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Liverpool FC -YNWA

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  • Liverpul bi mogao sigurno da izdvoji 70,80m funti, samo sto uprava to ne bi dozvolila. Sada cemo bar imati ogromne prihode, sa novim ugovorima i vecim stadionom, samo je pitanje kako ce se razvijati situacija sa BRom. Dolaskom jaceg trenera, dobijas kao opciju dovodjenje top igraca. Niko nije lud da dodje kod BRa, kod njega samo Markovic i Lovren mogu da dodju. Inace Fekir je vrhunski igrac, a bice jos bolji, samo sto mi se ne svidja uopste.
    Last edited by Brian McShtull; 02-09-15, 22:07.
    "A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are."


    • Last edited by Brian McShtull; 02-09-15, 22:20.
      "A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are."


      • Emre u jako bitnoj utakmici za Njemacku prva postava i ako je vjerovati grafici igra desnog beka
        Zeljko Malnar-Nocna mora <3

        #the return


        • Ma Can je klasa, samo mu trebaju godine, a sa godinama ce dobiti tu mirnocu i zrelost koja mu je najbitnija za pozicije koje on igra.
          "A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are."


          • MU je sada preveliki zalogaj. Lovren-Skrtel nisu dovoljno sigurni. Kreativnosti u napadu i nema puno. Hendo je bas mnogo falio. Inace, mislim da Lovren nece poceti. Da li je to konacno prilika za Sakhoa da pocne?! Bod sa Old Traforda bi bio ko kuca.
            Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


            • Mnogo je veci zalogaj bio Arsenal, pa smo mogli da izvucemo pozitivan rezultat. Inace mnogo je veci pritisak na Junajtedu i Van Halu, tako da ocekujem da odigramo dobar mec.
              Last edited by Brian McShtull; 08-09-15, 16:23.
              "A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are."


              • Originally posted by PiXarr View Post
                Mnogo je veci zalogaj bio Arsenal, pa smo mogli da ih dobijemo. Inace mnogo je veci pritisak na Junajtedu i Van Halu, tako da ocekujem da odigramo dobar mec.
                Da,ali LFC igra bez Kutinja, Staridza ne bih jos ubacivao za svaki slucaj, Bentekeu trebaju lopte,prica se da je Lalana povredjen, Ibe je u losoj formi,a Firmino se jos privikava. Ne znam da li se Henderson oporavio?! Odbrana nam nije dovoljno sigurna. Zbog svega toga prednost dajem MU. A sto se pritiska tice ne mora da znaci. I LFC je pod jakim pritiskom da se opere od one blamaze proslog kola.
                Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


                • Liverpoolu je ove utakmice puno lakše igrati kad je pritisak rezultata na protivničkoj momčadi. Ja sam isto mišljenja da će Liverpol odigrati dobru utakmicu kontra Manchestera.


                  • ‘Yeah, I do miss it. I miss everything about it. When I switch on the TV and see the stadiums, with 50, 60, 70,000 people — the aggression, the intensity, the tension. I am jealous,’ admits Gerrard.

                    ‘I miss the build-up, competing with better players, I miss being Steven Gerrard, Liverpool captain and walking out in front of my people with that pressure and trying to get a result for them.

                    ‘Yes, I felt like s*** some days because we lost. I would ask myself, “why are you putting yourself through this?” but the contrast is when you beat one of the top sides, the texts are flying in on your phone and you are on top of the world. I miss that.

                    ‘As much I am enjoying it out here with a fresh challenge, I’d like nothing better than being 25 again and with 10 years ahead of me in the Premier League, playing for Liverpool, but I’ve had my time.’

                    ‘I didn’t enjoy being sub last season. I didn’t enjoy not knowing if I would be in the XI or not.

                    ‘I didn’t enjoy when Liverpool were in the Champions League, the idea that I might have to miss matches. I struggled to get my head around it.

                    ‘Maybe that was selfish of me but I had gone a long time playing every single game. I might be contradicting myself here but what would have kept me at Liverpool into this season was the chance of shadowing Brendan Rodgers and his staff as well as playing. Those ideas were only mentioned to me after I had announced I was leaving.

                    ‘I don’t know if I am going to be good enough to be a manager, or a No 1, No 2, No 3 or No 4.

                    ‘Liverpool replaced coaches Colin Pascoe and Mike Marsh in the summer, so they were looking for a new No 2, or No 3 or No 4. I would have been tailor-made to fill one of these roles, as well as making myself available as a squad player.

                    ‘I could have been a good squad player, a good sub, as well as getting management experience that money can’t buy.’

                    ‘I was surprised a role wasn’t mentioned when chief executive Ian Ayre sat down with my agent but maybe it might happen one day. I’d have stayed on as a squad player if I’d had the chance to learn more about management or coaching. I left with all the doors still open, but yes, I could still have been at Liverpool now.’



                    • ¡Si Señor!


                      • Ings i BigBen u napadu, bravo Brendane.

                        “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                        -Jürgen Klopp


                        • Pa i nije baš imao previše izbora..., nekako mi dugo traje izostanak Hende
                          A i nisam baš siguran da će to biti klasični 442......
                          ¡Si Señor!


                          • Imam osecaj kao da cu morati Lukasa do kraja zivota da gledam
                            sloboda ili ništa


                            • Sta lik napravi od ovog kluba?! Igra sprdnja ziva... ali nema veze malo je potrosio pa ima alibi, treba mu jos 200 miliona... podrska za Brendana trenerskog maga.


                              • Posto nisam gledao utakmicu, jel moze neko da ukratko opise najbolje/najgore igrace i generalnu igru ?

