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  • Nikola Milenković je daleko najbolja opcija za bilo koji klub ovoga leta, one budale iz Partizana su slavili kada su ga prodali za 5m, a sada lagano ide za 50+m.

    U svakom slučaju dobija se paket ekstremnog ratnika tipa Nemanja Vidić, uz pedigre defanzivca iz Kalča i obuku Partizanove škole.
    Nema greške kada u timu imaš Nikolu Milenkovića.

    Poslato sa WAS-LX1A uz pomoć Tapatoka
    C'era una volta la Jugoslavia, il Brasile d'Europa


    • 60850286_115424126346509_7052542389742731264_n.jpg
      Pitanje je koliko je tacno.Pogodio je za Sanceza
      Last edited by psycho.ts; 24-05-19, 22:30.


      • Originally posted by psycho.ts View Post
        Pitanje je koliko je tacno.Pogodio je za Sanceza
        Mora da je to jedina stvar koju je ikada pogodio, čim taj Sancezov tvit drži pinovan.
        Originally posted by Dekinjo
        Šta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3
        Originally posted by La Jugoslavia
        Crvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.


        • Originally posted by Uroš View Post
          Mali Milenković ne bi bio upgrade? Vidić je došao iz Spartaka, samo kažem...

          Možda ako već se trpi Ole možda treba istrpeti neke mladje igrače i praviti bazu. Ali ne maldje instagramere nego neke baš kao Milenković.

          Izmedju ostalog Liverpool igra sa Arnoldom i nekim mladim igračima, ne mora ništa da znači što je mlad.
          Pa to je Utd, da dovodi ili promovise mladje igrace i pravi od njih WC igrace.
          Odlican bi bio i Milenkovic...

          Nije problem da se istrpi Ole vec da se ima jasan plan, da se dovode igraci koji ce igrati za klub a ne instagramuse...

          Debeli nek odradi 2 posla ljetos. De Liht kod nas a Pogbu nek proda Realu, svi srecni i zadovoljni...
          Hated, adored never ignored



          • Jesam ja jedini protiv De Ligta?
            Nisam toliko protiv njega koliko protiv toga da mu se da 13M po sezoni (valjda bude najplaceniji defanzivac na svetu)?


            • Originally posted by scylla98 View Post
              Jesam ja jedini protiv De Ligta?
              Nisam toliko protiv njega koliko protiv toga da mu se da 13M po sezoni (valjda bude najplaceniji defanzivac na svetu)?
              Danas vise nema dobro a jeftino,cak sta vise i lose ima jaku cenu

              Sent from my Redmi Note 5 using Tapatalk


              • Rio nam dovodi De Ligta ako Bog da...

                To bi bio pravi pocetak novog projekta...


                • Originally posted by Ser Gagi View Post
                  Rio nam dovodi De Ligta ako Bog da...

                  To bi bio pravi pocetak novog projekta...
                  Rio sportski direktor?
                  Ako je istina stvarno bi trebali da se zabrinemo.

                  Sent from my WAS-LX1 using Tapatalk
                  "A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are."


                  • sigpic


                    • Evo vam da malo citate, jos jedan reditor iz Mancestera sa vezama u klubu (navodno):

                      Post od pre 10 dana:

                      Gonna be a long one today...

                      So my guy has come back, and is now happy that what he was told was a one persons list of suggestions, which was eventually presented at yesterdays meeting (which he has confirmed happened as part of a multi-site conference call - the Head Scouts of each region were present, as was Fletcher in a "Guest" role, seemingly as a way to get a feel for the rooms reaction to him in a psuedo-"final-interview").

                      He says that based on what came out of that meeting, he is told that 5 signings are hoped for, with 3 being the "minimum acceptable number". Their are "top targets" for 4 positions (CB, CM, RW, RB) and that each of those has a backup that we've contacted as well to garner interest. The 5th possible signing would either be if a star goes, or in the case we sell a load of players Ole no longer wants (which is a lot) then we pick up a solid utility. How well we move on players will decide if we make the move for a 5th signing or not.

                      This genuinely sounds like they've actually got their shit together.

                      Warning; there's not much below that is new, and it parrots a lot what has already been said, but offers some additional logic to things.

