To bi značilo 222 igrača u prvom timu i još 80 na klupi -302. A u jednom kolu mogu da igraju maksimalno 282 igrača. I još 20 ljudi da draftuje svaki vikend, ne mere(ili nemere?) to. 8 optimalno. Tim Čelzi. Mada mislim da je bolje po broju postova da se prave draft lige
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Fantasy PL 2017/2018
Nisam ni ja iščitao, ali kontam da jedan vikend prvi biraš, sledeći poslednji, onaj tamo pretposlednji,.. Zato su verovatno i preporučili 8 ekipa, da se obiđu 4 kruga + još 2 kolaТвоја победа ће бити уколико свако од нас задржи део добродушности коју си безусловно делио са свима нама кроз свако твоје писање.
До поновног сусрета, твој Швабо
mala H2H 2018/19
suicide 2019
velika H2H 2019/20
Sada sam pročitao, za vikend. Kao što sam i mislio. Ali postoji i neki auction draft
SpoilerAuction Draft
Auction drafts are a bit different than the regular snake drafts. In auction drafts players are bid upon with the player going to the highest bidder. Each team starts out with £250 of virtual money to bid on players. All the other rules are the same as regular draft. You can own a maximum of 3 players from any single club and must have 2 goalkeepers, 5 defenders, 5 midfielders, and 3 strikers by the end of the draft.
We recommend 30 seconds per auction pick. Since time is added anyway if a bid is made when the clock is below 10 seconds, it will shorten the auction draft time.
There are two periods per player pick. The period where a player is nominated (30 seconds) which rotates round the league managers. The second period is when a player is bid upon after he has been nominated (30 seconds). If a bid is made when less than 10 seconds remain of the bidding for the player, the clock is topped up to 10 seconds. So for example, if a bid comes in when only 2 seconds remain on the clock, an additional 8 seconds is added to the bidding. Be prepared for a long and exciting auction draft!
If you’re offline for the auction draft, the highest rated player will be automatically nominated for you. However, no additional autobids will happen for you after that.
The auction nomination order is selected randomly, and it does not work in a snake order as the regular draft does.
Why Auction Draft?
Auction drafts make the draft process totally fair and not reliant on any outside factors. Drafting your Premier League Fantasy league with an auction draft has some great advantages. Auction drafts are more fair, competitive, and social than the regular snake draft.
Auction draft leagues are a Premium Feature for Draft Fantasy users. Check out how your league can start your leagues off with an auction draft for this Premier League Fantasy football season.Твоја победа ће бити уколико свако од нас задржи део добродушности коју си безусловно делио са свима нама кроз свако твоје писање.
До поновног сусрета, твој Швабо
mala H2H 2018/19
suicide 2019
velika H2H 2019/20
1000 vas ima. Kao beer fest da je u pitanju. Preko godine vas nema nigde, dodje fantazi svi su tuOriginally posted by VladanSAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.
Originally posted by l1m4r View Post1000 vas ima. Kao beer fest da je u pitanju. Preko godine vas nema nigde, dodje fantazi svi su tu
- Popijes vise od Limara i Gangare Vinjaka
- Istrolujes vise Vengera od Akana
- Imas duzu sablju od Baneta
- Budes vise banovan od Gokua
- Hajpujes vise Xiaomi od Vladana
- Duze studiras od Akija
Cudno... Ne javljaju se vise
Originally posted by Ser Deni ® View PostJavili mi se cak ljudi koji nisu na forumu... Ja ne verujem. Mislim mozes uci u ligu ako:
- Popijes vise od Limara i Gangare Vinjaka
- Istrolujes vise Vengera od Akana
- Imas duzu sablju od Baneta
- Budes vise banovan od Gokua
- Hajpujes vise Xiaomi od Vladana
- Duze studiras od Akija
Cudno... Ne javljaju se visesigpic