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Newcastle United

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    Newcastle United gazi. Nova žrtva je bila ekipa Everton-a, koju su crno-beli pobedili rezultatom 2:1.

    Alan Pardew je na ponovo prepuni St James' Park izveo sledećih XI: Krul, Simpson, Coloccini, Steven Taylor, Ryan Taylor, Marveaux, Cabaye, Guthrie, Gutierrez, Best , Ba.

    Prvu priliku na meču stvorio je Newcastle, kada je Simpson sa distance pripretio Howard-u. Sa druge strane i Everton je pretio preko Coleman-a.

    Međutim, Newcastle United stiže do vođstva već u 12. minutu autogolom John Heitinga-e, koji je na odličan centaršut Simpson-a sa desnog boka loše reagovao i loptu sproveo u sopstvenu mrežu, za 0:1. Samo Bog sveti zna šta je u tim momentima mislio i šta je prolazilo kroz glavu golmanu Everton-a Tim Howard-u.

    U 23. minutu, Everton stvara dobru priliku, posle koje je mladi Rodwell glavom pripretio Krul-u, ali ovaj mu brani udarac. Zatim i Saha ima odličnu priliku, ali njegov udarac završava visoko preko prečke.

    Zatim sledi najlepši momenat u dosadašnjem delu sezone. Na 2:0 povisio je Ryan Taylor možda i golom decenije. Ryan je sa levog boka izveo aut, međutim, neko od igrača Everton-a nije loptu dobro izbacio i ona se vraća do njega. Ryan grudima loptu spušta na tlo, ona mu odskače za poluvolej. Usledila je bomba sa trideset metara, iskosa sa leve strane i lopta se od prečke odbija u malu mrežu pored leve stative gola golmana Howard-a, za 2:0, minut 29. Sjajan gol Ryan Taylor-a, koji je gol posvetio tek rođenom sinu. Na stadionu delirijum...dok John Carver gleda u Pardew-a i govori mu "What a F*cking Goal"!!!

    Tri minuta kasnije Luis Saha pogađa stativu Krul-ovog gola, dok je u nastavku iste te akcije Drenthe pogodio samo spoljni deo mreže.

    Ryan Taylor je još jednom mogao da se upiše u strelce kada je sa pozicije levog krila centrirao a lopta u čudnom luku pogodila prečku i nažalost, odbila se u polje a ne u gol.

    U 38.minutu, Pardew je bio primoran da pravi prvu izmenu, jer je Cabaye osetio bol u preponi. Umesto njega u igru je ušao upravi bivši igrač Everton-a, Dan Gosling.

    Međutim, kada se činilo da će Newcastle otići na odmor sa dva gola prednosti u drugoj minuti sudijske nadoknade, posle jednog kornera, Everton smanjuje rezultat na 2:1, preko Jack Rodwell-a, koji je glavom sa peterca matirao Krul-a. Totalno zasluženo.

    Poluvreme: 2 : 1

    U 53. minutu drugog poluvremena, sudija Andre Marriner je mogao mirne duše da pokaže na belu tačku, kada je Saha pogodio u ruku Gosling-a, koji se nalazio u svom šesnaestercu. Umesto penala, Everton je dobio samo korner.

    Samo minut kasnije, Pardew ponovo pravi prinudnu izmenu, kada je takođe zbog povrede, igru morao da napusti Marveaux. Umesto njega u igru je ušao Sammy Ameobi.

    Samo minut je bio potreban Sammy Ameobi-u da unese pometnju u odbranu Everton-a a sudija Marriner ovoga puta nije svirao jedanesterac, kada je Sammy u protivničkom šesnaestercu bio odgurnut s leđa od strane Hibbert-a.

    Do kraja meča, Everton je pripretio preko Saha-e i preko rezervista Cahill-a i McFadden-a, ali Newcastle se ipak znalački odbranio, zabeleživši još jedan trijumf.

    Konačan rezultat: 2 : 1

    NUFC: Krul, Simpson, Coloccini, Steven Taylor, Ryan Taylor, Marveaux (Sammy Ameobi 54), Cabaye (Gosling 38), Guthrie, Gutierrez, Best (Ben Arfa 73), Ba.
    Subs n/u: Elliot, Santon, Lovenkrands, Perch.

    EFC: Howard, Hibbert (McFadden 81), Heitinga (Cahill 56), Jagielka, Baines, Coleman, Neville (Distin 41), Rodwell, Drenthe, Osman, Saha.
    Subs n/u: Mucha, Bilyaletdinov, Stracqualursi, Barkley.

