Roger i Edberg pricaju o reketima, o Pro Staffu i jos o svemu i svacemu.
Roger objasnio kako je nastao SABR, dosao je u Sinsinati mrtav umoran i trenirao je sa Perom, Luti mu je nesto govorio da mora ranije da hvata ritern i ovaj je bio u fazonu: pa ne mogu ranije, ne znam sta hoces od mene i onda je uradio SABR
i pitao, je l ovo dovoljno rano 
i rekao ono sto ja i ovde uporno pricam, ali niko me ne shvata ili niko nece da shvati...
FEDERER: For the tournament directors watching this, they have a big impact on how the game is gonna go, because if all the TDs are gonna say 'we want it slow' then forget about S&V. If you want S&V game again, you need to speed up the court again.
FEDERER: "I think it would be nice to have some variety in [court] speeds. I'm not saying I want fast across the board, but I think having some really fast and very slow and seeing the players adapt to it, I think that's the beauty for every fan."
Roger objasnio kako je nastao SABR, dosao je u Sinsinati mrtav umoran i trenirao je sa Perom, Luti mu je nesto govorio da mora ranije da hvata ritern i ovaj je bio u fazonu: pa ne mogu ranije, ne znam sta hoces od mene i onda je uradio SABR

i rekao ono sto ja i ovde uporno pricam, ali niko me ne shvata ili niko nece da shvati...
FEDERER: For the tournament directors watching this, they have a big impact on how the game is gonna go, because if all the TDs are gonna say 'we want it slow' then forget about S&V. If you want S&V game again, you need to speed up the court again.
FEDERER: "I think it would be nice to have some variety in [court] speeds. I'm not saying I want fast across the board, but I think having some really fast and very slow and seeing the players adapt to it, I think that's the beauty for every fan."