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  • #31

    Hamilton je svetski sampion sa najmanjim procentom nezavrsenih trka usled mehanickog kvara u kraijeri...


    • #32
      Jel Button mjenja motor sad u Japanu kao Alonso u prethodnoj? Odnosno sad mu se pika kazna a tek u Americi prva trka s novim?

      Bit ce Alonso opasno brz sa tim novim motorom ako je suditi po dva treninga u Maleziji
      Last edited by Mrkela; 04-10-16, 12:57.


      • #33
        Neće biti zamena, a time ni kazni u Japanu, to je i bio cilj Honde sa žongliranjem agregata u Maleziji. Da su mogli da izrade dva do trke i Button bi tad zamenio, pa bi obojica imali novitet u Japanu.

        Alonso mi u poslednjih nekoliko trka deluje motivisanije, možda i najmotivisanije od kad je ponovo u McLarenu.


        • #34
          On je baš ovo ljeto bio bljed, istina i da su puno eksperimentirali sa bolidom, nadam se da su sada dovoljno brzi i da je dosta bilo.


          • #35

            Dear Lewis,

            Hey, it's God. Sorry for the delay in writing but I've been dealing with a lot of non-racing stuff lately. You have the standard fare – wars, famine, disease – and prayers have been pouring in from North America this week; there's a massive hurricane pounding the East Coast. And then you have the incessant barrage of requests to manipulate the outcome of their presidential race.

            Back to more important matters.

            Your engines, like the one that went Pompeii in Malaysia: It wasn't me. Apologies old chap, but your Mercedes "power unit" (and what is that, exactly? Help a brother out next time we speak) simply failed you.

            Your oblique assertion that "a higher power" was involved in the latest detonation and that "the pain is indescribable" had a few of us asking whether a gift of humility and context would be apropos.

            I'm afraid you're too young to recall a time when grand prix engines broke without warning. Some of my guests, quite a few from your very sport, have shared many a laugh with their tales of oily defeat being snatched from the jaws of victory. (As a sidebar, Peter Collins said to tell you the 1956 F1 season serves as an interesting parable of professional conduct in the face of adversity. Also, Andrea de Cesaris asked me to convey his sincerest condolences on having win No. 50 slip from your grasp.)

            lewis head downI asked the Devil if the issue in Sepang was his handiwork and, funnily enough, he's also been busy with that U.S. presidential race. Our best guess is your engine simply went poof. (If you recall smelling sulphur when it happened, let me know and I'll ask again.)

            BTW, can you believe Kim Kardashian was robbed? I turn my attention away for one second to order a pumpkin spice latte and look what happens. What's up with people these days?

            Anyways, back to you.

            I do realize your team and that German teammate of yours appear to have struck an unholy alliance when it comes to engine reliability, but I assure you, nothing could be further from the truth.

            You were correct when you said "I truly believe God never gives you more than you can handle," but I deserve some credit here. Poor reliability is not your cross to bear.

            Stiff upper lip, Lewis; this too shall pass.

            Well, that hurricane is getting closer, which means I should probably focus elsewhere, but if you need me this weekend in Japan, don't hesitate to call. What's a little bit of extra rainfall when a World Championship is at stake, right?

            But first, it's time for another latte.

            Humbly yours,