    Man of the Match: Ryan Taylor

    Sudija: Andre Marriner

    Gledalaca: 50,671 (najveća poseta ove sezone)

    Posle jedanaestog kola i dalje smo na trećem mestu sa sakupljenih 25 bodova. Još uvek nemamo poraz u Premier League. Sledi dvonedeljna pauza zbog reprezentativnih obaveza i zatim dva teška gostovanja u Manchester-u (Man City, Man Utd). Svi predviđaju da ćemo tu doživeti prvi poraz, ali ova sezona je...znate već? Već su se mnoga čuda dešavala ove sezone, pa zašto i mi ne pokušamo da napravimo čudo i vratimo se sa ova dva gostovanja iz Manchestera neporaženi?

    Last edited by Mags Serbia; 07-11-11, 21:38.
    "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



      Od četvrtka 10. 11. 2011. godine, stadion Newcastle United-a St James' Park menja ime u Sports Direct Arena.

      SRAMOTA!!! Još jedan autogol Mike Ashley-a.


      Newcastle United have today announced plans to license the full naming rights to the club's stadium following consultation with international branding experts.

      The board are committed to generating additional commercial revenue from advertising and sponsorship opportunities. The original naming rights proposal, launched in November 2009, invited sponsors to link their brand to St. James' Park, but this did not prove commercially attractive.

      As such, the club will now seek a sponsor who will be granted full naming rights. Until such time the stadium will be renamed the Sports Direct Arena.

      Managing Director, Derek Llambias, said: "Our aim for Newcastle United is to continue to deliver success for the fans and everyone associated with the Club. We must make this Club financially self-sufficient in order to deliver that success.

      "To grow sustainably and allow us to invest in our future, we will need to rely increasingly heavily on commercial income. These are very difficult economic times and the board have a responsibility to maximise all revenue streams for the benefit of the Club. Stadium rebranding offers a lucrative way for clubs to secure significant additional income.

      "When we initially launched our plans at the end of 2009, we invited sponsors to attach their brand to that of St. James' Park. However it has become clear that in order to make the proposition as commercially attractive as possible, a potential sponsor must be given the opportunity to fully rebrand the stadium.

      "Naming the stadium the Sports Direct Arena helps up to showcase the opportunity to interested parties. We are now actively seeking a long-term sponsor wishing to acquire full naming rights for the stadium.

      "Our shirt sponsorship deal with Northern Rock will also expire at the end of this season, which presents would-be sponsors with the opportunity to acquire both the naming rights and shirt sponsorship deals."

      "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


      • Ovo je zalosno , slusao sam danas na SK , ali svi cemo ga jos uvek zvati jedan jedini St.James Park
        Sale Stanojevic : , ,,Misija će biti ispunjena kada sa Partizanom ostvarim evropske snove, a to je veliki korak napred u Ligi šampiona ,.


        • Tell Me Lies Tell Me Sweet Little Lies...

          Derek Llambias preko BBC Radio Newcastle:

          "I would hope it would generate between £8 million and £10 million a year. That would give us another player. The club needs to be self-sufficient, and this will help us be self-sufficient.

          "Yes, we do need to go that one step further to compete. Yes, we do. We have had an exceptional year, and long may it continue, but the fans want us to buy more players.

          "We need to bring in a striker in January, we will need replacements in the summer and we need to give ourselves as much as possible.

          "There is no guarantee we will find a sponsor between now and then, but we have to give ourselves the opportunity and this is one.

          "We have to keep going at it. We can't just say 'Oh, it hasn't worked out, let's go back to what we were'. We have to give ourselves the maximum opportunity to sell it.

          "I totally respect the tradition and history of the club. That is always going to be there, but we need to move with the times and this is progression.

          "We need to move on. We are not disrespecting our fans at all. Far from it. We are trying to make it affordable and put players on the pitch.

          "We have exhausted all our other revenue streams, retail is not good - that produces next to nothing, quite honestly - so we need to bring in more, quite honestly.

          "We have been out there a long time looking. We lose Northern Rock as a sponsor this year, so it gives me a very small window to get a new shirt sponsor and hopefully a stadium sponsor at the same time.

          "We understand that side of it (fan resistance to referring to the ground by any other name), but it is the sponsor's responsibility, as well as ours, to move forward. Time will dissolve that.

          "The history will always be there, we just become part of the history or they become part of the history. We just need to make sure we give ourselves the opportunity.

