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Liverpool FC -YNWA

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  • Ridwan LFC ‏@RidwanLFC11 51m

    Lucas says injury is nothing serious and he’ll be back in a few weeks
    Evo jedne dobre vesti.
    Bill Shankly : "Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that".


    • sigpic

      “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
      -Jürgen Klopp


      • Čudi me da nije Tottenham u pitanju... U prednosti su na finansijskom aspektu koji će ovdje vjerovatno i odlučiti. Teško da se tu mnogo pita Salah, a ovo natezanje Basela oko cijene je sada jasno k'o dan - čekali su da se neko drugi umiješa i da mu dodatno podignu cijenu.
        Bill Shankly: "If you can't support us when we lose or draw,
        don't support us when we win."


        • Ма какав Салах какве пичке материне, ако то ураде на психијатрију сви ђутуре са Мурињом на челу.


          • Ne može im niko ništa, jači su od sudbine !!!!
            Bill Shankly : "Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that".


            • BR potvrdio da Gleno igrao povredjen, i da je sada definitivno out. Allen povredjen takodje. Kaze BR da ima 15 igraca na treningu, zaista sjajne vesti.

              “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
              -Jürgen Klopp


              • Originally posted by Freshman91 View Post
                BR potvrdio da Gleno igrao povredjen, i da je sada definitivno out. Allen povredjen takodje. Kaze BR da ima 15 igraca na treningu, zaista sjajne vesti.
                Jad i beda. Pa vraća se Flano, a i Ture bi mogao da popuni, ne znam samo kad se vraća Enrike.
                Bill Shankly : "Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that".


                • Joseph Musker ‏@Musker_LFC 26m
                  Wow. I've just been told Liverpool had agreed a fee with Basle, THEN decided to lowball them and negotiations restarted. Incredible.
                  Jao, je li moguce da su ovoliko nesposobni...

                  “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                  -Jürgen Klopp


                  • koji kolaps


                    • Ben Smith ‏@BenSmithBBC 11m
                      #LFC wanted to sign Salah in Jan but never made an official bid and failed to agree a fee with Basel. Good signing for #CFC

                      “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                      -Jürgen Klopp


                      • Ma da sad kao nismo ni slali ponudu.
                        Bill Shankly : "Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that".


                        • MrBoywunder ‏@MrBoywunder 9m
                          It now seems unlikely Rodgers will attempt to bring in anyone else before the transfer window closes. (Telegraph)
                          Sjajno, sjajno.

                          “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                          -Jürgen Klopp


                          • Tugica...


                            • Trčimo pred rudu, ačimo se.
                              Bill Shankly : "Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that".


                              • Willian,Mihtarijan,Salah....Zasto jednostavno ne moze lepo da se dovede igrac,vec stalno se odugovlaci,ne znam,zaista mi nije jasno...

