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    Manager Newcastle United-a Alan Pardew je proglašen za najboljeg manager-a Premier League u sezoni 2011/12.

    Alan Pardew je samim tim postao prvi manager Newcastle United-a koji je osvojio ovu nagradu, baš kao i prvi manager koji je osvojio ovu nagradu a da niti jednom nije bio manager meseca u protekloj sezoni.

    "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


    • Transkript sa od pre godinu i po dana kada je Pardew postavljen za manager-a:

      Autor Philips [ Odgovori ]
      08/12/2010, 20:31

      Ja se još nadam da to nije istina... Sad

      Autor Savic [ Odgovori ]
      08/12/2010, 20:45

      Nikada BBC i Sky ne izlaze u javnost sa novinarskim patkama. Prvo dobro provere informaciju, pa je objave.

      Setimo se da je BBC prvi javio da Keegan odlazi i ja sam znao da će otići, jer to je BBC a ne RTS.

      Ovo je rešena stvar. Pardew je novi manager.

      Autor milos [ Odgovori ]
      08/12/2010, 21:19

      Au brate mili koji ce nam on kurac.???

      Autor Savic [ Odgovori ]
      08/12/2010, 21:48 Contract not yet signed but the manager elect of Newcastle is now said to be on Tyneside. (

      Autor Savic [ Odgovori ]
      08/12/2010, 22:40

      McNally from Mirror:
      Toon Press call at St James Park tomorrow at 2.30pm. Alan Pardew to be announced manager?

      Autor Philips [ Odgovori ]
      08/12/2010, 22:44

      Pardew menađer, tko će biti asistent, spominje se Peter Beardsley?

      Autor Robi [ Odgovori ]
      09/12/2010, 01:17

      jao boze.....on je kontroverzan menadzer,imao je gomilu ispada u javnosti...njegov ucinak je do sada je 44% pobeda u svim mecevima.

      Autor Roby [ Odgovori ]
      09/12/2010, 01:18

      Bolje da su angazovali Steve Copella,oduvek sam ga gotivio....sjajna osoba,i dobar menadzer.

      Autor Srki
      [ Odgovori ]
      09/12/2010, 09:38

      Sve nase nade da ovo nije istina bice rasprsene danas na konferenciji za stampu na kojoj ce NUFC (tj asshley o kome vise ne znam sta pogrdno da kazem a sto vec nisam) predstaviti Pardewa kao novog trenera.
      Ne znam... Zaista sumnjam da cu gledati protiv Liverpoola. Cak dobijam zelju da ponovo ispadnemo i da se nose svi u k***c!

      Autor moody [ Odgovori ]
      09/12/2010, 11:50

      ne znam koji je kurac prvo DEBELOM. a onda citavoj engleskoj. Više vole zaposlit nekog engleskog nižerazrednog menagera, nego npr. evropskog kvalitetnijeg milion puta. Evo npr Vahid Halihodžić je za ovog Pardewa dekan. Ne znam koji im je kurac više sa domacim trenerima.
      U ovoj situaciji su se spominjala neka imena da bog sacuva sve nekakvi trenercici, evo za pardewa prvi put cujem. A toliko kvalitetnih ljudi je bez posla širom evrope

      Autor Vila [ Odgovori ]
      09/12/2010, 16:18

      E samo nam je ovaj falio, mogu misliti koji ce sastav izvesti protiv lfc. Deluje mi da konta da je smith brutalno dobar. Najebali smo. Mozda me razuveri, ha ha ha.

      Autor Savic[ Odgovori ]
      09/12/2010, 16:20

      Carroll će otići već u januaru.

      Autor nufc mesa [ Odgovori ]
      09/12/2010, 16:42

      ne vjerujem da ce carroll otici , alli nam ovaj kretn nije trebao!!!

      Autor Sinner [ Odgovori ]
      09/12/2010, 17:02

      Loše, jako loše.

      Autor Srki [ Odgovori ]
      09/12/2010, 18:20

      Raduje se samo 1 covek, Pardew! Svi ostali pate.

