjestan da je kraj. Steta, nisam zelio da ovako ode u penziju. Ali sport je cudo, fudbal je cudo, mozda jos nije prekasno za njega.

                              Mada ja volim ovaj zar, inat, aroganciju, ovu drskost, bezobrazluk, to ima Murinjo, imao je SAF, nadam se da ce se na terenu nesto promijeniti.


                              • Na danasnji dan pre 9 godina.

                                Da je sad kod Van Gala, vratio bi loptu unazad