          "You know Chelsea has come out to basically say they are going to re-name their present stadium. Now, they have a long history as well, but they have an owner who actually has more money than God.

          "We can't compare ourselves to Abramovich, we have not got that sort of money, so if we want to compete with the big boys, we have to bring more money in."

          "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


          • "You guys don't understand how f****** horrible we can be"

            Sunday Mirror article, Sunday 13.11.2011

            Newcastle managing director Derek Llambias stunned Toon Army fans by unleashing an astonishing, foul-mouthed rant in public on Geordie icons Alan Shearer and Kevin Keegan.
            The former casino boss — who virtually never gives media interviews — delivered a withering condemnation on the managerial abilities of the Magpies legends in front of startled onlookers in a Newcastle gastro bar.

            Llambias, who along with Toon owner Mike Ashley has enraged Toon fans by re-branding historic St. James’ Park as the Sports Direct Arena, blamed Shearer for Newcasle’s 2009 relegation and claimed there “will never be a right time” for the former England skipper in management.

            "I have to admit that £30m for Andy Carroll is a lot of money," Lambias said, before responding when one supporter asked him "Is he worth £30m?": "No - he's worth f*** all."

            With Chelsea closing a deal worth £50 million for Fernando Torres on January's deadline day, Liverpool were under pressure to bring in a new striker and Llambias claimed that they could push for the entire Carroll fee up front.

            Llambias explained: "It is about control. We had the control. We knew the Torres deal was there. We drew that f****** deal, perhaps the ultimate. So £30m? F*** off! Don't waste my time and I slammed the phone down.

            "£35m? Everybody including Pardew [manager Alan Pardew] all agreed. But the £35m they wanted to pay over four years. It was rubbish. Mike (Ashley) said - and he is a brave boy Mike I promise you - get all the £35m up front. We got it all up front and then they never paid us on time and we charged them 12 grand f****** interest."

            In a blistering broadside aimed at Keegan, the Magpies MD claimed the former England boss is unable to cope with the stresses and strains of management.

            Llambias railed: "Kevin Keegan can’t take pressure. His f****** head is all over the place.”

            He also made a shocking claim in a meeting with fans last month that Keegan’s second coming as Newcastle manager in 2008 came about *because he was the preferred choice of potential Arab buyers. He revealed:

            “Mike was selling to the Arabs and they *wanted Kevin Keegan. The Arabs wanted him, the fans wanted him — perfect!”

            A candid Llambias admitted he was at fault for recruiting Shearer as manager in April 2009 when Newcastle were battling to avoid the drop. Llambias said:

            "Shearer was my choice and I have to hold up my hands — the wrong choice."

            Referring to the relegation battle and the managerial team of Shearer and Iain Dowie, he claimed: "Shearer, for this, destroys us. He gave all the responsibility to Dowie. Rubbish!"

            A supporter suggests "It wasn’t the right time" for Shearer. Llambias responded brusquely, and said: "It would never be the right time. Shearer? There would never be a right time in football.”

            When one of the onlookers suggested Shearer is arrogant, Llambias agreed and said: "You guys have given him that arrogance."

            What will perplex Newcastle fans about Llambias’ put-down of the Geordie hero is the fact that days after relegation, Ashley issued a statement in which he said:

            "Bringing Alan Shearer back to Newcastle United was the best decision I have made."

            Chris Hughton succeeded Shearer as manager and led Toon back into the top flight at the first attempt as champions. Hughton was sacked by Newcastle a year ago, and is now manager of Birmingham. He was also in the Llambias line of fire when one of the group asked why he was dismissed.

            Llambias responded: "He would never have taken us where we want to be. That’s my decision by the way. Chris can’t make decisions. If I am asking about a player, Ben Arfa? he says ‘I’m not sure, blah blah’.

            "With Chris, he couldn’t cope with where we are mentally. We are aggressive. You need to be aggressive. I don’t want a manager below me who can’t argue.”

            But of all the colourful claims made by Llambias perhaps the one that will not be disputed by Toon fans is: "You guys don’t understand how f****** horrible we can be.”

            After last week’s act of soccer sacrilege at St. James’ Park, many Geordies believe they understand only too well. Newcastle declined to comment last night.

            Last edited by Mags Serbia; 16-11-11, 21:54.
            "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



              Mladi napadač Newcastle United-a Samuel "Sammy" Ameobi, produžio je vernost sa crno-belim na još tri i po godine.

              Sammy Ameobi ima samo 19 godina i posle potpisivanja novog ugovora je izjavio, da je srećan što je potpisao ugovor za klub koji voli.

