Ufff, AVB ili Martinez ??? Izabrao bi Martineza ne zato sto je bolji trener, nego je dokazan. AVB posle onoga sa Celsijem, treba da ide dalje od PL, pa kad se vrati iskusniji, pametniji, onda nek se vrati. Ali opet, Martinez nikad nije vodio veci klub od Wigana, ne znam moze li se odupreti takvom pritisku.
Ne znam, nijedan ni drugi ne ulivaju nadu, ali ja cu svakako podrzati bilo ko da dodje na klupi.
Keni je takodje rekao da se navijaci podrze njegovog naslednika:
Legenda ostaje legenda...
Ne znam, nijedan ni drugi ne ulivaju nadu, ali ja cu svakako podrzati bilo ko da dodje na klupi.
Keni je takodje rekao da se navijaci podrze njegovog naslednika:
"Hopefully they will support that person as well as they have supported myself, which has been fantastic. The fans will always, always stick with Liverpool Football Club and support the players and the team and the person that is to be the next manager of the club. That's the way these fans have been brought up and that's the way it should continue."
"For me it's obviously going to be different, not being involved in the way I have been as before. But that doesn't mean I don't want Liverpool to go on now and be really successful. And that's the same for anyone who now comes in to the club. What Liverpool FC deserves and the supporters deserve is far more important than me."
"For me it's obviously going to be different, not being involved in the way I have been as before. But that doesn't mean I don't want Liverpool to go on now and be really successful. And that's the same for anyone who now comes in to the club. What Liverpool FC deserves and the supporters deserve is far more important than me."