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Manchester United

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  • Ja sam cuo da je Barsa nudila i Mesija i Umtitija za Lingarda al Vudvard im je naravno pokazao srednji prs' pa su otkazana sva buduca pregovaranja.
    Originally posted by Dekinjo
    Šta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3
    Originally posted by La Jugoslavia
    Crvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.


    • A sve to jer je Barsa ostala bez para, pa im lakse da samo preprave dresove sa Messi na Jessi nego da dovode npr Grizmana.
      MESSI 10


      • What could possibly go wrong?

        Raiola trying to secure big signing for Man United, ‘had offer to show’ player, summer move plan

        Mino Raiola is once again trying to help Manchester United, and he’s trying to do that via Mauro Icardi, even though he’s not his agent.

        That’s what Corriere dello Sport are reporting on Wednesday, claiming the super agent had personally got in touch with the Inter forward, even claiming he had an offer from José Mourinho’s side to show him.

        Furthermore, the Red Devils aren’t the only ones interested in signing the Argentinian, and Mino Raiola would be prepared to gather all of the offers from all the clubs who want him and help him get the transfer he wants.

        Ideally, the man who brought Paul Pogba, Henrikh Mkhitaryan and Zlatan Ibrahimovic to Old Trafford would have wanted to be Icardi’s agent, but when he offered his services, the Inter star politely declined, explaining he still wanted his wife, Wanda Nara, to handle his career.

        Not wanting to take no for an answer, Raiola then offered his services as an intermediary, willing to be the middle man between the Serie A club, whoever wants him and the player himself.

        Icardi is said to have not closed the door on this avenue just yet, but considering his current deal includes a buyout clause, and Inter won’t accept less, Raiola isn’t exactly needed right now.

        Of course, that could change if he agreed to renew and increase the transfer clause to a fee clubs wouldn’t match, allowing room for negotiations, but for now, he’s tied to Inter and wants to see where this season goes.

        Currently third in the league, Luciano Spalletti’s side will need to end in a Champions League spot if they stand a chance of keeping their star, as another season without top European football could see him reevaluate his future and look elsewhere.

        And if he’s got Raiola by his side by then, things could get very interesting… Manchester United start to get a few telephone calls.


        • Pa ako bi to znacilo Lukaku out, ja sam skroz in, iako je on sve samo ne dobar lik za svlacionicu


          • I dalje nije tip napadaca koji nam treba ali je svakako bolji poacher od Lukakua i u kaznenom je izmislio fudbal za Belgijanca. Treba nam holder gore, Benzema.


            • Ja bih Benzemu oberucki prihvatio.


              • Brate da nama vezni red funkcionise normalno, a to znaci za pocetak da je Matic fit, da ne igra sa povredom zadnjih x meseci i da imamo nekog funckionalnog veznog igraca pored njega + da napred imamo neki smisao, a ne individualizam, nama bi Ikardi zavrsavao posao bez problema.


                • Benzema? Ne.


                  • sigpic


                    • Originally posted by Erik View Post
                      Ne mora da bude greska, ali znamo kako je Paul najbolji. Problem je sto su inat i ego preveliki.


                      • Ne moze igrac nikako da bude dobar za tim ako

                        a) moras toliko da mu prilagodjavas sve zivo - to se onda zove luxury igrac

                        b) moze da igra ono sto se trazi od njega ali nece - to se zove razmazeno deriste


                        • Nikad on nece prevagu da pravi kao Mesi, Ronaldo, Ronaldinjo pa da im se cio tim podredi, posebno u defanzivi da rade za njih.

                          Pogledaj vcrs kako su Kros i Modric odradjivali svoj defanzivni dio posla majstorski. Zato i jesu to sto jesu, doprinose timu na obje strane terena.

                          Mozda Fergi nije pogrijesio, mozda je on tad vidio neke stvari koje se sada pokazuju.

                          Sto se tice Benzeme, bivsi igrac

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                          Hated, adored never ignored



                          • Lepu vest sam pročitao za dobro jutro. Navodno kineski vlasnici koji doturaju novac u AC Milan žele na leto ponuditi nama 30 miliona £ za usluge Andera Erere.
                            Da sam ja neko mudo u klubu odma bi klimnuo glavom i rek'o vodite ga.

                            Poslato sa NEM-L21 uz pomoć Tapatoka


                            • A pise se i da Felaini ide u Tursku.
                              Ako ode on, Erera a znamo da Kerik zavrsava onda zestok deficit na sredini terena. Dovesce se bar 1 zvucno ime i 2-3 role playera na tom dijelu terena.

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                              Hated, adored never ignored



                              • Mozda ode i Pogba
                                Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba ali sekiracija ti ne gine.

                                Ljuba Tadić.