              "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



                Manager Newcastle United-a Alan Pardew, potvrdio je da će Sylvain Marveaux odsustvovati sa terena na duži vremenski period, jer će morati na operaciju prepona.Marveaux se povrdio u meču protiv Everton-a.

                Da podsetimo, Marveaux je imao istu ovakvu povredu još dok je igrao za Francusku ekipu Rennes, koja ga je od terena odvojila gotovo godinu dana.

                "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



                  Ove subote, u okviru dvanaestog kola Premier League, Newcastle United putuje u Manchester, gde će na Etihad Stadium snage odmeriti sa ekipom Manchester City. Meč počinje u 3pm (GMT). Newcastle United će imati podršku 1700 Toon Army.

                  NUFC: Mike Williamson, Sylvain Marveaux, Cheick Tiote i Gabriel Obertan su definitivno van stroja, dok će Yohan Cabaye i Shola Ameobi konkurisati za tim.

                  Sudija: Chris Foy

                  City v United - Premier League era:

                  2010/11 Lost 1-2 Gutierrez
                  2008/09 Lost 1-2 Carroll
                  2007/08 Lost 1-3 Martins
                  2006/07 Drew 0-0
                  2005/06 Lost 0-3
                  2004/05 Drew 1-1 Shearer
                  2003/04 Lost 0-1
                  2002/03 Lost 0-1*
                  2000/01 Won 1-0 Shearer*
                  1995/96 Drew 3-3 Albert 2, Asprilla*
                  1994/95 Drew 0-0*
                  1993/94 Lost 1-2 Sellars*
                  1993/94 Drew 1-1 Jeffrey (LC)*

                  (* Utakmice na Main Road, sve ostale na COM Stadium)

                  Meč DIREKTNO na SPORTKLUB-u 3 sa početkom u 16h (CET).
                  "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



                    MANCHESTER CITY - NEWCASTLE UNITED 3 : 1

                    Uprkos prvom porazu, koji se dogodio tek u dvanaestom kolu Premier League, Newcastle United je ostavio pozitivan utisak na Etihad Stadium.

                    Veoma loših poslednjih četiri minuta prvog poluvremena, koštala su Newcastle United makar nerešenog rezultata.

                    Pre nego što je City načeo mrežu Newcastle-a, igralo se dosta mrno, bez puno prilika. City je stvorio dve, jednu preko Aguero-a, koji je sa distance oprobao udarac i drugu preko Balotelli-a, koji je glavom uputio udarac ka Krul-u a ovaj mu maestralno odbranio udarac.

                    Međutim, u 41. minutu, lopta posle udarca Yaya Toure-a u ruku pogađa Ryan Taylor-a koji se nalazio u svom petercu i sudija Chris Foy dosuđuje jedanesterac za City. Siguran izvođač sa bele tačke bio je Mario Balotelli, poslavši loptu u Krul-ov levi ugao, dok se golman Newcastle-a nije ni pomerio, za 1:0, minut 41.

                    Baš kada se činilo da će City na odmor otići sa minimalnom prednošću, Ryan Talyor greši u svom šesnaestercu, što koristi Micah Richard, koji udarcem sa desetak metara matira Krul-a za 2:0 minut 44.

                    Imao je Newcastle svoje prilike preko Demba Ba-e, ali je njegov vrlo dobar udarac odbranio City-ev čuvar mreže Joe Hart. Ta prilika se dogodila pri rezultatu 0:0 i ko zna šta bi bilo, da je Newcastle tada poveo?

                    Poluvreme: 2 : 0

                    U nastavku meča, Hamtem Ben Arfa je imao odličnu priliku, ali je posle udarac desnom nogom lopta odsela na stativi i odbila se u polje.

                    Coloccini je takođe imao priliku, kada je posle jednog kornera hvatao volej, ali lopta je otišla pored stative. Guthrie je imao jedan odličan prodor po levoj strani, kada je povratnom loptom pokušao da proigra jednog svog saigrača, ali je i ovoga puta Hart odlično reagovao.

                    Kraj balade dogodio se u 72. minutu, kada je Ben Arfa u svom šesnaetercu nespretno oborio Micah Richards-a, koji je pao, kao da ga je tenk udario od nazad a ne Hatem Ben Arfa.

                    Ovoga puta siguran sa bele tačke, bio je Sergiu Kun Aguero, koji je poslao loptu u jednu a Krul-a u drugu stranu, za 3:0, minut 72.

