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  • Kakav Nagitomo, sramota je govoriti o gološavom predsedniku.


    • Zamislite napad

      Marsial Kejn Nejmar


      • Mislim da sam jedini koji će reći bez Nejmara.
        Originally posted by Vladan
        SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


        • Originally posted by Ser Deni ® View Post
          Zamislite napad

          Marsial Kejn Nejmar
          I taj napad bi se sa Van Galom mucio da da 2 gola

          Sent from my G3 using Tapatalk


          • Originally posted by l1m4r View Post
            Mislim da sam jedini koji će reći bez Nejmara.
            Svakako ce biti bez Nejmara, ali da neko ne zeli Nejmara to ne moze. Najbolji je na svijetu uz Mesija.


            • Mali plavi uvek ispred svih. Uz Mesija naravno.
              Originally posted by Vladan
              SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


              • Saha thinks it's time for a change

                Former United man Louis Saha believes that the Reds need a change of management.

                “It is obvious (Jose) Mourinho wants the job. The club is looking for a solution because it has been really hard to see them play some games.

                “If you look at the history of Manchester United it is all about the style. The fans are really used to winning games in a special way.

                “There is nothing to hide there. United need a change in some ways.
                I’m not going to only blame Louis van Gaal because some big players left the club and the big manager (Sir Alex Ferguson) left the club, so it was going to be hard for anyone.

                “All the talk about a new manager is disruptive for young lads who are trying to prove themselves to a manager who could then not be there next season, it is not nice.

                You want to have consistency. It will be nice for the club to keep things quite if they have a decision to make at the end of the season. I think that will be best.”


                • Poasto Kiker gotovo nikad ne grijesi, ocekujem da je iskusno stopersko rjesenje Naldo, cijena oko cetiri miliona eura.


                  • Ovo mi sve liči na Murinja, dođe Ibra za dž, Naldo za ta 4 miliona, jedino se istrošimo na krilo i veznog (ni to nije nužno, Gundogan se može dovesti za relativno male pare, mada će on u Siti). Uz to proda neka 3 igrača (npr. Mata, Felaini, Roho) na kojim se može nešto i zaraditi i napadne titulu. Onda sledeće ljeto mlađi štoper i napadač i šta još bude trebalo. Znam da sam otišao predaleko, ali ovo je daleko realnije od '300 miliona na ljeto za Murinja da troši' i slične stvari, mislim da neki tu previše očekuju.


                    • Jose Mourinho is ringside at Anthony Joshua's IBF heavyweight title challenge against Charles Martin tonight, and said in an interview at the o2 Arena that he has not yet been offered a contract with Manchester United, but he would "love" to stay in England.

                      The 52-year-old Mourinho has been out of work since December, when he sacked by Chelsea with the Premier League champions languishing in 16th place in the league.

                      He has since been heavily linked with replacing Louis van Gaal at United this summer, should the Dutchman be sacked, but Mourinho revealed in an interview with Sky Sports before the fight that he has not agreement with them. The Portuguese did make his intentions clearly known though - he wants to stay in England.

                      "I don't have a contract with another club. I'd prefer to stay in England,'" Mourinho said at the o2 Arena. "I love the country."
                      Mancester, Everton ili reprezentacija. To su mu opcije onda.


                      • Ne vjerujem da mu se trenira reprezentacija, a i Everton još nije realan. Mislim da ovo 'želim da ostanem u Engleskoj' može da se protumači 'želim u Junajted'. Vjerovatno ima i neke ponude iz drugih država ali čeka Junajted. Ili je jednostavno sve potpisao u februaru kao što se govori, pa zbog prijateljstva sa Van Galom ne želi da kaže.


                        • Everton? Zbog novog vlasnika? Pre ce biti Lester
                          Originally posted by Vladan
                          SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


                          • Nemas sto da se cudis, velike pare ce sad biti usute u Everton, klub ima sjajnu istoriju i bio bi izazov i zanimljiv projekat za ozbiljne strucnjake. Murinjo voli izazove, ne mislim da ce se desiti, ali nas vjecno nece cekati to je vise nego jasno. Prozor se drugi put otvara, treceg puta biti nece.


                            • PSG, Real ponovo. Jbg Kineze vise ne otpisujem ni da je Messi u pitanju.
                              Originally posted by Vladan
                              SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


                              • "When people get hurt, they learn to hate… when people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow… and how you grow is up to you"

