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  • Timea popila brejk i odmah zatražila MTO.


    • Originally posted by rokenroler View Post
      Timea popila brejk i odmah zatražila MTO.
      pa je l' si gledao uopste?
      povredila se

      Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


      Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
      with experience.


      • Uf, uf odmah ispala iz ritma...

        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


        • Zabraniti MTO
          Originally posted by Casiraghi
          Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
          Originally posted by Casiraghi
          Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

          Originally posted by Casiraghi
          Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


          • Anin bivsi ozbiljno resio da se dokopa Slema

            Dayman (a-a-ah...)
            Fighter of the Nightman (a-a-ah...)
            Champion of the sun (a-a-ah...)
            You're a master of karate and friendship
            For everyone


            • Ma idemo bre!
              Originally posted by Casiraghi
              Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
              Originally posted by Casiraghi
              Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

              Originally posted by Casiraghi
              Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


              • Bravo Jelena i pored dve velike greške, no dobro odrast će ovo derište ...mnnogo mi se sviđa kako igra i što ide stalno napred.

                Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                • Ali zato žene i servis nikako pod ruku

                  Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                  But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                  • Ja sam se ukljucio na pola seta, i samo mogu reci, svaka vam cast pa mozete da gledate ovo. Morat cu se prikljuciti grupici wta hejtera.

                    Neka im daju lakse loptice, vece rekete i spuste mrezu. Mozda bude igra na nesto licila onda.


                    • Nešto se Ziki i Nando mnogo sudaraju na mreži još uvek je neizvasno da li će i u drugm setu ući u tb
                      Bravo Jelena!

                      Težak ovaj multitasking..glava levo desno....

                      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                      • Ništa od tb...1:1, Ziki izgubio servis... mehhh

                        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                        • Jao, zenski tenis i brejkovi, svaki put mi bude jasno sto ne gledam
                          Ali napred Ostapenko Kad zune onu loptu, to izgleda bas impresivno.


                          • Dobrodosao Samuraj!

                            Dayman (a-a-ah...)
                            Fighter of the Nightman (a-a-ah...)
                            Champion of the sun (a-a-ah...)
                            You're a master of karate and friendship
                            For everyone


                            • Šteta za Zikija, mogao je ovde imati šansu da osvoji jer sve manje i manje vremena ima za novi slem ali teško će ovde moći do finala jer imaju zaostaka 1:4 u trećem..


                              • Jbg, nikad nece Verdasko stici Anu po Slemovima ako ovako nastave.
                                Dayman (a-a-ah...)
                                Fighter of the Nightman (a-a-ah...)
                                Champion of the sun (a-a-ah...)
                                You're a master of karate and friendship
                                For everyone

