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Mora jos jednom Sjecam se kad sam poceo da sviram elektricnu gitaru i da se muzicki obrazujem kako mi onda Blackmore nije bio ni u top10 jer tad nisam znao nista... i ako sam tad mislio da sam vec cuo sve sto valja. U medjuvremenu sam naucio da cijenim Deep Purple i Blackmorea. Uz svo veliko i duzno postovanje prema majstorima kakvi su Clapton, Beck, Page, Hendrix, Iommi, Brian May, SRV, Rory Gallagher, Gary Moore, Uli Jon Roth, Michael Schenker, Knopfler, sva tri Kinga i ostali bogovi gitare, niko nije bio takav majstor kao Blackmore. Naravno, imao je to zadovoljstvo da svira u najboljem bendu svih vremena.. I ako je bio problematicna dzukela, opet je redovno zadavao domaci zadatak svakome ko je ikad uzeo gitaru u ruke Bas bi mi bilo tesko da sad rangiram nekih deset najboljih, jer se to redovno mijenja u zavisnosti od raspolozenja, ali ko god je uzeo gitaru u ruke zna da je taj ton, melodija i kontrola zvuka koje je Blackmore imao u svoje pero bukvalno neponovljiva Bio mu je rodjendan prije neki dan nego nisam mogao ovdje da ga ispostujem jer sam bio banovanLast edited by powerslave; 18-04-20, 02:56.
This is Oliver Ladykiller Biscuit on Fever 105. 105 degrees, ooh, I'm just gettin my groove back on. Mmm... Susan just called from Prawn Island saying she's having a party and "can I recommend something to get people in the mood?" Well baby, I can recommend myself, I'm cool as a cucumber and just as useful... Oh yeah... Mmm...
There's something wrong with me chemically
Something wrong with me inherently
The wrong mix in the wrong genes
I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
It was the wrong plan
In the wrong hands
With the wrong theory for the wrong man
The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
The wrong questions with the wrong replies