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Manchester United

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  • Radulov
    Sve je to ocekivano i razumljivo... Radi se o "The Class of `92" i nema tu niceg spornog, jedan drugom cuvaju ledja, polako zele ulazak u klub i velika mesta po klubu. Postujem ih inace ali i jos vise jer to rade na suptilan nacin (trenutno mi se cini tako). Ono sto je problem je sto ih je realno lose krenulo. Geri na SS je delovao premocno, dosao je u Valenciju... ostalo znamo i nije me razocarao nekako bas verujem u njega i uspeh na klupi nekog kluba dok u Phil-a apsolutno nemam veru tj. Gari ce uspeti kada se odvoji od brata, Rajan - sve znamo, neka se kali na nekoj klupi gde manja tezina pa danas/sutra ako se pokaze... Beks miruje a Polsika
    je tu ali kao da ga sve mrzi. Na to sve mi deluje kao covek koji ima svo mestro fudbalsko znanje ali da nije osoba koja to ume da prenosi... Jedini koji apsolutno zasluzuje sve pohvale i da se divis onako istinski i posle igracke karijere je Nicky Butt. Rad sa klincima, talenti su tu ali zar bi Rash tako kurcevito upao u prvi tim da nije malo radila "palica" Nicky-a... tu su i ostali klinci a znamo svi koji.
    Malo sam oduzio ali nema nista sporno da i oni nesto zele... Mou ako bude imao rezultate nece mu niko pera odbiti - pa ni oni.
    Svi tipuju 3. godine ali ljudi zaboravljaju da je MU. Murinjova tiha patnja, tako da nema sanse da nece gristi, pokazivati strast, volju...
    Pisali smo svi vec na 5/6 stranica a sto se mene tice neka vozi koliko god moze jer sigurno necemo gledati DDG u spicu i da izvodi kornere a da Memphis brani na golu.
    >>> Brojim Izbrojao sam sate, minute, sekunde do pogleda na Mourinja u dresu MANCHESTER UNITED-a ! <<<


    • Sve izvor, do izvora... da vidimo...

      The Independent - Louis van Gaal: The inside story of Manchester United's dressing room meltdown

      The Guardian - Louis van Gaal tactics left Manchester United players close to mutiny
      Last edited by miloolja; 22-05-16, 23:23.

      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


      • Bas me zanima ima li istine u ovome.


        • Sad ce svasta biti, povezivanja sa svim Mendesovim igracima, sa svim bivsim igracima sa kojima je u dobrom odnosu, a bice i ovoga, sta je istina od svega veliko je pitanje.

          Kane is another target but both United and Mourinho know he will be close to impossible to acquire
          Van Gaal is furious with United over the handling of his impending departure which there's still no confirmation of #manutd #mufc
          THE TIMES: Van Gaal only heard that Mourinho would be taking over when his wife alerted him at Wembley after seeing the reports #mufc
          THE TIMES: Understood that he is so angry about the leak and timing that he wouldn't consider an alternate role if offered #manutd #mufc
          THE TIMES: Understood that Mourinho wants his assistant Rui Faria and goalkeeping coach Silvino Louro to join him at United #manutd #mufc
          THE TIMES: LVG suspected he may lose his job after failure to qualify for CL but wanted a more dignified ending. Will get £5.4m compensation
          TELEGRAPH: United expect to sign Ibrahimovic (who demands a weekly wage after tax of £300k)
          TELEGRAPH: United retain interest in Sadio Mane & Mourinho interested in Stones
          TELEGRAPH: A concern for United is Eva Carneiro's employment tribunal on June 6. Results of which could be damaging to Mourinho. #mufc
          GUARDIAN: LVG's tactics have been so unpopular that players in squad have talked about openly defying him
          GUARDIAN: LVG's approach 'rubbed against the players like sandpaper'. Players found his methods restrictive #manutd #mufc
          GUARDIAN: After matches LVG would "crucify players in front of each other" & Rooney and Carrick voiced concerns it was damaging #mufc
          GUARDIAN: Players regarded international breaks as a welcome break and the chance to play in a relaxed atmosphere #manutd #mufc
          GUARDIAN: De Gea had issues with Frans Hoek but might be persuaded to stay with Hoek's departure also likely #manutd #mufc
          GUARDIAN: Young was "bemused and mildly horrified" to be informed he was being given a new role as a backup centre forward #manutd #mufc
          GUARDIAN: Schweinsteiger has a tendency to return to Germany, flying in and out for United matches which hasn't gone down well #mufc
          GUARDIAN: LVG gave Schweinsteiger and Fellaini preferential treatment as he trusted them most to carry out instructions #manutd #mufc
          GUARDIAN: A lot of players wanted Giggs to take over on the basis that he has a better understanding of the club than Mourinho #manutd #mufc
          DAILY MAIL: A number of senior players unconvinced Mourinho is right man for the job
          DAILY MAIL: Certain members of the squad feel Mourinho will adopt a pragmatic approach similar to LVG and want more attacking manager #mufc


          • Sta sve pise ovi novinari...
            Originally posted by Vladan
            SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


            • Zvanicno otpusten LvG.


              • L'EQUIPE: Ibrahimovic close to joining United and wants his future resolved before Euros start on 10th

                Would be a good move for Joyce but a great loss for United. Has been excellent for our youngsters.


                BREAKING NEWS: Louis van Gaal and his Dutch staff SACKED by Manchester United

                Understand statement around 1pm

                LVG gone. Hoek, Stuivenberg and Reckers also out


                • LVG gone. Hoek, Stuivenberg and Reckers also out
                  A Gigs? Nemoj on da mi ostaje


                  • Originally posted by Ser Deni ® View Post
                    A Gigs? Nemoj on da mi ostaje


                    • Daker

                      Paul Gilroy QC finalising Van Gaal's severance package now. £5m pay off. He got £400k for winning FA Cup. Expect an announcement lunchtime

                      Unconfirmed but good source tells me that Ryan Giggs is likely to turn down request to be part of Mourinho backroom staff #mufc


                      • Bolje mu je što je odbio, ovako samo gubi vremena, neka ide negde da se kali pa u budućnosti ako dođe prilika da postane trener Junajteda neka iskoristi to.. Ajde sad da vidimo Moua sa Woodom na predstavljanju..
                        Last edited by Lord Aleksoni; 23-05-16, 12:26.


                        • Jeste bolje ako je odbio, ali iz perspektive Murinja & co. nije ni trebalo da dobije ponudu. No, ko zna šta je tačno, meni nije rezonski niti da dobije ponudu niti da ostane ukoliko je dobije.

                          Hoeka mi je žao, mislim da je on odradio briljantan posao, koliko god je to bilo moguće kraj Van Gaala.

                          Evo super materijala ako neko bude dokon.


                          • Ali vidis da se prica da je De Hea imao problem s njim


                            • sigpic

                              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.