                      "Top Targets" (and Backups) are:
                      • Sancho (RW/LW - Dortmund) - He's not sure who the backup for RW is. Knows that we're after the Swansea lad James, but he won't be seen as an out-the-gates starter for a while. He thinks that the talk of Sancho being wary is slightly over-blown, but he might give Dortmund one more season, mostly for his own benefit as he has enjoyed being out of the English media spotlight (can't say I blame him). His agent has already told everyone else he's not interested so it sounds like it is literally "Us or Dortmund" now.
                      • Koulibaly (CB - Napoli) - We've apparently given up on Alderweireld, as it seems he wants to get a silly final contract from PSG or Juve and we don't want to match those. The likely backups right now are likely someone older that we'd try to loan from a club that is trying to move someone on for a younger face.
                      • Wan-Bissaka (RB - Crystal Palace) - Meunier is the backup option - but apparently we have an agreement with PSG already done in case we want to make the moves, and the "agent shite" is now finished too. He knows he's second choice. Wan-Bissaka is keen, it's now seemingly a matter of just how much Palace will try to bend us over on price. This could easily shoot up to the £50m mark if they want it to (they are no longer strapped for cash thanks to staying up). One possible spanner in this is that Nicky Butt has said he thinks we have options in the academy that should be promoted (Laird) and that any deal here would likely see us lose him to another team.
                      • CM Targets depend on whether Pogba wants to go or not. We've apparently set a deadline to players like himself and De Gea to tell us what they want to do. One thing he has said is that he knows we have reached out to Rabiot, and are not worried about his history as the belief is that PSG have blown it massively out of proportion. The other potential targets are Fernandes at Sporting & we also are supposedly keeping tabs on Madrid to see if they plan to move any CM's on, as all of theirs would improve us.
                      • No interest in Declan Rice whatsoever.
                      • No attempts going to be made to bring back any former players like Memphis (who Woodward is apparently still angry at himself for letting go at Mourinho's behest) and Zaha (who apparently has told his agent to basically tell us to go fuck ourselves.....which is fair really).
                      • Nicky Butt is going to be getting a massive youth academy budget over the next 3 years to start snapping up young talent from around the country. Brexit (or lack of knowing what Brexit will actually look like ) is causing him a bit of concern as the rules on young player transfers is a minefield already, but not being able to look into signing EU Youth Players can potentially be quite harmful to us. He is also going to sit on the Transfer Committee as a "we already have a guy ready to go" sort of seat, which is good to hear to be honest.
                      • No current contingencies for a GK if De Gea says he won't sign a new deal are known of. Oblak is considered too expensive this season when other problem need solving first. So this could wind up proper fucking us if not careful.
                      • No mention of any strikers coming.

                      Players Leaving
                      • Ole gave Woodward a list of names he wants gone during his final "interview" for the job when he was made permanent. The list was apparently massive and Woodward and he eventually agreed to narrow it down over the course of 2-3 years to avoid having too many in's and out's all this summer whilst they try to be a bit smarter about things. This would explain why Young, Smalling and Jones were given new deals, as they will simply be let go when their deals conclude (the feeling is they're not going to be worth much in a transfer fee, so replace them one-by-one every year in a more fluid and logical manner).
                      • Unless Pogba pushes for it (by handing in a formal transfer request and foregoing his signing on/loyalty bonuses), he isn't going anywhere for any price.
                      • Martial is going nowhere as Ole thinks he can turn him around and kick him on. He basically is on the "one more year" list, along with Lukaku and Lingard.
                      • De Gea contract situation causing a bit of a rift. Some people think we should just move on and try to get something for him, others are convinced we can get him to sign another deal if we push for it. Not known who is on what sides of that argument.
                      • Ole apparently fucking loves Marcos Rojo and see's him as a potential DM conversion...
                      • Those who are possibly on this years "list" are; Bailly, Mata (Free), Sanchez (looking to loan him off if no-one wants a permanent deal), Matic, Pereira (Free) and Darmian (free).

                      Youth Updates
                      • Butt was present for the meeting and presented a list of players he believes are ready to train and play Senior games. Nothing too shocking; Tuanzebe, Garner, Laird, Gomes and Chong. Says that if needed we could also call upon Ramzani in League Cup games if we needed to, and thinks that several defensive options also could be used in that scenario.
                      • Callum Gribbin is leaving.
                      • Wants Greenwood to stay around first-team but due to his age is fearful of us throwing him to the wolves to soon and says that he deserves the right to be integrated properly.
                      • Fosu-Mensah likely going back to Holland or possibly Germany on a permanent deal. Ole wants the chance to see him train, but offers are coming in for him already as people expect his time at United is done.
                      • James Wilson (remember him!) is being released. Butt apparently believes that this was a huge failure on their part and they should be "ashamed" at how they blew it with him and Januzaj (Butt is VERY vocal still about how LVG fucked Januzaj up).
                      • Butt is trying to push the idea that we have 3 potential "World Class Keepers in the making" in our academy - Henderson (who will return on loan at Sheffield United), Kovář & Alex Fojtíček. Wants to see all three be given loans/realistic chances at the first team within the next 3/4 years. Henderson sooner.

