Stize Murinjo da pljune Celzi nazad u facu. Bas me interesuje sta ce na presicama pricat o njima
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Manchester United
Originally posted by Erik Dekard View PostKoga ocekujes jos da proda?
Originally posted by maliajnstajn View PostStize Murinjo da pljune Celzi nazad u facu. Bas me interesuje sta ce na presicama pricat o njima
Što se tiče Oca i igrača,bilo bi zanimljivo šta bi radio sa Depajem,gledam ga protiv Noriča,ovi izvode aut(situacije koja prethodi golu,obratite pažnju) a lik totalno nonšalantno okreće ledja,nikakv otpor,da je to pod Ocem bilo,polomio bi mu noge posle.
Čak i Azar koji je kod nas bio jedini igrač koji je uživao neku slobodu i on je morao da igra odbranu.
Depaj ako ne promeni stav i pristup,biće igrač lo stajl Ronaldo,ako ima brojke,imaš koristi od njega u suprotnom ,drž se,ne daj se."When people get hurt, they learn to hate… when people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow… and how you grow is up to you"
LvG (Norwich defeat): “Yes. Ed was very fast out of the dressing room. But I feel that support yes."
"Last year we had 13 points in the Premier League (at the start of his reign) and then they believe in me."
"The most important support is from the players, it is always like that because the players have to do it on the pitch."
"Now we are in a bad period, we have lost three matches in a row and then their belief has been tested."
"Manchester united have to play in the top of the league and that should be the most important thing.”Bastian: "I'm not impressed by criticism on me over the media. I'm performing at a level comparable to that during the World Cup in 2014."
"I'm not competing with Usain Bolt. Being slow or being quick on the pitch has not solely something to do with making sprints."
"It's also about being quick in your head. That's something where I am fully up to it. Physically, I am not the slowest either."
"The media make it all bigger, it was a good year for me, but not a perfect year. My performances in Manchester were really okay."Phil Jones: "We’ve played good football in patches this season but we need to stick together, there’s nothing else we can do."
“We can’t come out and say we’ve played well in parts because ultimately we’ve lost the game. We’re upset and the fans are upset."
"We might be playing well in patches and not scoring or whatever it is, but we need to take responsibility for results."
“The players aren’t hiding behind anyone. The manager is doing all he can and is doing a terrific job. It’s not even questionable."sigpic
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.
Ne volim ESPN ali se nadam
Krafton kaze napokon se odbor opametio.sigpic
Mene iskreno nervira ova prica oko davanja sanse protiv Stouka i Celzija, on je svoje sanse ispucao i treba mu dati otkaz odmah. Sad mu jos treba obezbediti 100 miliona u Januaru da kupuje igrace za koje je pitanje da li ce biti odgovarajuci za sistem kakav ce preferirati iduci menadzer.sigpic
I Mojes je prezivio Olimpijakos, bice da je to gotovo, meni je krivo sto sa Van Galom nije uspjelo, ja bih mu i dao sansu do kraja sezone ali sad i ja mislim da on ne moze bolje od cetvrtog mjesta, a u ovom trenutku je i ono upitno.
Sto se dovodjenja igraca tice ja sam tu vise nego zadovoljan i malo bi ko odradio taj posao kao Van Gal sto se mene tice. I ne samo dovodjenja igraca, nego i odstranjivanje korova. Taj posao nije lak, a on je tu bio bas brutalan.
Ako Gigs bude interim do kraja sezone, znaci da se ide po jakog trenera na ljeto, Gigs ce svakako biti privremeni, da li jednu ili 21 utakmicu to cemo da vidimo. Jer Murinjo i ako ga odma zavrse ne moze biti tu za Stouk, a debi bi mu bio, gle cuda, bas za Celsi.
Njujorska berza se otvara u 15:30, nista se nece znati do tada. Ali ima i logike da se saceka do polovine januara za postavljanja Murinja npr. Em je tek dobio otkaz, em je sad ludnica 10ak dana, sta moze da uradi za taj period pitanje je.sigpic
A na današnji dan 2008. postali prvi brtanski klub sa osvojenim Svetskim Kupom u Japanu pobedivši tadašnjeg osvajača CL ekvadorski LDU Quito
(Liga Deportiva Universitaria de Quito) sa 1:0, golom Runija.
Sve ovo počelo da me podseća na FKCZ .. slavni dani prošlosti... samo što ovde srećom može da se stane na noge i nastavi napred i to vrlo brzo.Last edited by miloolja; 21-12-15, 15:47.sigpic
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.
Da gledam ovo šeruje se ceo dan.. a Čelzi 6-tisigpic
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.
Ozil izdao Vengera
Mada i on zna ko ga trenira pa ne iznenadjuje izjava.sigpic
Jest trenira ga covjek kod kojeg ima potpunu slobodu i igra najbolje nego ikad u karijeri. Pjeske covjek sa drvetom u napadu i covjekom koji veze nema sa utrcavanjem u prostor ima po 4.3 kreirane sanse po utakmici.
U Realu je imao manje, samo da se napomene.sigpic
U Realu je imao uspjehe, odnosno trofeje, u Arsenalu toga nema. Dodje li Murinjo eto Mesuta u Mancesteru
Murinjo ima ogromni respekt za Van Gala i nece ulaziti u pregovoroe dok je Luj na celu kluba iako ovi novinari bliski njemu i Mendesu kazu da mu je prioritet da ostane u Engleskoj, porodica mu se smjestila tu.sigpic