      Autor Roby [ Odgovori ]
      09/12/2010, 18:29

      Sada nam jedino preostaje da se molimo da ne ispadnemo iz lige,i da Carroll ostane....

      sa foruma:

      Sto se Pardew-a tice, zaista ne bih komentarisao. Covek mi ne bi trenirao ni mesnu zajednicu.

      Koji sam ja mentol!!! Sve se pitam gde ova budala izvuce Pardewa?!?
      A kad nesto ne znas onda pitas BBC koji kaze:

      It is believed Pardew became close friends with Newcastle owner Mike Ashley and director Derek Llambias when all three were familiar faces at an exclusive London casino where Llambias was managing director.

      Ne bi me cudilo ni najmanje da je ovo 100% istina. Jebo ga pPardew i Llambias u sendvicu, da bog da!

      Dao sam primer kako ta budalastina sa iskusnim PL trenerom ne pije vodu.Imao je takvog pa ni on nije valjao. Kreten.
      Ponasa se kao da se ovaj klub ne tice nikoga drugog osim njega i idiotskog Llambiasa! Zapiju se u kazinu, zakockaju i onda se zgotive sa nekom budalom (Pardew) pa skontaju kako bi mogli da mu daju pos'o! Islreno onaj Pardew
      mi deluje kao tezak peder tako da ko zna sta se tu desava I love you. Sve vise sumnjam da i toga ima!

      Alan Smith17
      nece ni taj pardew dugo...kad zareda odma na startu 6-7 poraza zaredom..dobit ce i on nogu

      Najvise me bole brige za njega! On kad zaredja 6-7 poraza Njuka ce da bude 19.-20. To je ono sto me brine. A taj gejstur ce da ode kako je i dosao!

      cek taj pajser je i zvanicno trener??? vidim ja da ce ovo biti duga i bolna sezona za nas...nadam se najboljem, to je jedino sto mi preostaje...

      znas zasto je to dobro? Pa neki ljudi ce shvatiti da nevredi vise pratiti i nervirati se oko Newcastle-a i odustace.....Zato je to dobro.

      Evo na primer JA

      Jose Enrique kaže da bi dovođenje Pardew-a bilo smejurija:

      pa i jeste smejurija...sta taj ima u biografiji sto bi ga dovelo do klupe newcastla? partiju ruleta sa debelim? od navedenih dva martina jedino koliko toliko mogu da budu, ostali su smesni...kakav bre pardew??? debil nije u trecoj ligi mogao nista da uradi, a ne kod nas...kao sto kaze jose treba nam neko ko je osvajao trofeje, a ne neki klipan iz kockarnice...

      Ljudi, kad BBC nešto objavi, to je 99.99% tačno.

      McNally from Mirror:
      Alan Pardew expected to be announced manager at press conference Thursday 2.30pm

      Odluka je donesena odavno a danas cemo je svi saznati (kao da vec nismo):

      Alan Pardew will be named as the new Newcastle manager at a news conference on Thursday, BBC Sport understands.

      Mislim da je ovo najgorzniji tekst koji sam ovde postavio!

      znate ko ce njega u timu postovati??? niko...harmonija 0, timski duh 0, and there goes our season in pl...

      Pazi "Newcastle are delighted..."! Nabijem vas na *** tako odusevljene. Kretencine!
      Koga smo mi doveli... Jaoooooj jebem ti klub, za koga ja navijam....

      Igraci se bune, navijaci protestuju... ali fudbal je cudna igra... tj biznis... mislim da fudbaleri vise razmisljaju o svom ugovoru, nedeljnoj plati, mestu u timu... nego o nekom Chrisu... za par nedelja ce govoriti kako je atmosfera super, kako je novi trener doneo neka poboljsanja...blablabla...

      A navijaci... kad nisu uspeli da skinu Mike Ashley-ija posle pada u drugu ligu, onda ne verujem da ce zbog ovog izbiti neka "revolucija"...

      mene iskreno zabole djoka za dalje rezultate. nekako mi se smucilo sve vezano za Njukasl osim ovog naseg foruma. neka pobede, neka izgube, neka rade sta 'oce... don't care.

