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Manchester United

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    • Originally posted by Vladan View Post
      Martijal, Sou, Sances, Fosu Mensa, Rasford. Krajnje impresivno.

      od toga imas soa koji je vec top bek,marsijala koji je i sad zver a tek ce biti,mensu koji ne vidim kako nece da bude top top igrac,rasforda koji ima m**a,ima talenat,ako ne ode u neke oblake bice klasa i sancesa koji je vec pokazao sta moze..a svi jos vrlo mladi
      MESSI 10


      • U svetlu sezone koja je na zavrsetku i planovima za buducnost i ko ce predvoditi buducnost, bez obzira koliko mi bio gotivan... vreme je za rastanak ili da napravi neko cudo na pripremamam i odusevi SpecialOne
        Ko god da je trener morao bi se zapitati oko Andera. Premalo je pokazao, cak je bilo manjka i volje. Renato je 100% Mou tako da Ander ne pocinje od 0 nego od -10, mislim da on to nece izdrzati. Nebrojno puta sam video njegovu fizicku manjkavost (duel igra;brzina) za ozbiljan fudbal sto implicira da drzis igraca koji ti ne moze pomoci u "najvecim momentima". To zaista dovodi u pitanje cemu onda drzati takvog igraca. Ja ga vidim kao trecu opciju - trenutno, a bice mu jos teze.
        >>> Brojim Izbrojao sam sate, minute, sekunde do pogleda na Mourinja u dresu MANCHESTER UNITED-a ! <<<


        • Lakhrst, MEN

          Mourinho United deal 'agreed'

          For those of you who bizarrely like to get the manager’s name printed on your replica, it’s safe to say you can make your ‘Mourinho Special 1’ orders for next season’s Adidas shirt.

          Following on from Jornal’s weekend line, it is understood a deal between Mourinho and United has been agreed - but nothing has been signed yet. Probably because Van Gaal is in charge, which means there are potential legal ramifications.

          United are believed to be so advanced with Mourinho that bookies really should stop taking bets. What should’ve happened in 2013 will happen in 2016.

          United have held talks with Mourinho’s representatives in recent months and M.E.N. Sport revealed in February former Chelsea coach Mourinho felt he had a gentleman’s agreement to succeed his friend Van Gaal.

          The club are understood to have contacted Mourinho’s agent, Jorge Mendes, the day after their humiliating Europa League round-of-32 first leg defeat to Midtjylland to receive assurances the Portuguese had no intention of re-joining Internazionale, whom he coached to 2010 Champions League glory.

          Mourinho, who trounced United assistant Ryan Giggs in local polls among fanzines and on the M.E.N. website on who should become the next United manager, was confident of seeing off the Welshman to replace Van Gaal as early as last month, despite aggressive support for Giggs among United greats.

          Mendes, Mourinho’s agent, is believed to have touched base with United executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward recently for firmer guarantees his client would become United manager.


          • ....

            ON THIS DAY: In 1908,United beat Preston 2-1 to clinch the 1st Div title for the 1st time in the United's history.


            Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
            But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


            • To skoro dodje kao zvanicna potvrda, ali dobro vise smo mi bili istraumirani da mozda moze nesto da se dogodi pa da se ne dovede Murinjo nego sto je u tome bilo istine. Bukvalno od onog dana kada je tu vest preneo DiMarzio trebalo je biti kristalno jasno da nam specijalni dolazi od sledece sezone. Jedno je sigurno Mou moze dovesti u klub svakog igraca, imace i para na raspolaganju i vise nego dovoljno da to i uradi, i ja sam poprilicno siguran da nas ceka mnogo svetlija buducnost.


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                  • Nemojte me krivo razumeti ali ovaj Renato je bas faca... da sam zensko - dala bi.
                    >>> Brojim Izbrojao sam sate, minute, sekunde do pogleda na Mourinja u dresu MANCHESTER UNITED-a ! <<<


                    • Jan Hagen koji pokriva portugalski fudbal, i za SW izmedju ostalog

                      We can brush aside all doubt about Man United's interest in Renato. It's real or they wouldn't have scouted him 22 games in a row.

                      Benfica are by far the team MUFC are scouting the most in Portugal & they weren't regulars at their games before Renato became a starter.

                      Renato's release clause is €80m. End of discussion. That's the official number announced by Benfica(which is normal to do in Portugal).

                      Every Portuguese paper report that Benfica's asking price for Renato is €60m, where maximum €20m of it will be paid as bonuses.

                      So here's where it gets difficult for Man United. €60m for an 18-year-old who've played less than 6 months at Benfica's 1st team?

                      No doubt, Renato is good, but €60m will get you much better players. The €60m for Renato will mostly be paid for his (immense) potential.

                      Renato is special, but he'd need time to settle in & fulfill his potential. He'd be a long-term investment, rather than a quick fix.

                      I'm not saying Renato couldn't contributed at MUFC, but it'd be unusual if he made the immediate difference you'd expect from a €60m player.

                      The best for all would be if Renato stayed another season at Benfica. The question is whether Man United can afford to wait for competition.

                      Every major club is aware of Renato, but I don't think many are prepared to pay €60m now. If MUFC wait a year they could face competition.

                      Renato Sanches is a powerful & hard-working #8, which requires him to contribute both in defence & attack. Best at going forward, though.

                      Renato got incredible strength, great technique and he's exceptionally good at taking on opponents 1-on-1.

                      He's very mature for his age, 100% professional and completely undaunted by the pressure & daily rumours that surrounds him.

                      Positioning & reading of the game are something young Renato need to work on, though, as he sometimes is caught out of position.

                      Why are so many mentioning Martial? Isn't it very naive to think that Renato Sanches would be an immediate success just because Martial was?

                      Renato was key to Benfica's revival of the season. These stats from February would be even more impressive now.



                      • Samo da ne bude novi Anderson.
                        Originally posted by Vladan
                        SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


                        • Originally posted by l1m4r View Post
                          Samo da ne bude novi Anderson.


                          • Neka bude na klupskom nivou uspjesan kao Anderson i sve ce biti ok. Deset trofeja, od toga cetiri lige i LS

                            Ajmo jos malo

                            O Jogo report today, as they've since Feb 4th, that Man United & Benfica have a gentleman's agreement that'll bring Renato Sanches to MUFC
                            O Jogo claim Man United are "very confident" they'll get Renato, as they've a verbal agreement with Benfica
                            The only thing in the way for a deal to happen is how much of the €60m Man United will pay in bonuses. Jorge Mendes the broker. [O Jogo]
                            O Jogo remind everyone of their Renato Sanches to Man United claims. We take a look.




                            • Odlicno

                              The root-and-branch revamp of Manchester United's scouting system will see up to 40 appointments around the globe in an initiative started by executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward.

                              The wholesale changes from the tight-knit Sir Alex Ferguson era will see the academy and first-team talent identification operations merged to create a more efficient approach in order to attract the best prospects in world football.

                              Sports headhunters Nolan Partners are working with United in recruiting fresh scouts in every territory.

                              Dutchman Henny de Regt has already been brought in to work with head of youth recruitment Derek Langley, while chief scout Jim Lawlor has been given admin support so he can concentrate fully on finding players.

                              United want to keep a greatly expanded scouting system in place whoever replaces current manager Louis van Gaal, so avoiding David Moyes' predicament of finding there was no accessible database of potential players when he took over from Ferguson.


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