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Manchester United

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  • Kako stvari stoje jedini smo u trci za Pogbu, i sve ce odluciti to da li Pogba zeli da dodje u Junajted ili ne. To je po meni jako dobro posto ako ne zeli kod nas onda ce ostati jos jednu sezonu u Juventusu i cekati iduce leto da dobije ponudu Reala/Barse, u suprotnom ce postati nas novi igrac. Mi cemo odraditi ono sto je do nas ostalo je iskljucivo na Pogbi. Spominje se ponedeljak kao kljucni dan, ali to mi je nekako prerano, u svakom slucaju znace se sve jako brzo.


    • Marka
      Mourinho ‘willing to do anything’ to sign Man United target, asks club’s owners to help

      Spanish newspaper Marca have their own take on Paul Pogba to Manchester United. In their Friday newspaper, Marca explain just how keen Jose Mourinho is to sign the midfielder.

      He’s labelled ‘obsessed’, and ‘willing to do anything’ to secure a deal. Mourinho is also said to have contacted Manchester United’s owners and wants the Frenchman bought ‘at all costs’.

      Marca say Manchester United are willing to pay more than €100m to sign the player, and Juve’s asking price is put at a staggering €160m.

      The English club are said to be aware of Real Madrid interest and are therefore in a rush. Mino Raiola has secured a meeting for next week with Juventus, during which he will present Manchester United’s offer for the player.

      Real Madrid believe Juve’s asking price is ‘exorbitant’ and even though Manchester United would likely go lower than the €160m, their bid will still probably be higher than what Florentino Perez would pay.

      Therefore, Marca say Madrid would rely on Juventus selling to them for a cheaper price, and the player pushing for the move. Marca don’t claim that Madrid have the will of the player, but they believe having Zinedine Zidane as manager must be a big pull.

      French newspaper L’Equipe reported on Friday that Pogba has told friends and teammates he fancies a return to Manchester United.


      • Pogba not pushing for Man Utd move

        Juventus star Paul Pogba is in no rush to leave Juventus but his agent Mino Raiola, who is in line to pocket 20% of any transfer fee, is keen for him to join Manchester United.

        Source: Gianluca di Marzio


        • Nije 100! Dugo je bilo 120! A sada je kao 125 !

          NE ! NE ! NE ! NE ! NE ! NE ! NE !
          Neka misli ko sta hoce ali ovo je preopasno, OK - Bog fudbala je i ima nesto sto niko ne vidi na svetu osim Moa ali ovoliki novac NEEEEE.
          Vec sam pisao 100 milki pa i da naguzim svoje mozdane vijuge ali ovo... Vratice se, sta ce da se vrati... ? Novcano verovatno, psihicki NIKADA. Kako ce to uticati na hemiju u ekipi, klubu.
          Svaka iole dobronamerna a kamoli one ljete kritike ce polaziti od 125. pa ce se busiti, rovariti.
          Real i Barsa mogu da zive tako sa velikim transferima jer em su navikli em spanska novinarsko-sportska ktitika nije bas kao u UK...

          Ne znam, zelim ja titule, lepu igru al` da citavo vreme plivam tako do tog cilja sa kamenom vezanim o vrat... NE hvala.

          Bas sam besan, gde je 125 tu je i 130

          Pogbice odbi nas `leba ti !
          Last edited by AIRBORNE; 09-07-16, 10:50.
          >>> Brojim Izbrojao sam sate, minute, sekunde do pogleda na Mourinja u dresu MANCHESTER UNITED-a ! <<<


          • A ja mislio da smo završili sagu oko cene Pogbe...
            Originally posted by Vladan
            SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


            • Balag

              Are Manchester United fans so unhappy cause they will be the Europa League next season? Paying over the odds for Pogba shoud cheer them up
              Covjek ce tacno crci ako Mancester dovede Pogbu, a ne Real. Misli Florentino na zdravlje covjeka i dovedi Pogbu


              • Ajde sto urnisu Balaga trenutno, nego cak i Di Marzio lajkuje odgovore na Balagov tvit



                • Nerozi iz La Stampe kaze da je Pogba rekao saigracima iz reprezentacije da bi volio da se vrati u Mancester, ali da ga Juve nece prodati ukoliko sam ne zatrazi, ako zatrazi i Junajtedova ponuda bude preko 100 miliona eura prodace ga.


                  • On zatraži mi ponudimo 170m kurcimo se. Nismo mi bednici ko Real da plaćamo 100. Ili 170 ili ništa..
                    Originally posted by Vladan
                    SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


                    • Juventus mu sigurno nece praviti problem oko transfera, ako on zeli da ide to je zavrsena stvar, samo je pitanje United ili Real?

                      Specijalni ne odustaje.
                      Last edited by Rossonero; 09-07-16, 14:41.


                      • GFF

                        Manchester United are actively pursuing Blaise Matuidi
                        Premier League side Manchester United are actively pursuing the possible transfer of Blaise Matuidi in parallel with their efforts to sign Paul Pogba from Juventus.

                        The PSG man’s future at the capital club appears to be nearly over, with Unai Emery having decided internally to switch to a 4-2-3-1 this season, which would leave Matuidi without a place in the squad.

                        Manchester United could do a deal for as cheaply as €30m including bonuses, according to certain indiscretions. The player would ideally like Champions League football, but if discussions that he holds with PSG after EURO 2016 are conclusive in Emery’s desire for him not to remain at the club, then he absolutely wants to be in the Premier League next season.

                        One to watch from next week onwards…
                        Samo Matuidi, jbs Pogbu


                        • James ne ide,Pogba ne dolazi...vrlo kratko i jasno tako da srecu vam zelim Eriku posebno njemu je najveca zelja bio

                          Ako ode James krajem jula vjerovatno ce dovesti Gomesa i to bi bilo to
                          Zeljko Malnar-Nocna mora <3

                          #the return


                          • AK47 kakve su sanse za dovodjenje Kantea u Real, po meni vama vise treba jedan takav igrac nego Pogba ili Gomes.


                            • Zidane je poprilicno impresioniran njegovim kvalitetima tako da postoji mogucnost iz razloga sto Casemiro nema zamjenu( Kante moze u vezi da zakrpi sve ne samo njega).Cijena mu je prihvatljiva,ali pitanje je koliko je on zanimljiv Perezu jer taj ne voli bas takve igrace ako me razumijes

                              Cini mi se da su u Realu racunali da ce Mendes da povuce Jamesa u United i da onda dovedu Pogbu medjutim nista od toga.James vrlo vjerovatno ostaje u Realu tako da se igracki kadar skoro pa nece mijenjati sve su prilike...

                              Moje misljenje je da United ako dovede Pogbu i Matudija ne smije sebi dozvoliti igru 4231 i da njih dvojica kolo vode.Ici ces na 90 posto lige na postavljenu odbranu tako da nisam siguran koliko je taj recept dobar
                              Last edited by AK47; 09-07-16, 22:13.
                              Zeljko Malnar-Nocna mora <3

                              #the return


                              • AKo dodju oba Francuza nema razloga da se ne igra 4-3-3


                                Matuidi Pogba

                                Mikitarjan Ibra Martijal

                                Problem je samo Runi