                      That's it for now. He said it's unlikely anything will be done In or Out until the week after the CL final to let the dust on everything settle, and to allow those with ultimatums to answer them. By the sounds of it, Nicky Butt has a LOT more say in things than we maybe realised, which might be why we've gone with a committee approach, and it's interesting that our regional scouting heads were also present (this might be a means of us looking to bring in foreign players before they get "found" earlier - that's my speculation though).
                      Post od pre 6 dana:

                      • Sancho Deal is dead. Hes giving Dortmund another year.
                      • No news on De Gea situation yet (apart from he will leave in some manner). Seems we are contemplating just running his last year down and letting him go for free. I personally hope we just get it over with but we'll see.
                      • No news on any incoming yet. Most likely will be tomorrow before anything concrete emerges, but it is most likely at least another week before any real moves happen.

                      Post od pre 5 dana:

                      Here we are then.
                      • The "official" news is that we are going to announce we have begun talks to sign Daniel James and it has reached an advanced stage.
                        The rest that wont likely be shared yet:
                      • We have not made any offers to Napoli for Kouilbally but we are about to do so. Approx £100m. We won't make that bid until Barca confirm De Ligt.
                      • Early talks with Inter have begun to have them take Sanchez on a loan this season for 50% his wages. He will then move next season on a free to hell with their FFP.
                      • United have made early contact with the agents of Bale, Griezmann and Pepe. It is going to be only one of those 3 (Bale would be a loan with an option- possibly even a free). So far all 3 are seemingly up for it but the belief is that Griezmann is merely using the interest to get to Barca quicker.
                      • Mbappe is merely powerplay. Not making any moves for him.
                      • Meunier has agreed terms with Everton but is still willing to hold off formally agreeing whilst we decide if we want to go ahead. We have 2 weeks to decide.
                      • United have a growing belief that Umtiti is going to be available this summer and are waiting for the De Ligt deal to formalise to make a move. They accept it is a very, very long shot though.
                      • No news on Fletcher announcement yet.
                      • Lukaku is staying
                      • De Gea is likely running his deal down and will leave on a free in 2020 unless we get a £50m offer.
                      • Pogba is yet to respond to his deadline, but the growing belief is that he will stay.

                      I poslednji veci apdejt pre 4 dana:

                      First things first, I have removed all mention of Daniel James as his deal is complete but both Swansea and United have agreed that due to the very sudden passing of his father they have left when he joins us into his hands now to give him time to grieve in private. I wont be discussing him again until it concludes out of respect.

                      I've had another drop. The internal teams at United seem to have been given a memo about names. This is a mixture of 3 sources supplying this and very much an amalgamation of information, so some of it is a little contradictory:

                      • Sancho deal could be back on. Seems that the Brandt and Hazard signings are seen as Dortmund preparing to let him go. Belief is it would take between £80m-£100m. However, expect to see news come out slowly that we AREN'T interested as Ed is seemingly trying to play a bit of a game to lower the price by flirting with Bale and Griezmann (this already started yesterday with an Ogden ESPN article).
                      • AWB deal is on. We've told Meunier we won't be continuing discussions. The AWB deal is quiet a bit further along than reported, and he may now wind up completing first.
                      • We are the Premier League team that intends to activate Partey's release clause (pending Pogba confirming he plans to stay. Not sure why him going would stop this but that's what is being said.)
                      • Koulibally is almost certainly not happening. Napoli seem utterly disinterested in selling him. Umtiti still the other pipe-dream, but he seems to want to stay at Barca. Harry Maguire is the backup but will be very expensive.
                      • We would love to sign De Ligt, but all noise is from his agent trying to drum up money out of Barca. We don't expect him to go anywhere else. We have however said we will meet all demands (which is above Barcas offer and a promise to make him the instant starter).
                      • Likewise; we have started to monitor the situation with Luka Jovic at Eintracht Frankfurt. Still expected to join Madrid but we may look to sign him if Lukaku leaves. We wouldn't meet their €100m valuation but instead would look to send players to them on loan (Chong an option) or even offer them a discount on a replacement (not sure who they would want/can afford to he honest).
                      • We absolutely would take Bale on loan if he wants it.

