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  • Aha.. Ok.

    "I love to speak with Leonard
    He’s a sportsman and a shepherd
    He’s a lazy bastard
    Living in a suit ."
    Leonard Cohen


    • Ne radi mi image bb code
      “La vostra fama è come il fiore, che nasce e muore, e si secca allo stesso sole che gli ha dato vita dall'acerba terra"


      • A i sta ce ti


        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


        • Kako bre, volim da se izražavam i u slici i u reči, za početak
          “La vostra fama è come il fiore, che nasce e muore, e si secca allo stesso sole che gli ha dato vita dall'acerba terra"


          • Ne znam kako funkcionisu ovi kazneni bodovi. Moze li neko da me uputi?
            You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.


            • Originally posted by canarian View Post
              Ne znam kako funkcionisu ovi kazneni bodovi. Moze li neko da me uputi?
              Evo ja da ti kazem koliko znam,posto ih imam

              Kad nakupis 100 automastki imas ban od mesec dana mislim da je tako podesen forum

              A traju ti negativni onoliko koliko ti je odredjeno ,pise datum, taj ko te kaznio dotle ti stoje i ne brisu se(dok ne istekne naznaceni datum dokle traju),max koji mozes da dobijes za jedan prekrsaj je 50
              i imas valjda neku zabranu gde ne mozes da pises ako su dobio i tu kaznu pride
              Last edited by 61563; 06-11-17, 16:35.


              • Originally posted by 61563 View Post
                Evo ja da ti kazem koliko znam,posto ih imam

                Kad nakupis 100 automastki imas ban od mesec dana mislim da je tako podesen forum

                A traju ti negativni onoliko koliko ti je odredjeno ,pise datum, taj ko te kaznio dotle ti stoje i ne brisu se(dok ne istekne naznaceni datum dokle traju),max koji mozes da dobijes za jedan prekrsaj je 50
                i imas valjda neku zabranu gde ne mozes da pises ako su dobio i tu kaznu pride
                Kako ih imaš kad ih nemš ispod avatara...

                Viđi kako ovi moji bodu u oči.

                "I love to speak with Leonard
                He’s a sportsman and a shepherd
                He’s a lazy bastard
                Living in a suit ."
                Leonard Cohen


                • Originally posted by Bane je View Post
                  Kako ih imaš kad ih nemš ispod avatara...

                  Viđi kako ovi moji bodu u oči.
                  Ne vide to drugi clanovi ,ne vide se ni tvoji,bar je nemam tu opciju da vidim,evo ne vidis ih ni kod @canariana

                  Pise samo prekrsaji broj i koliko trenutno imas poena,i to mogu samo kad mene da vidim
                  Last edited by 61563; 06-11-17, 16:47.


                  • Originally posted by 61563 View Post
                    Evo ja da ti kazem koliko znam,posto ih imam

                    Kad nakupis 100 automastki imas ban od mesec dana mislim da je tako podesen forum

                    A traju ti negativni onoliko koliko ti je odredjeno ,pise datum, taj ko te kaznio dotle ti stoje i ne brisu se(dok ne istekne naznaceni datum dokle traju),max koji mozes da dobijes za jedan prekrsaj je 50
                    i imas valjda neku zabranu gde ne mozes da pises ako su dobio i tu kaznu pride
                    Sto bodova = mesec dana? Moracu da pripazim sta pisem.
                    You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.


                    • Ahaaa... E to nijesam znao.

                      Ja imam 50p. Ti?

                      "I love to speak with Leonard
                      He’s a sportsman and a shepherd
                      He’s a lazy bastard
                      Living in a suit ."
                      Leonard Cohen


                      • Originally posted by canarian View Post
                        Sto bodova = mesec dana? Moracu da pripazim sta pisem.
                        Da to je minimum garant i to je automaski forum podesen ne odredjuju admini i modovi,mozda je i vise al mislim da nije, ali cim,ti istekne datum prvog prekrsaja(dokle traje) ostaju,samo preostali,evo meni danas skinuto 25 od pocetka avgusta,ali ostalo ima da ceka do marta ili februrara ne secam se tacno
                        Do danas 50,danas isteklo 25 tako da ostaje, jos 25
                        Last edited by 61563; 06-11-17, 16:55.


                        • Meni 25 bodova istice u februaru, 15 bodova nemam pojma kad isticu. Znaci imam fore jos dva puta od 25 bodova.
                          You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.


                          • Originally posted by canarian View Post
                            Meni 25 bodova istice u februaru, 15 bodova nemam pojma kad isticu. Znaci imam fore jos dva puta od 25 bodova.
                            Ili ako ti neko rebne odmah 50 do februara,isteka, ode ti


                            • Originally posted by 61563 View Post
                              Ili ako ti neko rebne odmah 50 do februara,isteka, ode ti
                              90 is still less than 100.
                              You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.


                              • Evo jedne dobronamerne sugestije

                                SoundCloud player in forums (5-step guide for SoundCloud BB code)

                                Forums have always been great places for fans and producers to congregate and talk about the music they love. Whether it’s forums about specific genres, production tips or music software there are a lot of thriving communities out there. And SoundCloud is all about moving your music to where you really need it; to all the places where you want to discuss, share and play it. So here’s a short 5-step guide to show you how to allow SoundCloud tracks to be directly embedded into forum posts. It takes two minutes.

                                Note, to do this you’ll need to have administrative rights of the forum. If you’re just a user then you might want to send your admins a link to this post and ask nicely!

                                1) Go to your Admin Control Panel, then click on ‘Add New BB code‘ option under ‘Custom BB Codes‘.

                                2) Enter the following info into the form fields:

                                Title: SoundCloud

                                BB Code Description: Share a track or playlist you found on SoundCloud

                                BB Code Tag Name: soundcloud

                                Use Option in tag?: No

                                Prevent other BB Codes from running?: Yes

                                Replacement: <iframe width=”600″ height=”450″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”{content} &amp;auto_play=false&amp;visual=true”></iframe>

                                Some implementations might use {param} instead of {content} – refer to your documentation if you’re unsure.!

                                Dialogue text: Share a track or playlist you found on SoundCloud – simply paste the track or playlist URL.!

                                BBCode Example: !

                                Description:Embed the tracks from SoundCloud into your post. Use the track URL in your browser. For example, for it would be:

                                3) Include a Button Image. (Note: this is optional but you should upload that image to your own server and host it from there:

                                4) Here’s the how it should all look:

                                BBCode visual

                                5) Now, click ‘Save‘ and that’s it! Your users will have a SoundCloud button in their post forms now. They simply click on the cloud button and paste their track URL address.

                                vBulletin Demo - Reply to Topic

                                P.S. If you’re a forum software developer yourself, don’t hesitate to contact us at or SoundCloud Google Group. There is potential for more advanced forum integration with SoundCloud.
                                July 28, 2009 forums, integration, player, tutorial

                                “La vostra fama è come il fiore, che nasce e muore, e si secca allo stesso sole che gli ha dato vita dall'acerba terra"