                    U 89. minutu, James Perch sjajno upošljava Ba-u, koji nije uspeo da savlada Joe Hart-a, ali u nastavku akcije, rezervista Dan Gosling sa tri metra ubacuje loptu u praznu mrežu, za konačnih 3:1, minut 89. Prvi gol Gosling-a u crno-belom dresu.

                    Konačan rezultat: 3 : 1

                    NUFC: Krul, Simpson, S.Taylor, Coloccini, R.Taylor, Sa.Ameobi (Gosling 79), Cabaye (Perch 85), Guthrie, Gutierrez, Ben Arfa (Lovenkrands 76), Ba.
                    Subs n/u: Elliot, Santon, Smith, Sh.Ameobi.

                    MCFC: Hart, Richards, Kompany, Lescott, Clichy, Milner, Nasri, De Jong, Y.Toure (Barry 84), Aguero (Johnson 76), Balotelli (Silva 69).
                    Subs n/u: Pantilimon, Kolarov, K.Toure, Dzeko.

                    Man of the Match: Micah Richards

                    Sudija: Chris Foy (jeftini penali dosuđeni za City)

                    Gledalaca: 47,408 (najveća poseta ikada na Etihad-u, uz 1700 Toon Army)

                    Nije loše bilo. Jeftino smo poklonili pobedu City-u. Lepo je bilo videti da su se De Jong i Ben Arfa rukovali na početku meča. Posle ovog kola, Tottenham nas je pretekao na tabeli i mi smo skliznuli za jedno mesto. Trenutno smo četvrti. Zanimljivo je bilo videti i Steven Taylor-a, kojem je prokrvavio nos, pritom mu okrvavio i dres, pa je morao da obuče dres sa brojem 45 na leđima ali bez imena. Sledeći meč je u subotu, takođe u Manchester-u, ali na Old Trafford-u.

                    Last edited by Mags Serbia; 22-11-11, 21:52.
                    "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



                      Posle plavog, Newcastle United ove subote putuje u crveni deo Manchester-a, gde će snage odmeriti sa Manchester United-om. Meč se igra na Old Trafford-u u old-fashioned terminu 3pm (GMT). Rasprodato je svih 1800 karata predviđenih za Toon Army.

                      NUFC: Mike Williamson, Sylvain Marveaux i Cheik Tiote su povređeni, dok je za ovaj meč spreman Gabriel Obartan, koji će možda nastupiti protiv svog bivšeg kluba. Leon Best je pod velikim znakom pitanja.

                      Sudija: Mike Jones

                      Magpies @ Old Trafford - Premier Years:
                      (u zagradi su rezultati na poluvremenu)

                      2010/11 lost 0-3 (losing 0-2)
                      2008/09 drew 1-1 (1-1) Martins
                      2007/08 lost 0-6 (0-0)
                      2006/07 lost 0-2 (losing 0-1)
                      2005/06 lost 0-2 (losing 0-2)
                      2004/05 lost 1-2 (winning 1-0) Ambrose
                      2003/04 drew 0-0 (0-0)
                      2002/03 lost 3-5 (losing 1-3) Bernard, Shearer, Bellamy
                      2001/02 lost 1-3 (losing 0-1) Shearer
                      2000/01 lost 0-2 (losing 0-1)
                      1999/00 lost 1-5 (1-1) og (Berg)
                      1998/99 drew 0-0 (0-0)
                      1997/98 drew 1-1 (1-1) Andersson
                      1996/97 drew 0-0 (0-0)
                      1995/96 lost 0-2 (losing 0-1)
                      1994/95 lost 0-2 (losing 0-1)
                      1993/94 drew 1-1 (losing 0-1) Cole

                      Meč DIREKTNO na SPORTKLUB-u PRIME, sa početkom u 16h (CET).
                      "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



                        MANCHESTER UNITED - NEWCASTLE UNITED 1 : 1

                        U odličnom meču viđenom na Old Trafford-u, remizirali su Manchester United i Newcastle United rezultatom 1:1. Za Man United strelac je bio Javier Hernandez, dok je za Newcastle United, strelac bio Demba Ba.

                        Alan Pardew je na kišoviti Old Trafford izveo sledećih XI: Krul, Simpson, Steven Taylor, Coloccini, Ryan Taylor, Obertan, Cabaye, Guthrie, Gutierrez, Ben Arfa, Ba.

