Originally posted by Erik
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Manchester United
Originally posted by Erik View PostA cekajte jel taj Mina bas toliki krs?
Ja sam ga malo ispratio na SP nedovoljno da steknem neki sud o njemu a u Barsi ga nisam ni gledao nesto.
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Originally posted by Erik View PostA cekajte jel taj Mina bas toliki krs?
Ja sam ga malo ispratio na SP nedovoljno da steknem neki sud o njemu a u Barsi ga nisam ni gledao nesto.
Po meni ne znam sta bi doprineo zaista,visok skocan ,krakat,nije bas sa loptom na ti i sumnjam da bi na postojecu odbranu doneo MU nesto.
Mislim da bi se Megv bolji uklopio iako nisam recimo ni za njega
Pre WC Barsa ,je trazila samo da ga se otarasi tj.posalje na pozajmicu jer su kupili Lenglea,ali eto ga svetsko lik 3 puta skoci dade gol,jedan bese Englezima i ode cifra na sumanutih 40mLast edited by 61563; 02-08-18, 11:24.
Mene na Fil Dzonsa.Originally posted by DekinjoŠta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3Originally posted by La JugoslaviaCrvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.
Zasto bi iko dovodio Minu kad ima bolje stopere u ekipi od njega pod jedan, a pod dva prodavao Roha za 30 miliona, pritom kupovao Minu za 40 miliona, covjeka koji nema ni jednu sezonu u Evropi, koji je odigrao nedelju dana fudbala na Mundijalu i to je sve. Nejasno. Ako se to desi klub je jednostavno spreman za katanac. Ovaj mali Vinicijus kostao Reala taman koliko ce nas Mina. Katastrofa. barselona ga dovela za 11 miliona, zapeo nije i sad ga prodaje za 30. Mislim ako su u klubu svi kolektivno idioti onda razumijem, u suprotnom nikako mi nije jasno o cemu se ovdje radi.sigpic
Originally posted by miloolja View PostGde sam napisala da novac kao resurs nije ogranicavajuc???
Samo ima ko o tome valjda vodi racuna, tako da uopste ne vidim poentu da se mi sekiramo vecito oko toga koliko neko kosta ili kolika mu je, odnosno bi mu eventualno bila ta neka plata, pogotovu u ovom sportu gde logika i zdrav razum odavno ne igraju neke uloge, gde se enormno bolesne cifre vrte i povecavaju iz godine u godinu.
O svom buzetu brinem sama, a njih tamo ima sasvim dovoljno, shodno i velicini, da ne kazem kolicini tog resursa, koji je i te kako obnovljiv na razne nacine.
A ako ne znaju sta rade, onda ce propasti valjda, ne zamaram se time stvarno, ne bi trebalo ni niko od nas zapravo, kolilo god da smo strucni.
Meni je to ok. Voleo bih da dodje Willian, cenim ga vec duze vreme, i plus nam je potreban igrac na toj poziciji.
Veca nam je steta ako sad za njega damo apsolutno koliko traze, nego da ga imamo, jer u narednim godinama saljemo poruku svim klubovima da im se moze da nam traze koliko zele.
Sa nekim igracima smo poslednjih godina vec otisli u tom smeru, ali to ne znaci da bi trebalo da odemo skroz u tom smeru.
Hipoteticki, nama je jeftiniji Dembele za 120 miliona nego Willian za 70.
Jednog bi doveli ispod njegove apsolutne vrednosti, a drugog igraca mozda iznad toga.
COMMENT: Have we lost all perspective in criticising Jose Mourinho?
Mourinho. Mourinho. Mourinho. Mourinho. Mourinho. Mourinho. Mourinho. It's lost all meaning.
First things first. Let's start with the acceptance that Jose Mourinho is a bit of a dick. Or maybe even a lot of a dick. You may even think him the ultimate dick - that's your prerogative. But at the very least, we can nearly all agree that he's a bit of dick, minimum. That's to say, if there's a dick spectrum, he's definitely on it.
That needs to come at the start otherwise folk will assume this is a piece defending Mourinho, and it's not really. Because first and foremost, well, he's a dick innit. No one's arguing with that accepted truism...apart from maybe teenage boys with Twitter handles like 'Joseology' or 'Mourinholic'.
Now that's out of the way, we can crack on. Cristiano Ronaldo once asked in exasperation: "Why when Cristiano is involved is it always polemic?" If that's true of Ronaldo, it's doubly so of Mourinho. As the self-styled panto villain of the world football, he seems to actively encourage hatred and vitriol. At his best, he thrives on it.
That in turn tends to mobilise fans of the team he's managing at any one time to defend him with far more gusto than they normally would. It's standard siege mentality, galvanised by club tribalism. It's normal and right and the way it should be. The problem is, Mourinho is so reviled that all objectivity is lost.
The result is that everything is automatically Mourinho's fault. Any controversy or brouhaha with Jose at it's heart is the ultimate fault of the Portuguese. Not only is that the default assumption by one and all, but it nearly always translates into the ultimate conclusion too. That in itself is fundamentally problematic.
Now I know what you're thinking. Despite the dickhead disclaimer, this is turning into a thinly-veiled defence of Jose Mourinho. In football circles, that's like saying ISIS are just a misunderstood great bunch of lads. I'm not saying that - about Mourinho or ISIS. Rather, it's not helpful to us if we lose objectivity.
So when there's a supposed issue with Anthony Martial's attitude, it is Mourinho's fault. When frustrations arise about Manchester United's transfer activity, it is Mourinho to blame. If Jose criticises another team or manager, he is up to his standard Machiavellian mind games. But if he praises them, that's also bad.
The fans do it, but the media do it too. At times they come across just as skewed. Criticism of Mourinho is bound to both spike analytics and receive a generally favourable reception on social media. Journalists are so tapped into the prevailing mood on Facebook and Twitter that there's a temptation to ape the common consensus.
Forgetting how fair it is on Mourinho as an individual - let us assume he's an unfeeling alien devoid of human emotion - if we continue to skew all narrative to paint Mourinho as an ultimate and total baddie, doesn't that let others off the hook at times? An ill-disciplined player, an out-of-order rival manager, an ineffective CEO?
In a funny way, blanket condemnation of all things Mourinho also lets him off the hook too. It just becomes indiscriminate noise and loses all meaning. In fact it gives those intent on defending him to the hilt the ammunition to claim bias whenever he is rightfully pulled up. Fanboys fucking love a conspiracy against their man.
This is no 'Leave Britney alone' style rant to get off Jose's back. I'm not here to protect poor millionaire bully Mourinho from due criticism. He brings so much of it on himself with his antagonistic behaviour and truculent attitude. But perhaps we need to be more measured and critical of our own criticism. Even if he is a dick.sigpic