      Last edited by Mags Serbia; 11-05-12, 23:09.
      "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



        Newcastle United završava svoju ovogodišnju kampanju na rasprodatom Goodison Park-u, gde će ga dočekati domaćin Everton. Meč se igra u nedelju sa početkom u 3pm (GMT), odnosno u 16h (CET). Potvrđeno je da će Newcastle United igrati u novim bordo dresovima.

        I pre poslednjeg kola znamo da ne možemo ispod petog mesta, ali uz malo sreće, ako pobedimo i ako nam rezultati na ostalim mečevima budu išli u korist, možemo čaki do trećeg mesta na tabeli Premier League.

        NUFC: Povređeni su Peter Lovenkrands, Steven Taylor, Haris Vuckic i Danny Simpson.

        Sudija: Andre Marriner

        Toon at Goodison - Premier League era:

        2010/11 Won 1-0 Ben Arfa
        2008/09 Drew 2-2 Taylor, Duff
        2007/08 Lost 1-3 Owen (pen)
        2006/07 Lost 0-3
        2005/06 Lost 0-1
        2004/05 Lost 0-2
        2003/04 Drew 2-2 Shearer 2 pens
        2002/03 Lost 1-2 Robert
        2001/02 Won 3-1 Bellamy, Solano, Acuna
        2000/01 Drew 1-1 og(Unsworth)
        1999/00 Won 2-0 Hughes, Dyer
        1998/99 Lost 0-1
        1997/98 Drew 0-0
        1997/98 Won 1-0 Rush (FAC)
        1996/97 Lost 0-2
        1995/96 Won 3-1 Ferdinand, Lee, Kitson
        1994/95 Lost 0-1 (FAC)
        1994/95 Lost 0-2
        1993/94 Won 2-0 Cole, Beardsley

        "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson




          Fudbaleri Everton-a lako su na svom Goodison Park-u savladali Newcastle United rezultatom 3:1. Iako je Newcastle United-u trebala pobeda sa Goodison-a, plus da mu u korist idu rezultati na mečevima Arsenal-a i Tottenham-a, igrači Newcastle-a su odigrali vrlo vrlo slabo.

          Alan Pardew je na Goodison Park izveo sledećih XI: Krul, Perch, Williamson, Coloccini, Santon, Cabaye, Tiote, Ben Arfa, Gutierrez, Cisse, Ba.

          Steven Pienaar je već u 16. minutu sa dvadesetak metara doveo karamelice u vođstvo udarcem sa dvadesetak metara ali je lopta na svom putu ka golu zakačila defanzivca Newcastle-a Mike Williamson-a i u visokom luku prevarila Krul-a, dovoljno za 1:0.

          Na 2:0 povisio je Nikica Jelavić u 27. minutu, tek iz drugog pokušaja, jer mu je prvi put loptu izblokirao Tim Krul. Golu je prethodilo Jelavić-evo primanje lopte rukom, međutim, sudija Marriner to nije video.

          Tek tada je Newcastle United nešto pokušao preko Cisse-a i Ben Arfa-e, ali ništa do smanjenja rezultata nije došlo.

          Poluvreme: 2 : 0

          Na poluvremenu u svlačionici su ostali James Perch i Davide Santon. Umesto Perch-a posle duže pauze zbog povrede u igru je ušao Sylvain Marveaux, dok je Santon-a zamenio Ryan Taylor.

          Prvu priliku u nastavku meča imao je Newcastle United preko Papiss Cisse-a, ali je njegov udarac završio pored Everton-ovog gola.

          Johnny Heitinga je glavom sa pet metara povećao prednost svog tima na 3:0 u 65. minutu, posle odličnog centaršuta sa desnog boka, posle slobodnog udarca, kojeg je izveo Darron Gibson.

          Konačan rezultat 3:1 postigao je Tony Hibbert, koji je u 73. minutu glavom zatresao sopstvenu mrežu.

          U 81. minutu umesto Cheik Tiote-a u igru je ušao Shola Ameobi.

