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Manchester United

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  • Ne znam koliko je pouzdan ovaj Ricards ali evo sta kaze

    Interesting from Germany: RB Leipzig say they're out of Breel Embolo race, because Man United have already won

    Ako stvarno Zoze dovede Emboloa vidi li ga kao desno krilo ili klasicnog napadaca? Oce li ga mozda poslati na pozajmicu? Masivan, masivan potencijal je u pitanju, Martijal, Rasford i Embolo prosjek 19 godina.


    • Koji klinački tim


      • Njemu je vjerovatno bolje da prvo ide u Lajpcig, ali ce za par godina kostati 40 miliona funti, umjesto sadasnjih 15.

        Murinjo efekat

        "United needed a coach like Mourinho, winner with personality and character, his signing is a success"

        "I am very grateful with United and very happy there"

        I know nothing about Madrid not wanting to sign me ; I am calm , I have three years at United, a club that has given me everything "

        De Gea (to @ellarguero ): "At United we've missed a manager like Mourinho. With personality and mindset of a winner. Getting him was right."

        De Gea (to @ellarguero ): "United have given me everything. Now I'm just concentrating on the EUROs and to be with the national team."

        De Gea (to @ellarguero ): "I've played big games and won titles at United. I'm a more mature player now and prepared for anything."

        De Gea (to @ellarguero ): "We hope that Mourinho, with his will to win, will make sure United to return to the top."

        David De Gea: I want to stay at Manchester United and win titles with Jose Mourinho
        DAVID DE GEA has revealed he wants to stay at Manchester United and work with Jose Mourinho.

        De Gea came close to moving to Real Madrid last summer but the final paperwork was not submitted before the transfer window closed, scuppering the deal.

        The Spain international then signed a new contract at Old Trafford, however he has continued to be linked with a move to the Bernabeu this summer.

        However De Gea has now admitted he wants to stay at the club and win titles with Mourinho.

        He told Spanish newspaper Marca: "Talk about Jose Mourinho and you're talking about a winner.

        "Winning is United's, Jose's and my philosophy. We can make a great team and I welcome him.

        "I've got three more years on my contract with United and the desire to win more titles here.

        "When it comes to United, if you don't win everything, it's not good enough. This FA Cup is important for the club, it's important for the fans, and it's an important step towards winning major titles again."

        De Gea is NOT going to Real. The decision has firmly been made and while Zidane also thinks that De Gea is one of the best goalkeepers in the world he wants to continue with Keylor Navas, who had a superb season on his own.


        • Embolo za 20 miliona evra je krađa. Za sad su se samo Mirror, Sun i neki lokalni mediji u Svajcarskoj oglasili, ne bih da se primam.


          • Ima nekih lokalnih izveštaja ali ništa potvrđeno i pouzdano, Mirror i Sun su prvi pecali sa ostrva.


            • Ma mediji sa ostrva nemaju svoje izvore sto se Mancestera tice, imace ih sad Kesls zbog Mendesa i Murinja, Krosu kad javi Vudvord, a tada vec znamo, isti slucaj sa MENom, dok se BBC ne oglasava dok nije 100% siguran. Od odlaska Mojesa ne pamtim da su prvo engleski mediji razbili neku transfer pricu vezanu za Mancester.

              Juventus striker Alvaro Morata to Manchester United? You better believe it.
              ESPN sources su gori od Sky sources



              • De Gea and Muniain implicated in a rape case (story developing)
                Going to try to summarize in English. There's an ongoing case against a porn producer who was trafficking and abusing women in Spain.
                They're calling it "The Torbe Case". A protected witness testified that she was taken to a hotel where she was abused by 2 footballers.
                Torbe forced her into the encounter, claiming she was going to be paid very well. Muniain and an unnamed footballer sexually assaulted her.
                De Gea was apparently the one who called Torbe for her services. They kept in touch afterwards because they were trying to keep her quiet.
                She says that later on, De Gea also tried to arrange another encounter with 5 Man Utd players but there's no proof this ever happened.
                De Gea is said to have provided the money and nothing else, he could have been in contact with Munain via Whatsapp, the same night.

                Footballers David de Gea and Iker Muniain have both been implicated in the ongoing case against pornography entrepreneur Ignacio Allende Fernandez, better known as Torbe.

                A witness in the case - in which Torbe is accused of human trafficking for purposes of sexual exploitation, sexual assault, child pornography, prostitution, extortion and money laundering - has testified that she was abused by the two players.

                Muniain is alleged to have had sex with the woman in 2012, while De Gea is alleged to have arranged the meeting.

                According to, the arm of the national police force tasked with such matters has attributed a "high degree of credibility" to the women's testimony, and to those of two other women.

