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  • kad pocinje FA cup ?


    • Originally posted by nikola_bg View Post
      kad pocinje FA cup ?
      Posle Nove Godine, ako pricamo o premijerligasima, ako ne, onda je poceo odavno, jos u avgustu, za nizeligase...

      “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
      -Jürgen Klopp


      • mislim konkretno za premijerligase


        • Originally posted by KingEric7 View Post
          Dobar je on igrac, 18 godina a vec uveliko prvotimac i reprezentativac U21. Mozda je 15 mil trenutno malo jaka cena, ali mislim da ima potencijal da se iskesira ta lova bez problema. Mi smo dali recimo 18 mil funti (sto je preko 20 mil evra) za Dzonsa, nakon jedne sezone u PL.

          Poredjenja radi, mislim je sigurnija opcija dati 15 za njega, nego sto smo mi dali 15 za Zahu.

          Naravno, ne verujem da ce ici cena toliko visoko.
          Mnogo je brate, ima potencijala u to nema sumnje, ali sve preko 7-8 miliona za 18-godišnjaka je puno. Možda on i vrijedi više, možda mi je previše antipatičan zbog njegovog precijenjivanja, no Liverpool trenutno ne može priuštiti taj luksuz. Ima drugih pozicija koje bi valjalo pokriti za slične pare.
          Bill Shankly: "If you can't support us when we lose or draw,
          don't support us when we win."


          • Postavlja nove standarde.
            Bill Shankly: "If you can't support us when we lose or draw,
            don't support us when we win."


            • Wisdom otisao na pozajmicu u Derby County.
              Mozda je to deo dogovora oko Will Hughesa ?

              20 golova Danny-ija.
              Last edited by Scouser; 22-10-13, 20:08.



                Naleteh na ovo, pa da podelim.


                • Zanimljiv clanak, zaista ne pratim Bundes, pa ne znam za momka, mada mogu se zakleti da mi ga je neko spomenuo, deluje mi poznato ime Geis, ali moguce je da gresim...

                  “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                  -Jürgen Klopp


                  • Gerrardov intervju o njegovoj poziciji u timu...

                    "I can get forward slightly more in this formation knowing that I have got three defenders behind me," said the captain.

                    "In general, whether the system changed or not, I have spoken to Brendan and he wants me to pick and choose my runs.

                    "Everybody understands that I'm not 21 anymore, where I can burst into the box at every opportunity. With experience, I hope I can pick the right times for those bursts.

                    "I'm not going to become an out-and-out holding midfielder just yet.

                    "With the goal against Poland, I saw the opportunity late on and still had the energy to burst into the box and managed to get a toe onto it and settle everybody's nerves.

                    "Hopefully I have a few more of those in the locker before I become an out-and-out holding midfielder.

                    "As soon as you hit 30, everybody starts calling you a veteran. The media started about three years ago! But, to be honest, I don't think about it.

                    "I just always go out there and try my best and see where that takes me. Slowly with time I will adapt my game and maybe become a controlling midfielder.

                    "Certainly, for the remainder of this season I am still going to try and pick my runs to get forward into the box."

                    “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                    -Jürgen Klopp


                    • Eathen #JFT96 ‏@hunter_troll 3m
                      #LFC is thinking to Porto's Fernando, free contract on june. There are EFC, Monaco, M. United. But he pretends high salary. [@FabRomano2]
                      Videcemo sta ce biti...

                      “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                      -Jürgen Klopp


                      • Rodgers: "Coutinho has looked brilliant in the last couple of days. To be honest - [It looks] like Coutinho has never been away with his flow and fluency with the ball."
                        Ovo je dobro cuti.
                        Inace se BR osvrnuo na reci Fergie vezano za Gerrarda, rekavsi da je Gerrard svakako top, top igrac, i da je to tek uvideo najvise kada je preuzeo klub, rekavsi da tek tada spoznajete igraca u celosti.

                        “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                        -Jürgen Klopp


                        • Dobro, ne treba uzimati Fergusona za ozbiljno kada je Liverpul u pitanju .


                          • Ma znam, samo eto BR se nekako osecao duznim da se po tom pitanju oglasi...

                            “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                            -Jürgen Klopp


                            • Ima li sanse da Koutinjo bude bar na klupi za vikend?
                              I LOVE HOUSE MUSIC!!


                              • Nisam siguran, vrlo moguce da ima sanse da se nadje na klupi, ali sam 100% uveren da ce biti spreman za Arsenal, gde ce nam vise trebati, mada trebace nam i za WBA...

                                Speaking to Liverpool's Peter McDowall at the launch of the new Interactive LFC Museum, reds boss Brendan Rodgers has a laugh Alex Ferguson's "8 players to win the league" book quote...

                                Last edited by Freshman; 24-10-13, 17:50.

                                “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                                -Jürgen Klopp