          Poraz je mogao biti i ubedljiviji da su Tim Cahill, Darron Gibson i Leon Osman bili prisebniji prilikom svojih šansi.

          Konačan rezultat: 3 : 1

          NUFC: Krul, Perch (Marveaux 46), Williamson, Coloccini, Santon (R Taylor 46), Cabaye, Tiote (Sh Ameobi 81), Ben Arfa, Gutierrez, Cisse, Ba.
          Subs not used: Elliot, Gosling, Obertan, Ferguson

          EFC: Howard, Hibbert, Heitinga (Distin 70), Jagielka, Baines, Osman, Neville (Cahill 74), Gibson, Pienaar, Fellaini, Jelavic (Stracqualursi 83).
          Subs not used: Mucha, Gueye, Barkley, Coleman.

          Man of the Match: Nikica Jelavić

          Sudija: Andre Marriner

          Gledalaca: 39,517 (3000 Toon Army)

          Newcastle United je kampanju završio na petom mestu sa sakupljenih 65. bodova. Samim tim igramo u trećem kolu kvalifikacija za Europa League. Odlična sezona je za nama. Završili smo sa bodom prednosti ispred Chelsea i sa gomilom bodova ispred Everton-a i Liverpool-a i sa čak 20 bodova više ispred sunderland-a. Coloccini je u idealnom timu sezone, dok je Alan Pardew osvoji nagradu za najboljeg manager-a sezone, kako od Premier League, tako i od udruženja manager-a. Pamtimo prelepe golove, Demba Ba-e, Papiss Cisse-a, Hametm Ben Arfa-e, Yohan Cabaye-a, Ryan Taylor-a....

          Last edited by Mags Serbia; 15-05-12, 21:18.
          "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



            Pre samo nekoliko dana, Alan Pardew je dobio prestižnu nagradu, najbolji manager Premier League u sezoni 2011/12.

            Međutim, juče je Alan Pardew dobio priznanje od svojih kolega, osvojivši League Managers Association (LMA) - Manager of the Year award.

            "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


            • Viva Pardiola!
              "Earn your stripes" - David Ginola to Newcastle players



                Intrvju koji je Alan Pardew dao za London Evening Standard:

                Pardew on England

                Alan Pardew would like to manage England one day. The 50-year-old is still celebrating the rare double of being named Barclays and League Managers’ Association boss of the season and his pride in bagging the award from his peers ahead of Roberto Mancini is immense. “To be recognised by people who do the job and understand football is fantastic,” he says.

                Despite the accolades, the Newcastle manager accepts his CV was not good enough for him to be in the running to succeed Fabio Capello.

                “I will not have proven myself good enough until I’ve been in the Premier League for four or five years, won a

                trophy and competed in Europe,” he says. But does he think the Football Association made the right choice by appointing Roy Hodgson (above)?

                “Do I think Harry [Redknapp] should have got the job? I thought at the time if the media hadn’t played it so strongly maybe he’d have got it.

                “Because there was such a big push for him, maybe the FA thought they’d do something else. I’ve got no problem with Roy. He deserved it, he had all the right credentials. I’m just glad it’s an Englishman. Maybe the initial move for Sven-Goran Eriksson was because they thought another English manager was going to get pilloried by the press.

                “It just got all out of hand. Foreign managers have changed nothing. The England team has not improved and these foreign managers have done actually no better than the English managers who went before.

                “Club football is different. In the Premier League they can change the culture of a football club, like Arsene Wenger’s done [at Arsenal].

                “You can’t do that with England! You’ve got a group of players who are coming in for two days’ recovery and one day’s training. The only thing you’re going to be able to do is bring it together, tactically be very, very sharp and make sure your substitutions work. Otherwise you’re in trouble.”

                Pardew is also in agreement with the new manager over the decision to axe Rio Ferdinand for Euro 2012 and retain the services of John Terry, despite a court case for allegedly racially abusing QPR’s Anton Ferdinand — a charge the Chelsea skipper denies — hanging over him.

