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Premier League & SkyBet Championship 2017/18

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  • Originally posted by Rossonero View Post
    Samo nek se slavi. Ako Bog da i sljedece sezone drugo mjesto.
    Samo luzerski ispustati titule ko Sari
    Ili sesto mjesto ko Milan <3


    • Originally posted by BorisUnited99 View Post
      Samo luzerski ispustati titule ko Sari
      Ili sesto mjesto ko Milan <3



      • Originally posted by Rossonero View Post

        Samo Sahtjor


        • Originally posted by Sandugp View Post
          Ostanak Felainija ce automatski znaciti bunarenje kao primarnu napadacku opciju kada god je gusto - ako ne i cesce.
          U ostalom dokle god je Murinjo tu ne treba ocekivati nikakav leprsavi, napadacki i ultra-napadacki fudbal. Ali zato treba ocekivati fokusiranost i odlicnu zavrsnicu. Prva Zozeova sezona na celu ekipe je svojevrstan paradoks bas zbog toga (jer je realizacija bila slaba) ali kada se zna da je tada na celu napada bio najveci predator na svetu po svoju ekipu i covek oko koga se sve vrtelo postaje jasno i zasto. S tim sto se sve manje vise polako vratilo u normalu - "Murinjovsko stanje" kada se Zlatan povredio.
          Znaci nista preterano lepo, igra sa malo prilika, ali vecina istih se pretvara u golove. Jer je prevashodni fokus na neutralisanje protivnikovih vrlina, pa tek onda na isticanje svojih.
          Tako da svi koji su za Murinja automatski nisu za cestu ofanzivnu, lepu (opet lepota je u oko posmatraca), pa moze da se kaze i riskantniju napadacku igru Junajteda. I takvima je rezultat bitniji nego nacin na koji se do istog dolazi. Ali su u isto vreme za stabilniji, fokusiraniji, stameniji, tvrdji Junajted. Junajted koji ume da se brani, ume da cuva rezultat, ali ume i da napadne kada zatreba (ne toliko atraktivno i kreativno, ali ucinkovito).
          Sve ima svoje prednosti i svoje mane.
          Js bih neki Junajted koga nece izbaciti Montela Vicenco sa duplo slabijim timom na sred OTa u 1/8 finala LSa, svejedno ko menadzer bio.


          • sigpic


            • And Mourinho lourded more praise on the Frenchman, saying to Sky Sports News: "If he respects me even 50 per cent of what I respect him we can even be friends in the future. I have lots of respect for him.

              "But the reality is that he was at Arsenal, he was the champion and I came to the country in 2004 and wanted to steal his title. That's football.

              "But in the end I respect him a lot, I tried to show that in the past couple of years there were no more problems at a different stage of my career with a different profile."

              Wenger on Wednesday admitted the "timing was not really my decision" as the Frenchman prepares to leave the Emirates Stadium at the end of the season, 12 months into a two-year contract signed last summer.

              Mourinho added: "I feel sorry that after Sir Alex Ferguson - but it was obviously Sir Alex's decision (to leave after 27 years) - the next big one, the next iconic one is leaving the Premier League."
              Wenger was grateful for the gift "It was very nice and classy,” he said.

              “I enjoyed it. I have come here for a long long time.

              “Next year, someone else will be in the dug-out and it will be a hostile environment again."

              Mourinho also spoke about the surprise pre-game incident, saying: "I think we did it fantastically well as a club.

              “It would mean more for Sir Alex to do it. I only played Mr Wenger three or four times as United manager."

              In the match itself, Arsenal lost their sixth consecutive away game as Marouane Fellaini scored with a stoppage-time header.

              And Mourinho felt his side deserved the victory.

              ”I think if it was a draw it wouldn’t be unfair,” he said.

              “Arsenal did a good game, they defended well, but we were the team that tried to win that created a few more chances. But that is normal. We were a bit lucky to score, but we were stronger in the last 20 minutes.

              "We won three points that kill the Champions League story. But we still need four points to finish second which is what we want."
              SIR ALEX FERGUSON insists his fiery battles with Arsene Wenger’s Arsenal “made the Premier League”.

              “United against Arsenal was great for the game. It made the Premier League.

              “When Arsene came to Arsenal, he changed a lot of the eating habits and fitness regimes at the club.

              “He was ahead of the game at that particular time. We took examples, as we always tried to take examples from anybody who was improving.

