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Manchester United
Originally posted by Miki28 View PostKad pomislim na njega nekoliko stvari mi odmah padnu na pamet: Arsenal u gostima, unistio ih je, FA kup sa Arsenalom na OT pimplanje lopte, gol Liverpulu i naravno golcina Totenhemu na OT a imao je jos mnogo dobrih partija
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A ovi iz Evertona se brukaju sa ovakvim saopštenjima i komentarima. Jadno stvarno
No player with more than 10 appearances has assisted more goals per 90 (0.6) in Europe's top 5 Leagues this season than Paul Pogba.
Creative presence.Last edited by nine33; 10-01-18, 16:39.Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba ali sekiracija ti ne gine.
Ljuba Tadić.
Nani je bio najbolji igrač lige jedne sezone i meni je fascinantno da to ljudi zaboravljaju. Bio je u jednom momentu slobodno mogu da kažem top5 igrač na Svetu.
Povrede su ga sjebale, plus je mnogo osetljiv, sklon deprimiranju itd...
Malcom je već sad na nivou Lucas Moure, kompletniji, mnogo bolji šut.
Bas tako, tu je najbolji primjer Ronaldo...
Kvarezma je sigurno bio veci talenat od Ronalda ali promaja u glavi dok se ovaj ubijao na treningu da bi napredovao. Za to kapa dolje
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Ako pokušavate da uvedete Kvarezmu u priču sa Nanijem, to apsolutno nema nikakve veze.
Kvarezma nikad nije bio ni u jednom momentu world class igrač, koji moze na vrhunskoj sceni da isporucuje velike stvari. To sto ce da ti on rokne neki spoljašni felš ne znači da je stvarno world class igrač.
Nani to jeste bio, 2010. ili 2011. Preskakao je igrače, nameštao šanse, svaki kontakt sa loptotm mu je bilo pravljenje viška... Bio je on a daily basis najbolji igrač lige, at least najbolji ofanzivni igrač lige.
I Nani nije bio neradnik, to se pre svega dalo videti po njegovogom fizičkom napretku. On je dominirao u PL jedne sezone, i apsolutno je nemoguće da lelemud dominira na nivou cele sezone. Ne pričam o odredjenim momentima, odredjena utakmica, on je kidao celu sezonu.
Da je neradnik on kod Fergusona ne bi dobio priliku da zaigra ni minut. A verovatno ga ne bi ni doveo Fergi. Fergi je dosta pratio radnu etiku pre nego dovede nekog.
Smallinga je npr doveo zbog toga, iako u datom momentu nije bio neka igračina, ali je znao da momak može da trenira "tvrdo".
Sa Nanijem je druga vrsta problema bila i o tome su pričali razni portgalski treneri, on je takav lik koji se lako rasplače na treningu, lako mu padne samopouzdanje, preosetljiv je... sklon deprimiranjuLast edited by Busby Babe; 10-01-18, 18:25.
Ma nema veze Nani sa tim nego sam se ja nadovezao na ovaj post od Scousera koliko je bitan i mentalni sklop.
Nani je itekako igrao u mnogim bitnim utakmicama i doprinosio je. Strasan igrac koji je mogao i vise ali jebene povrede...
Nego, evo odgovora Utd na ono ciganisanje Sevilje u vezi cijene karats za navijace Utd:
Further to our recent confirmation that you were successful for the Sevilla away game, we wanted to inform you of a change in what you will be charged for this game.
In this instance we believe that our travelling supporters are unfairly being subjected to increased/excessive ticket prices from the host club. This view is shared generally amongst travelling supporters, and we have received lots of requests from individuals and supporter groups to intervene in this matter.
This has been raised with Sevilla, and internally, but ultimately Sevilla have not agreed to significantly lower the price of tickets for our fans to what we view as a reasonable level. Therefore we have taken the difficult decision to charge Sevilla fans for the return leg at Old Trafford the same amount as our fans have been charged for the away fixture.
We have decided to increase the ticket prices for Sevilla fans for the game at Old Trafford, and use this increase to subsidise our fans, as we want this to act as a deterrent to future opponents who look to increase ticket prices for our travelling supporters.
We will subsidise our travelling support by refunding the difference between the price charged (£89) and the price that was paid by Liverpool supporters in the Group Stage of this year's competition (£54). The £35 difference will be refunded prior to the game taking place.
As a result of the changes to ticket prices for away fans, should we gain any additional revenue after having refunded our supporters, we will donate this to the Manchester United Foundation.
I hope you are looking forward to the game, and we will follow-up shortly with details of ticket collections.
Many thanks for your continued, loyal support.
Sam Kelleher
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Originally posted by Miki28 View PostFurther to our recent confirmation that you were successful for the Sevilla away game, we wanted to inform you of a change in what you will be charged for this game.
In this instance we believe that our travelling supporters are unfairly being subjected to increased/excessive ticket prices from the host club. This view is shared generally amongst travelling supporters, and we have received lots of requests from individuals and supporter groups to intervene in this matter.
This has been raised with Sevilla, and internally, but ultimately Sevilla have not agreed to significantly lower the price of tickets for our fans to what we view as a reasonable level. Therefore we have taken the difficult decision to charge Sevilla fans for the return leg at Old Trafford the same amount as our fans have been charged for the away fixture.
We have decided to increase the ticket prices for Sevilla fans for the game at Old Trafford, and use this increase to subsidise our fans, as we want this to act as a deterrent to future opponents who look to increase ticket prices for our travelling supporters.
We will subsidise our travelling support by refunding the difference between the price charged (£89) and the price that was paid by Liverpool supporters in the Group Stage of this year's competition (£54). The £35 difference will be refunded prior to the game taking place.
As a result of the changes to ticket prices for away fans, should we gain any additional revenue after having refunded our supporters, we will donate this to the Manchester United Foundation.
I hope you are looking forward to the game, and we will follow-up shortly with details of ticket collections.
Many thanks for your continued, loyal support.
Sam Kelleher
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkOriginally posted by DekinjoŠta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3Originally posted by La JugoslaviaCrvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.