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  • Karl ‏@Karlton81 20s
    Can't guarantee when Sturridge will feature, but there's no way he'll be out for 8 weeks as reported. He's close to a return. #LFC


    • Moram dupli, ko se to nama vec vratio na trening.



      • greska
        Last edited by nikola_bg; 24-12-13, 14:10.


        • Daniel Sturridge ‏@D_Sturridge

          S/O to all my fans for the love and support you've shown. Feeling good right now mentally and physically. Closer to fitness each day!!


          • Brendan Rodgers has a slight doubt over Jon Flanagan with a hamstring problem for Man City. #LFC
            Ukleti smo sa ovim levim bekovima.

            “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
            -Jürgen Klopp


            • Onda ce nadam se igrati Ali. Keli desno i Dzonson levo je poslednje sto bih voleo da vidim. Ture desno a Dzonson levo, to je ok skroz.

              Cenim da gubimo na Etihadu kako god okrenes, na SB je moguc remi.


              • BR o dosadasnjem delu sezone.

                "Obviously we're happy and content, but we want to maintain it," he said of Liverpool's seat at the top of the table. "From January last year, we've shown we can consistently perform and we can win games on a regular basis.

                "I think we've shown we're a very attack-minded team, we've got the most goals this calendar year of any Barclays Premier League team and it's a consequence of all the great work the guys have put in on the training field. They're getting their reward for it, and during Christmas too, which is a very nostalgic time for the country.

                "People always want to know where a team is at [in the standings] around Christmas Day, which is great for us because we want to be top, and we are. But, we want to be there at the end of the season too."

                "It's brilliant for the supporters, and no-one can deny the Liverpool supporters from dreaming. It's nice for us all to dream," he said.

                "It's been a hard period at this club for four or five years, during which this was probably a distant thought for them. So for us to be all focused and united as one from the supporters, to the team, to the city - it's brilliant, and they have to enjoy it.

                "For me as the manager, my focus and concentration has always been well beyond the next game and making sure the team is prepared; that our mentality and attitude is correct. That has served us well here as I've seen us grow from where we were 18 months ago, to where we are now, and I won't change that.

                "Strategically, we've got to keep pushing the club forward. We know where we want to be and we've got to keep working on that. We can't be complacent, and we won't be. We haven't done anything yet, we're top at Christmas which is great, but we have to continue with that for the second part of the season."
                O Gradjanima i Plavcima...

                "We'll probably learn more about the squad," said the gaffer. "I know what the team can do, and we've all seen what the team can do. We've heard about all the injuries, but we will still approach the games with the same charisma and aggression to play, and the same intensity to work like animals without the ball."

                "We know it's a top place to go this year," he said. "Manchester City haven't lost at home and we've won every game at home bar one, so they obviously have confidence at home like us. They score goals, but they also concede goals so it makes for a really good game.

                "Our focus is on this game, and this game only and we know our possession level is really high at the moment, so we're looking forward to it."

                When asked whether Liverpool would be the team to break the Blues' impeccable home record, Rodgers responded: "It's just going to be a team that goes there and has the bravery to play and get that wee bit of luck when you need it.

                "We were better than Man City in both games last season, which we should have won home and away, but we made mistakes that cost us and ended up drawing both the games. So they know as well that we're a really good team. We'll arrive there in a good moment, our confidence is high, everyone can see the bravery of our players and their courage.

                "Man City is a squad that has been built to challenge for every trophy in the world, not just here in the Premier League.

                "So we understand the size of the task, but we've shown to be the best team over the past 17 weeks, and we know that this is a great opportunity for us to push on."

                “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                -Jürgen Klopp


                • Comment

                  • Real Madrid will make signing Liverpool’s Luis Suárez their top priority in the summer. (Source: Sky Sports’ Guillem Balague)
                    Balague je takodje rekao da Suarez nema klauzulu, nikakve prirode...

                    “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                    -Jürgen Klopp


                    • Vise verujem Toniju nego njemu kad je klauzula u pitanju jer je najobavesteniji novinar kad je Liverpul u pitanju.

                      Ako ga Karlo zeli, pljunuce Florentino pare i to je to. Bitno je da zavrsimo u TOP4 pa onda mozda i mozemo da nadjemo nacin da ga zamenimo.


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                        • Fabrizio Romano ‏@FabRomano21 3h
                          Fernando Reges agent, Antonio Araujo, is speaking with 3-4 clubs. There's Liverpool too. Not easy but now talks ongoing. #LFC
                          Pitao ga jedan lik za Salaha, on je rekao da su razgovori u toku za taj deal, ali da jos nije "done deal".

                          “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                          -Jürgen Klopp


                          • Originally posted by S-Nash View Post
                            Vise verujem Toniju nego njemu kad je klauzula u pitanju jer je najobavesteniji novinar kad je Liverpul u pitanju.

                            Ako ga Karlo zeli, pljunuce Florentino pare i to je to. Bitno je da zavrsimo u TOP4 pa onda mozda i mozemo da nadjemo nacin da ga zamenimo.
                            Mislim da je potpuno apsurdno dovoditi upitanje Suarezov odlazak, pa cemu onda ovoliki trud Brendana da od njega napravi coveka. Suazez je potpuno mentalno sazreo i plus u kakvoj je formi i koliko toga genijalnog u sebi pokazuje iz meca u mec. Pa jebemu mater, valjda je cilj posle tog 4 mesta da se napada titula. Zasto bi iko razmisljao o buducoj Suarezovoj zameni. Ne mislim da se ne moze naci adekvatna zamena za njega, moze naravno, vredece on 100 mil sigurno, i za te pare bi mogla cuda da se naprave sa timom. Ali stojim iza toga da se takvi igraci poput Suareza ni po kakvu cenu ne smeju postati. Brendan gradi svoju imperiju.
                            Bill Shankly : "Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that".


                            • Znaci poenta Suarezovog produzenja ugovora je da cak i ako se plasirate u TOP 4 zaradite na njemu 20-30 miliona(pitanje je da li je i tolika razlika) vise nego da mu niste produzili ugovor?Ovaj prethodni mu je trajao do 2016, a trenutno sigurno vredi vise od 60 miliona evra.

                              Ja nesto ne verujem u tu varijantu i meni je to znak da sigurno nigde nece mrdati do leta 2015.


                              • Ako Florentino Perez zaista zeli igraca, on ga i uzme. O tome se radi.