              “It was like when you’re driving along the road: you have to be aware of somebody coming up in your wing mirror, trying to overtake you. That was the case with us and Arsenal for quite a few years.”

              “Virtually every game we played against Arsenal, there was a real edge to the match.

              “There were confrontations because there were two teams and two managers battling for one award: the Premier League.

              "In my time, we had a few arguments but I always did really respect the man because he did a fantastic job at his club.”

              Ferguson added: “The longevity will never be done again. That era has gone. What a career, absolutely fantastic.

              “I relished facing Arsene but there was also a bit of trepidation because you had to win those matches, the contest with those two great clubs.

              “There was always that feeling that when you did win a game, you knew it was a major victory as it was such a big step towards the title.

              “We were always competitive and there were some contentious issues — that’s been well documented.

              "But with our roles with Fifa, we would sit for dinner every year in Switzerland and enjoy our company.

              “And of course, it’s a different situation — I’ve retired and Arsene is a mature man now. We get on very well.”


              • Originally posted by Erik View Post
                Js bih neki Junajted koga nece izbaciti Montela Vicenco sa duplo slabijim timom na sred OTa u 1/8 finala LSa, svejedno ko menadzer bio.
                Jbg, to je ta mana Murinjovog stila. Previse povuceno, previse cekanja na gresku/e protivnika, a u osto vreme i premalo uigranosti napred, nekada cak bez ikakve ambicoje da se lopta preseli na protivnicku polovinu i tamo zadrzi neko vreme pa da se onda iz toga kreira nesto.
                Jeste Sevilja duplo slabija ekipa ali su se u tom dvoecu oni borili i izbkrili za vise nego zasluzen prolaz dalje. To su uspeli ponajvise zbog svoje odlicne igre, a onda i zbog svega navedenog u prvom pasosu ovog posta.
                Po meni ovakav Junajted nema neku perapektivu, ali moze da bude konkurentan, samo sto opet ne zavisi sve od njih jer su reultatski odlicni, ali ne toliko zbog avojih dobrih partija koliko zbog drugih faktora. Na svakom bitnom mecu oni nisu imali posed, nisu imali ofanzivnu uigranoat i organizovanost. Najvise je tu bilo individualizma (kada govorimo o napadu) i Davida (kada pricamo o odbrani).
                Sve e svodilo na to da se protivniku prepusti inicijativa i onda da se saceka ili natera na gresku, pa da se individualnim kvalitetom jednog ili dvojice igraca kazni. Prolazilo je to fino i prolazice i u buduce, jer su greske sastavni deo igre i desavaju se konstantno. Ali najveca dostignuca takav priatup po meni doneti ne moze. Zasto? Objasnicu nekom drugom prilikom.

                Always somewhere Miss you where I've been I'll be back to love you again

                U crnim rupama možeš ludo da se zezaš. Da lebdiš iznad zemlje. Da slušaš rock ´n´ roll.Dozivaš kišu.
                Ili da mazneš neku lepu ribu. Samo je bezveze kada se probudiš….


                • sigpic


                  • Izgleda da je pukla dugogodišnja "ljubav" između Jirgena Klopa i Željka Buvača.
                    Malo izabran loš tajming u smiraj revanša sa Romom na Olimpiku.
                    Njih dvoje sarađivali su kako u Majncu tako i u Borusiji iz Dortmunda.

                    Poslato sa NEM-L21 uz pomoć Tapatoka


                    • Kako dvoje ... dvojica valjda, ebemu misa


                      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                      • Olja, vidiš da je Ružni pun informacija. Možda zna još neku dodatnu koju mi ne znamo.
                        I LOVE HOUSE MUSIC!!


                        • Tottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino has refused to confirm whether he will be in charge of the club next season.


                          • Au,taman je izgradio sistem,svoj nacin igre,svoje igrace. Videcemo.
                            Сутра брзо долази - треба човек постати
                            Нестали су кодекси, остали су комплекси
                            Победе су порази, а исходи су потресни!


                            • Ne može da odvede ekipu na sledeći nivo.

                              Klize iz top 4.

                              Čelzi će skockati novu ekipu, a Arsenal dobija novog trenera.


                              • Pa razmislja o odlasku upravo zbog cinjenice da moze da izgubi te "svoje igrace" pa usput i sistem do neke mere, jer igraci cine da sistem funkcionise.

                                Ako mu budu garantovali ostanak Kane-a i Eriksena, sigurno mu nece trebati mnogo ubedjivanja da ostane.