                “I agree with Roy,” Pardew says. “I don’t think it was on the basis Rio could not get on with John Terry. I think Roy’s done that on football merit.

                “Even Alex [Ferguson] has questioned Rio this year, saying he’s got to change his game. That was a warning that perhaps all wasn’t well with Rio. He had some great games but he did have some indifferent ones: Everton [when United drew 4-4 at home] being one of them. Roy thought that the group that he had would be better off without Rio. I understand that.”

                Pardew on Roberto di Matteo

                Roberto di Matteo’s remarkable transformation of Chelsea from no-hopers to Champions League winners impressed the Italian’s counterpart at Newcastle.

                “It is not for me to say whether he gets the job but he has a very good chance,” Pardew says. “He has been clever. Andre Villa-Boas, looking three or four years down the line, was perhaps a little bit too quick and under some pressure from above to get rid of the senior players. The only agenda Roberto had was the immediate result: bring the group together, get a win, go to the next game, rotate it a little bit but mainly stay with the best players.”

                Pardew on Joey Barton

                Joey Barton faces a possible nine-game ban after losing his head when he was red-carded at Manchester City on the final day of the season but, if Pardew had got his way, the midfielder would have been playing for Newcastle at Everton rather than for Queens Park Rangers.

                He says: “I offered Joey two contracts, one of which he agreed to, initially, so he was very close to staying at the back end of last year.

                “But, when we sold Andy Carroll [to Liverpool], he thought we were lacking ambition. You can’t assume anything in football.”

                Pardew offers a fascinating insight into why Barton may have lashed out at Sergio Aguero and Vincent Kompany after he was sent off for elbowing Carlos Tevez.

                “I’m not defending his actions at Manchester City but he is a target for a lot of abuse,” he says. “The trouble with Joey is that he gets upset about anything. Someone not clearing up the dog poo eats into Joey.

                “His behaviour with me was impeccable, with one exception. When we played Leeds in a pre-season friendly and I didn’t make him captain he got angry and didn’t want to play. If he thinks he’s got justice then he’ll give you justice, though he has a warped sense of justice sometimes.

                “Joey should serve his time and carry on playing for QPR. It won’t be the end of his career. He’ll fight to the bitter end because he truly loves football. He’s a great student of the game and he’s delved into its psychology.”

                Pardew on Newcastle

                Newcastle supporters need a dose of realism after a season in which St James’ Park glimpsed the prospect of Champions League football and finished fifth, ahead of Chelsea.

                “I’m hoping that I will educate our fans for next season,” Pardew says. “If they think we can finish fifth with a European campaign and the finances we’ve got, it’s impossible. I honestly believe that you need to be a bit more open with the fans. The problem some managers have is they’re not open enough.”

                Having achieved the board’s target of a top-10 finish, he insists: “This year, I’m sure we’ll say something like, ‘We’re looking for a top-eight finish, hopefully attack one of the cups and have a great run in Europe. I wouldn’t say we couldn’t challenge for the top six if we got knocked out of Europe. Then we wouldn’t have those extra 13 games.”

                When reminded that a poll showed only 5.5 per cent of fans wanted him when he replaced Chris Hughton in December 2010, he laughs and says: “Probably less than that.

                “I knew that the first few months were going to be difficult but, if you’re going to walk into a manager’s job, you’ve got to take away the fan element of it. You have to say, ‘Are you going to be able to win the dressing room?’ Chris is a great guy, he had coached me [when Pardew was briefly at Tottenham] but is different to me. I’m probably more aggressive than Chris and I had the confidence that I could get the dressing room. And if you get the players on side, then you’ve got a chance of getting the fans because ultimately one leads to the other.”

                For that he needed the trust of Kevin Nolan. “Kevin was a powerful captain and I made sure of his loyalty. Before I even met him at training, I went to his house and said, ‘Look, I know there’s probably a lot of disappointment that I’m the manager but I am. I want to work with you and I need your help.’ Being the great guy that he is, he offered me that.”