                      • Bailly has attracted several offers, but nothing that has met the club valuation.
                      • Pogba is believed to be staying
                      • De Gea is going this summer. PSG offer is expected any day now.
                      • Alexis has an offer from Inter (Juve never reached out formally).
                      • Lukaku sale to Inter is also becoming possible, but will be dependant upon a suitable replacement being available (and if Icardi would actually leave). Solksjaer seems to not be arsed at all with him.
                      Prekjuce, 19h

                      "Something" is supposed to be happening in the next couple of hours. I have absolutely no idea what it is but I'm guessing it should be pretty obvious what it is when it happens.

                      Sorry I know that's the single most vague thing yet, but it's been said to me about an hour or so ago (not one of the main guys though so be ready for disappointment/ready to cut me to ribbons).
                      Prekjuce, 23h

                      • The player contract is still to be finalised (it is said to be a fucking insane contract offer) and as with all things, it can still fall apart (Griezmann anyone?)
                      • The current situation is that we have contacted VdS and he has accepted an offer of £85m.

                      Overall knowledge on this:
                      • I have had 2 people outside of reddit tell me that we were in for De Ligt, but the expectation was that we were plan B for him, with them both expecting Barca to be where he ends up. That was highlighted in the very first set of posts I made.
                      • The "first offer" was sent back and then we made a formal approach.

                      Tonights news
                      • I (and several others) received a note that United had made a breakthrough. Before this ever actually happened (ie: just as others were posting it) I got a message from a User that I've been speaking to since I made my first post (/u/RightSaidFred_MUFC) that he too received that info. I reached out to my United guy, who after me confirming Fred as one of my "less reliable" contacts (and I only say that because he is sharing indirect info, where as the people I have been talking to are very much in the firing line so to speak so I can't verify where it is coming from), has verified that we have jumped ahead in the De Ligt negotiations (we have made a formal bid to Ajax that has been accepted) and that proper contract discussions with the player had already begun.
                      • /u/rightsaidfred_mufc is someone that has taken some of my other comments and actually gone and helped show that they're not right. He is also the very first person to lay out details of AWB and Daniel James to me.
                      • At NO POINT in time has Mbappe come up (until now when he says he was lied to and deleted it after I had removed it for being low-quality transfer rumours).
                      • Together the two of us (using all sources available) have confirmed information that each other has heard independently on several occasions (De Gea, AWB, James).
                      • An overview of everything I've discussed so far is here:
                      • The intention is not to dupe, or cause any false hopes knowing it was wrong, and I DO TRUST FRED. I was one of the first people to try and take the idea of the Transfer Reliability Guide (originally created by /u/cananada88) and took it to spreading it out of /r/reddevils after a few years too.
                      • If anyone needs crucifying for something going wrong on this sub as a result of muppetry and hype getting out of hand; it's my fault and mine alone, please do not harrass the people that are genuinely trying to bring some legit info into the subreddit and have been given a platform to do so.
                      U sustini, caka sa De Litom je sledeca. Ogroman ugovor mu nudimo, Barsa trenutno nema taj novac da mu ponudi jer vec sada imaju ogroman wage bill. Pokusavaju da prodaju Umtitija, Cilesena ili Malkoma kako bi isfinansirali De Lita. Ukoliko uspeju, De Lit ide u Barsu.
                      Originally posted by Dekinjo
                      Šta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3
                      Originally posted by La Jugoslavia
                      Crvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.


                      • Stonara sa nekom drugom pricom:

                        Originally posted by Dekinjo
                        Šta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3
                        Originally posted by La Jugoslavia
                        Crvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.


                        • Izgleda nista od De Ligta.

                          Manchester United Held one hour meeting with De Ligt. They offered him captain armband in years to come. £250k + a week. He wasn’t convinced with the plans that #MUFC were offering. Deal dead.


                          • Treba završiti Bruna Fernandeša iz Sportinga. Dečko je i sinoć izdminirao protiv Porta za trofej i po ko zna koji put svoje ime upisao među strelce.
                            Dobro bi se uklopio kod nas i čini mi se bio veliko pojačanje za klub.
                            Za De Lihta treba sačekati. Vest donosi Sky Sport koji nikako nije validan izvor istine.

                            Послато са SM-A605FN уз помоћ Тапатока


                            • Skols i Bekam bi i dan danas drzali casove ovim promadonama u klubu.

                              Bekam i njegov centarsut, fenomenalno
                              Hated, adored never ignored



                              • Sastav legendi Uniteda za utakmicu sa legendama Bajerna iz Minhena:
                                Šmajhel, Nevil, Stam, Johnsen, Irwin; Beks, Bat, Skols, Blomlvist; Kol, Jork !
                                Auuu jebote kakav sastav.

                                Послато са SM-A605FN уз помоћ Тапатока

