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  • Originally posted by S-Nash View Post
    Sto se tice Sakirija, tu je jasno. Ako u Bajernu smatraju da im je potreban, nemamo nikakve sanse. Za nas bi bio strasno pojacanje.
    Ma zna se, sanse nikakve ako ce da mu daju ove sezone sansu, a nesto mislim i da hoce. Robben ce polako ali sigurno da se tera na klupu, pogotovo u sistemu kakav ce Pep da tera, on nema prednost u odnosu na Shaqirija koji je ipak timski igrac.

    “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
    -Jürgen Klopp


    • Liverpool managing director Ian Ayre has confirmed the club rejected an offer from Arsenal for Luis Suarez and remain determined to keep hold of the Uruguay international.
      ovo sam na "našao"


      • Tony Barrett ‏@TonyBarretTimes 25m
        Just to clarify, Ayre is referring to the offer that was made by Arsenal last week. There have been no others since then.
        “I don’t think anyone will be against him at this point,” Ayre said in a telephone interview.
        “He only needs to do what he did last season and everyone will feel he’s in the right place and he should carry on getting the support that he deserves and gets from Liverpool,” Ayre said. “We’d love to see Luis put on a Liverpool shirt for this season and beyond and we hope that once he gets back things will settle down.”

        “This is an ambitious young player, he’s talked in the media about wanting to play in the Champions League and all these things,” Ayre said. “It’s our job to convince Luis that this is the right place to achieve those things.”
        O ponudi od Arsenala...

        "I've heard him say it would great to have an opportunity to play for Arsenal and likewise Rel Madrid. But He certainly hasn’t called me up and said he wants to leave.

        We had an offer which is fairly public from Arsenal. We said no to that offer, and as far as we’re concerned he turns iup for training when he's due back. And we'll move foirard on that basis. .

        We get offers for lots of our players at different times. Unless we get to a siutaution where that player absolutely doesn't want to be here and we don’t want him to be here then that's a different kettle of fish. Right now we'd love to see Luis put on a Liverpool shirt for this season and beyond and we hope that once he gets back things will settle down."
        A za transfere i Mkhitaryana...

        Ayre on Mkhitaryan: We were absolutely interested in HM. It didn't work out bcos it wasn't the right deal in the end but that's what it is
        “We’ve got other people in our sights and we’ll keep plugging away,” Ayre said. “But we’ll do some more business, there’s no doubt about that.”

        “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
        -Jürgen Klopp


        • The relationship is mutual - the respect they have for me and they know how much I love them, so it's a two-way thing. People talk about my loyalty to the football club because I've been here all the way through, but the club have been very loyal to me all the way throughout my career and always rewarded me at the right times with deals.



          "There are only two sides in Liverpool. Liverpool and Liverpool reserves." - Bill Shankly

          LFC:18+5=THE GREATEST


          • Sky Italy prenosi da hocete Matrija .
            Ovo je Arsenal, a ne ono što je danas bilo na Emiratesu.


            • Ne treba ni da komentarisemo to zaista...

              “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
              -Jürgen Klopp


              • Никад да се пљује по Матрију великом шмекеру !

                Бољег нападача у првих 6 кола од њега немате, тако да.....вадите шушке !


                • Originally posted by Brajkula View Post
                  Никад да се пљује по Матрију великом шмекеру !

                  Бољег нападача у првих 6 кола од њега немате, тако да.....вадите шушке !
                  Nadam se da si racunao da Staridz nece biti spreman inace
                  sloboda ili ništa


                  • Originally posted by Brajkula View Post
                    Никад да се пљује по Матрију великом шмекеру !

                    Бољег нападача у првих 6 кола од њега немате, тако да.....вадите шушке !
                    Moze da natakne Matrija na kurac i da gol, za polusezonu utrpa vise nego ovaj za celu.



                    • Матрија можда може, али госпођицу никад


                      предложио бих том Јамајчанину са горе слике, да проба у aтлетици, биће други вечно на 100 метара, боље други него 7. пошто су ове буразере сада суспендовали због допинга.

                      Дај овамо 10 милки бре, па да купимо Мићуа, Шпанца, техничара разуме се.

                      ЕДИТ: И извините што овако нагло опет упадам, али не знам ко би коме попушио ону ствар, да не будем прост, да се мењају са личним улогама

                      било ми је задовољство, хвала лепо, довиђења.
                      Last edited by Brajkula; 16-07-13, 12:40.


                      • Opet spamujes po PL temama nicim izazvan.

                        Da se vratim na temu, ljudi po Twitteru kazu da je Brendan nametnuo visok intenzitet treninga ali i da ima dosta inovacija, da je igracima zanimljivo i da pripreme teku mnogo bolje nego proslo leto. Eriksen definitivno nije meta.

                        EDIT: Tek sad videh sliku sa Skudetom. Smejurija, ima 0.00001% zasluge za isti. Od toliko vrhunskih igraca Juvea ti nadjes da velicas obicnu kantu.


                        • Dobro je sto Eriksen nije meta.Ne znam sta ce nam,Coutinho je fantastican,a tek ce da bude,prava 10-tka.

                          Jel se zna nesto o stoperima i o zadnjem veznom ?
                          Nadam se da BR planira da dovede nekog zadnjeg veznog,jer od Lucasa i Alena nikakve koristi. Pominjao se Victor Wanyama,on mi se cini da je dobar.


                          • Originally posted by Pobeda.. View Post
                            Dobro je sto Eriksen nije meta.Ne znam sta ce nam,Coutinho je fantastican,a tek ce da bude,prava 10-tka.

                            Jel se zna nesto o stoperima i o zadnjem veznom ?
                            Nadam se da BR planira da dovede nekog zadnjeg veznog,jer od Lucasa i Alena nikakve koristi. Pominjao se Victor Wanyama,on mi se cini da je dobar.
                            BR ima zelju da dovede nekog ko moze da igra na vise mesta i da se rotira sa Kutinjom. Mkitarjan je bio idealan i prva zelja ali osim Cabija Alonsa, svaki igrac bi u ovom trenutku izabrao Dortmund pre Liverpula.

                            Stoperi su u planu, zadnji vezni ni na vidiku za sada. Vanajama je potpisao za Sautempton, nista od njega.


                            • Originally posted by Pobeda.. View Post
                              Pominjao se Victor Wanyama,on mi se cini da je dobar.
                              Bilo bi previse da promijeni dva kluba za jedno ljeto.


                              • Zaboravio sam da je otisao u Sautempton,ali se pre toga pominjao.Zato sam napisao.