                Pardew was at Wembley on Saturday to cheer Nolan as West Ham won promotion to the Premier League but the manager is equally impressed by the man who replaced Nolan as skipper, Fabricio Coloccini.

                “He is our most influential player. A classy footballer, he brings calmness, a winning mentality and a sense of order to all proceedings. He reads the game well.

                “You can’t coach it. He might see that my left-back is in big trouble with a wide player and he’ll move closer to that area. He’ll look to read situations before they evolve. Bobby Moore was probably the greatest at it but Coloccini does that for us brilliantly. Before it happens he’s extinguished it.”

                Pardew on Papiss Cisse

                Papiss Cisse scored 13 goals in 14 games after he joined Newcastle in January but owner Mike Ashley took some convincing before parting with £10million for the striker.

                “Mike had some initial worries: were we getting value?” Pardew says. “He’d had two years in a poor Freiburg team, scoring loads of goals.”

                Cisse’s second goal against Chelsea was the most memorable of the season. “It came out to him and he hit it on the side of his foot,” the manager recalls. “For him to even attempt it was just audacious. We were winning 1-0. As the ball came out to him, I thought, ‘Take it to the corner.’ But, because of the way he did it, I turned to Didier Drogba on the pitch and said, ‘You’ve got to take your hat off to that!’ and he just laughed.”

                But even as he marvels over Cisse, Pardew reflects the fine line managers tread. “If Cisse had played one game and got injured like Dean Ashton, I could have been out of a job.” Then managing West Ham, Pardew had signed Ashton from Norwich but, recalls: “He came back injured after he went off to play for England at the start of the 2006 season. It absolutely killed us. He was flying. He was going to be England centre-forward for the next 10 years. I’ve not seen a player as good as him. He was better than Andy Carroll.”

                Within a few months West Ham, under new owners, reacted to a bad run by sacking Pardew.

                He promised Ashley success when interviewed for the Toon job and says the fans have now taken to the owner.

                “The fans have understood that Mike’s actions are for the club’s benefit. He’s put in the best part of £200m and there’s no return on that as yet. The berating of him in the stands has stopped. That’s been a massive battle in itself.”

                "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



                  Newcastle United je doveo i prvo pojačanje ovog leta. Njegovo ime je Romain Amalfitano, vezni je igrač, Francuz je i doveden je iz Francuske ekipe Reims.

                  Amalfitano ima 22. godine i sa Newcastle United-om je potpisao ugovor na četiri godine.

                  "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                  • GEORDIES HERE, GEORDIES THERE...

                    Sa site-a:

                    Adding to our world map of Newcastle fans today is Vladimir Savic and son Stefan who are pictured in their home town of Novi Sad in Serbia, from where they send their best wishes to United fans here on Tyneside and all around the world.


                    "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                    • THANK YOU AND GOODBYE

                      Newcastle United se danas rešiao jedanaest igrača kojima su ugovori istekli i sa kojima ugovor nije produžen.
                      Oni su: Danny Guthrie, Peter Lovenkrands, Alan Smith, Sam Adjei, Phil Airey, Ryan Donaldson, Stevie Folan, Jeff Henderson, Tamas Kadar, Greg McDermott i Patrick Nzuzi.

                      Međutim, novi ugovor je ponuđen petorici igrača i oni su: Paul Dummett, Brad Inman, Conor Newton, Michael Richardson i James Tavernier.

                      "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                      • Lepu kolicinu plata smo skinuli sa grbace tj Ashley je skinuo. Nek im je sa srecom.
                        "Earn your stripes" - David Ginola to Newcastle players


                        • Džimi Krimi se vratio posle banovanja!
                          "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                          • Ponovo jasem
                            "Earn your stripes" - David Ginola to Newcastle players



                              Glavni scout Newcastle United-a Graham Carr produžio je ugovor na još osam godina.

                              Upravo je Graham Carr zaslužan što su u klub stigli Hatem Ben Arfa, Cheick Tiote, Yohan Cabaye, Papiss Cisse i Sylvain Marveaux.

                              "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                              • MOŽDA, VEROVATNO...

                                "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson

