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  • Па срећно ти било Рики брате слатки, да тресеш! мреже!!! Ако би дошао Морено, добијамо врхунског бека на 7,8 година.
    Bill Shankly : "Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that".


    • Riki Lambert - jedna od najlepsih prica u zadnjih par godina u fudbalu.


      • sigpic

        “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
        -Jürgen Klopp


        • Dokaz da se rad isplati.
          "When I was young, I never wanted to leave the court until I got things exactly correct. My dream was to become a pro."-Larry Bird

          "Da budale svijetle ja bi bio zvjezda danica".


          • Joseph Musker ‏@Musker_LFC 52s
            Xhedran Shaqiri is Liverpool's preferred alternative to Adam Lallana, with Southampton still demanding £30m. (Times).
            Joseph Musker ‏@Musker_LFC 6m
            BR admires Cesc Fabregas, but would prefer a move for Alexis Sanchez, if there is a possibility of the Chilean leaving Barcelona. (Times).
            Last edited by Nightbird; 01-06-14, 22:02.
            Bill Shankly : "Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that".


            • Vrlo verovatno Lallana ostaje u So'tonu, tako je mozda i najbolje, previse love traze.
              Pored Alexisa, pominju se Shaqiri i Milner.

              “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
              -Jürgen Klopp


              • Ма нису ни они наивни, нема силе, неће га продати за мање од 35 000 евра. Знао сам ја то. Па не знам дал ће наши слати толку понуду, чисто сумњам. Сад размишљам који би нам од горе наведених најбоље легао?
                Bill Shankly : "Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that".


                • Riki care dobro dosao!

                  Ja ne znam samo koji kurac se sad ovi iz so`tona kurce oko Lalane, mogu se kladiti da ce ga neko pokupiti za iste pare nama ispred nosa.
                  Kakva Shakira kakvi bakraci


                  • To answer question on whether Lallana will still go to LFC or not is not easy - situation is complicated & will take a few tweets so, SaintsFC believe they have more clout to block Lallana move for now because other clubs interested BUT, yesterday relationship between Adam Lallana & club worsened after a number of his calls to SaintsFC board members were ignored, he wants chance to play Champs League football like anyone would & is ambitious, which he's stated previously & he feels SaintsFC could/should be more sympathetic toward his stated aim to go to LFC after years of loyal service to SaintsFC & believes he's not been dealt with correctly by those above him, given his loyalty over the years to SaintsFC - so if any move does not happen & Lallana stays at SaintsFC then there will be some serious bridge-building needed between player & Reed/Krueger.
                    Now I'm not saying who is right or wrong - I see where both camps are coming from , but I do believe if I was club captain I'd expect to have my calls answered and that maybe board could have managed this situation better. Having did that, they want best deal for club & don't want to be seen to be a soft target for other clubs & want money that they see makes any sale worthwhile - but at the moment there is a problem which will only be sorted out with better communication all-round. Hope that fills you in as to really what has gone on last 2 days, goodnight
                    Adam Blackmore, koji poprilicno najvise znao o ovom deal-u i dosta zna o Svecima. Otprilike je takva situacija, Lallana nije srecan nimalo.

                    “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                    -Jürgen Klopp


                    • sigpic


                      • Pazi koji osmeh, pa tip me je kupio kako god igrao, mada mislim da nema razloga da kod dr. Brendana još i ne napreduje
                        Last edited by somborac; 02-06-14, 11:51.
                        ¡Si Señor!


                        • ¡Si Señor!


                          • S obzirom na to kako mu prica ide, vrlo moguce da ce u sezoni 15/16 da donese svojim golom titulu Liverpulu i tako zavrsi karijeru.


                            • Originally posted by S-Nash View Post
                              S obzirom na to kako mu prica ide, vrlo moguce da ce u sezoni 15/16 da donese svojim golom titulu Liverpulu i tako zavrsi karijeru.
                              Нек то уради одма у следећој, тј новој сезони.
                              Bill Shankly : "Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that".


                              • Originally posted by Nightbird View Post
                                Нек то уради одма у следећој, тј новој сезони.
                                Necemo sad uzeti igrajuci paralelno LS. Pravi Brendo i cistku, proci ce vremena dok se sve to uigra. Sada ocekujem da se popune sve pozicije da nam klupa ne budu debili tipa Aspas a sledece leto onda ostaje da dovedes dve bombe koje prave razliku i idemo po titulu. To mi je najrealniji scenario.