                They have also ruled out the possibility of "motives existing to discredit those denounced for economic or personal reasons".

                The victim's statement, made in front of agents, details a number of instances of harassment by the Torbe network, including an incident involving the Manchester United and Athletic Club players in a five-star Madrid hotel in 2012.

                Torbe was alleged to have promised her a lot of money to go the hotel suite, where one other woman and two footballers would be.

                "Both the other girl, as well as TP3 [the codename given to the protected witness] were sexually assaulted by the men, as they were physically assaulted by both if they refused," the police report said.

                "After finishing with the sexual desires of these footballers, they made threats so that what happened in that hotel room would never come to light."

                It was also revealed that the two women were never paid the amount promised to them, with all the money going to Torbe.

                "Neither TP3 nor the other woman that was in the room earned anything for the physical and sexual aggression they received."

                In a subsequent hearing, the witness finally named the footballers as Iker Muniain and another U21 national team player, and that David de Gea had arranged the evening through Torbe.

                De Gea will talk (live in Marca ) at 17:30
                Munijain je zavrsio


                DM kaze De Hea poslat kuci


                DM naravno laze


                De Gea has not been sent home. He is in the hotel with the national team. There is a court case on the way. Innocent till proven guilty
                I jos par informacija

                De Gea in with his lawyers, RFEF still undecided what to do. As of this moment, no press conference planned. That’s via @javiherraez.
                Apparently De Gea was due to give a presser, but not anymore. Still up in the air. Aduriz will speak, apparently - club mate of Muniain.
                Eto vam ga zaljubljeni De Hea, koji ce sve uraditi za svoju stariju djevojku. Zovite Pereza i da mu se kupi faks masina pritom


                • Nista nije bilo, slucaj zavrsen, stanje redovno. De Hea i dalje moze da bude ludo zaljubljen u pjevacicu/voditeljku.

                  Update from El Confidencial - The police has investigated and found no proof to corroborate the accusations made by the protected witness.
                  The authorities in Spain aren’t considering to call De Gea, Isco or Muniain to testify or answer for any crimes unless proof is found.
                  Considering that the accusations by the witness were investigated and no proof was found, players likely not to be implicated any further.
                  In @elconfidencial case Torbe: police investigated Muniain, De Gea and Isco and found no evidence.

                  Mada Munijain ne izgleda kao neko ko uopste nije umijesan


                  • Pomislih na trenutak da su ovu glupost smislili samo da bi Vladan mogao da napiše da je naš golman zaljubljen u stariju devojku.

                    Jadna naša papučica.
                    Last edited by miloolja; 10-06-16, 18:53.

                    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                    • "It is all a lie," he said, speaking ahead of Spain's opening group game against Czech Republic on Monday.

                      "I feel even stronger about staying with the national team now... it is all false and it is in my lawyer’s hands"

                      "I never thought about leaving [the camp]. It gives me more strength to train even harder"

                      "I'm still very relaxed, just want to train and do what I like to do. I just want the tournament to start and to play."

                      "I am a quiet guy and it is difficult that something affects me, and when something is false more reasons not to be affected.”

                      "I was playing the Playstation in the room when I was told about it. Above all I wanted to tell my family, so they know this is all false, and they can be relaxed.

                      "I know what I have done with my life. It is all false.

                      “I have no idea where reports came from or how I could be [mixed up] in this. I am very relaxed, and I can only say it is all false.”
                      Nevin covjek nece sto puta ponoviti sve je laz, sem ako ne pjeva Merlinovu pjesmu. Dakle, kriv je.


                      • I on je nevin kolko je i Benzema nevin.

                        A i ne znam sta se sad ova naka kurava latila morala, pa nesto ona da sere


                        • Pa što ne bi moglo

                          Last edited by Lord Aleksoni; 12-06-16, 02:14.


                          • Zlatan Ibrahimovic has told Manchester United to pursue Marco Verratti, Mourinho is texting him, per Europe 1

                            Gledaj Zlatana, asistent vec

                            Evra: 'Manchester United need big personalities. It should work out with Ibrahimovic' (Telefoot) #MUFC
                            Inace Verati je plakao kad je Zlatan igrao poslednju utakmicu za PSZ, ali sanse da se on dovede ne postoje, tako da je definitivno bolje ici po izvodljive mete, kao sto je Andre Gomes npr.


                            • Sta onda idemo ovako

                              Valensija Smoling Balji So
                              Kante Verati
                              Rasford Runi Marsijal


                              • Krilo Deni. Mora krilo!

                                Nesto mi se cini da ce Smoling igrati levog stopera.
                                Originally posted by Vladan
                                SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.

