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  • Jep, snijeg ce definitivno.

    This new role suits him down to the ground, sorry to say this but we're a far better team with him up there instead of Lukaku. There might still be a future for Sanchez at OT yet, he did really well tonight, his movement is clever and helps us play it on the ground far better.
    If he was 6 inches taller, he’d be one of the best CF in the world. Reminds me of Rooney before his decline in the way he plays.
    Just proves that being big doesn't mean you can hold the ball up - he grafted tonight, was involved in a lot of build up play and, although we didn't really get behind them, we look a better team with him up top. Also won some key defensive fouls around our box to take pressure off.
    Must stay on no9. But i doubt it. Jose will put Lukaku back
    Keep him as number 9. He'll grow into it. He just needs to stay central though. His link up and touch are miles ahead of Lukaku.
    Really enjoyed his first half, a lot of energy and some tidy football. Fatigue kicked in in the second half though.
    Keep him up front, the goals will come IMO. Offers so much more than Lukaku.
    Thought he was excellent tonight, really set the tone up front with his energy and industry.
    Looking good in the striker position.
    Another good game. Brings so much to the team with his movement.
    The man is a hustler.


    • Mourinho: “I was insulted for 90 minutes. I came here to do my job, my family was insulted, and I did the gesture meaning I wanted to hear more songs now. I didn’t offend anyone at the end, I just made a gesture that I wanted to hear them louder. I probably shouldn’t have done it, and with a cool head I wouldn’t have done it.”


      • Originally posted by aquaria View Post
        Mourinho: “I was insulted for 90 minutes. I came here to do my job, my family was insulted, and I did the gesture meaning I wanted to hear more songs now. I didn’t offend anyone at the end, I just made a gesture that I wanted to hear them louder. I probably shouldn’t have done it, and with a cool head I wouldn’t have done it.”
        Upravo ovo, plus u prvoj utakmici vrijeđanje većinu vremena. Drago mi međutim da i sam kaže da je to uradio u afektu. Vrijeđanje porodice je baš retardirano i prelazi granice.


        • Originally posted by miloolja View Post

          Te nijanse prednosti u korist Sanceza mogu da stoje, jer je Lukaku truba trenutno, ali Cileanac je nekad bio klasa, sto Rom nikada nece bitu, a.sada nije ni bleda senka onog igraca.
          Ma slazem se uglavnom.
          I da, stvar losih igra Lukakua je forma, loseg perioda. Alexis je jednostavno propao, nije to stvar lose forme. Istrosen igrac...


          • Ako je tako kao sto kaze, a verovatno jeste, nek je odreagovao onako. Ti jbni ultrasi uvek zaseru i uvek pokazu nepostavanju prema svemu.


            • Mourinho when asked what the his gestures meant: "Do you understand Italian? No? So, ask the FA, they will translate for you." #mulive
              Stvarno je likčina


              • Kako smo mi ovo dobili alal vera, Zoze bacao neke madjije na kraju

                Ali ona njegova reakcija na kraju, ali me odusevio to nije realno, pukao sam Gledao u kaficu u kom 99% bilo navijaca Juventusa, ma ludilo na kraju, svi cute a Zoze onako radi I u kameru, kao da se obracao kaficu


                • Cristiano Ronaldo: “#mufc did nothing to win the game. You can’t even talk about luck, because you have to find your own luck and in this case we just gifted it to them.”
                  Jbg Roni, nije ni nama odgovaralo kad si nas sa Realom onako nezasluženo izbacio 2013. :/


                  • sigpic


                    • Originally posted by Busby Babe View Post
                      Ma slazem se uglavnom.
                      I da, stvar losih igra Lukakua je forma, loseg perioda. Alexis je jednostavno propao, nije to stvar lose forme. Istrosen igrac...
                      Da, najadekvatniji izraz... istrosen.... a tek za mesec dana puni 30. Strasno i steta naravno.


                      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                      • Ne bih ga otpisao, fine 2 utakmice kao spic je odigrao.


                        • On je takav tip. Ovakve utakmice moraš dobiti s malo stila. Daj ruku protivničkom treneru i to je to. Nije bilo nikakve potrebe za ovakvim ponašanjem”, rekao je Scholes

                          Treba biti velik i u pobjedi i u porazu
                          A čini mi se da ce na kraju sezone Alexis ili lukaku otici iz kluba

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                          • Срамотан Манчестер синоћ, Јувентус је тотално издоминирао утакмицу, радили су шта су хтели на терену и само је велика срећа спасила Манчестер од праве катастрофе.
                            Ако буду овакви против Гвардиоле, а на видику нема назнака да ће другачије изгледати, чека их тешка катастрофа.
                            C'era una volta la Jugoslavia, il Brasile d'Europa


                            • U ovom trenutku je dosta bolji od Lukakua, ali daleko od toga da može on to da iznese na duže staze.

                              Igra se kao u Van Galovo doba - baci Marsijalu pa šta on uradi. Jedini izvor kreacije i gol prilika. Sad je jasno Murinju da je pojeo govno kad ga je benčovao zbog Sančeza, a još gore zbog maloumnog Rašforda.

                              Baš slatka pobeda, najviše zbog toga što ne volim Juve, a i zbog Ronalda sisice. A onda zbog toga što verovatno ne bi ni prošli grupu da sinoć ovo nismo preokrenuli. Vrlo vervatno bi poraz sinoć značio šut-kanta za Murinja na kraju grupne faze.

                              Lindelof se popravio, ali i dalje je to lose. Fizicki preslab za stopera, gubi svaki duel, ostavlja protivnike same, luta. Najgori stoper u klubu i ne vidim kako on moze da bude dugorocno resenje.
                              So se potpuno transformisao, kao da igra drugi covek. Jako, hrabro, stalozeno. Bas smo lepo pojacanje dobili. Smoling standardno dobar, Esli na momente ocajno, ali decko gine za dres, dok se ne vrati Valensija dobar je on. Pogba ocajan sinoc, mnogo izgubljenih lopti. Dzesi neprimetan.


                              • Slažem se za Lindelofa, imao je jednu ekstra intervenciju, izvadio loptu iz gola praktično.
                                C'era una volta la Jugoslavia, il Brasile d'Europa