                        Newcastle United je dobro otvorio utakmicu. Ryan Taylor je imao vrlo dobru priliku, kada je na petercu, iskosa sa leve strane šutirao veoma traljavo u situaciji kada je mogao i morao bolje. Posle toga Ben Arfa divnom loptom pronalazi Ba, koji iz poluvoleja šutira preko gola.

                        Gabriel Obertan je imao možda i najboljih 45 minuta za Newcastle United, oprobao je svoj udarac sa distance, ali je lopta otišla visoko preko gola.

                        Tada Manchester United počinje da igra, stvarajući nekoliko vrlo dobrih prilika, pre svega preko Hernandez-a, koji je na našu sreću, bio veoma neprecizan. Giggs je takođe imao jednu vrlo dobru priliku za svoj tim, ali mu je Krul odbranio udarac.

                        Sredinom prvog poluvremena, sporečkali su se Rooney i Ben Arfa, jer je Rooney nogom zamahnuo ka Coloccini-u, dok je ovaj ležao na travi. To se nije svidelo Ben Arfa-i, koji je stao u odbranu svog kapitena, zbog čega je dobio i žuti karton. Jonas je od cele situacije odvukao Hatem-a, kako se situacija po njega ne bi pogoršala.

                        Poluvreme: 0 : 0

                        Međutim, Manchester United već posle četiri minuta igre u drugom poluvremenu dolazi do prednosti. Strelac je bio više nego srećni Javier Hernandez, kojeg je na petercu Newcastle-a loptom napucao Steven Taylor, posle čega se lopta odbila u praznu mrežu, za 1:0, minut 49.

                        Međutim, u 62. minutu, pomoćni sudija John Flynn je signalizirao glavnom sudiji meča Mike Jones-u, da je Rio Ferdinand u svom šesnaestercu faulirao Ben Arfa-u. TV snimak je jasno pokazao da je Ferdinand startovao na loptu i da je ovo bila sudijska greška. Međutim to nije zanimalo Demba Ba-u, koji je devetim golom izjednačio rezultat na 1:1, minut 64.

                        Treba napomenuti da je sedam-osam igrača Manchester-a konstantno vršilo pritisak da glavni sudija promeni odluku. Posle izvođenja jedanesterca, ponovo su igrači u crvenom okružili glavnog sudiju. U protestima je prednjačio Wayne Rooney.

                        U 78. minutu Jonas Gutierrez dobija drugi žuti karton i Newcastle United do kraja meča igra sa desetoricom.

                        Kako smo do kraja utakmice preživeli napade Manchester United-a, samo Bog zna. Krul je u nekoliko navrata fantastično reagovao, odbranivši udarce Viduću i Evra-i, dok je u Simpson u jednoj prilici izbacio loptu sa gol linije. Jednom se i stativa tresla posle udarca Ashley Young-a. U sudijskoj nadoknadi Hernandez postiže gol, ali mu ga pomoćni poništava zbog minimalnog offside-a.

                        Konačan rezultat: 1 : 1

                        NUFC: Krul, Simpson, Steven Taylor, Coloccini, Ryan Taylor, Obertan (Sammy Ameobi 65), Cabaye, Guthrie (Perch 74), Gutierrez, Ben Arfa (Lovenkrands 80), Ba.
                        Subs n/u: Elliot, Santon, Gosling, Shola Ameobi.

                        MUFC: De Gea, Fabio Da Silva (Smalling 90), Vidic, Ferdinand, Evra (Macheda 87), Nani, Carrick, Giggs, Young, Rooney, Hernandez.
                        Subs n/u: Lindegaard, Evans, Park, Valencia, Gibson.

                        Man of the Match: Tim Krul

                        Sudija: Mike Jones (penal zaista nije postojao, međutim, ako je Jonas isključen, nije mi jasno kako je Fabio ostao na terenu?)

                        Gledalaca: 75,594 (1800 Toon Army. Na tribinama i Alan Shearer).

                        Veliki bod osvojen je na Old Trafford-u. Posle ovog kola, ostajemo četvrti na tabeli sa osvojenih 26 bodova. Sledeće subote u goste nam dolazi Chelsea. Nadamo se pobedi...

                        "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                        • GARY SPEED - REST IN PEACE

                          Selektor reprezentacije Wales-a i bivši igrač Newcastle United-a Gary Speed izvršio je samoubistvo. Gary Speed imao je samo 42. godine.

                          Od februara 1998. do maja 2004. godine, za Newcastle United odigrao je 285 utakmica, postigavši okruglo 40 golova. Za crno-bele je igrao dva finala FA Cup-a i jedno polufinale FA Cup-a.

                          Iskreno saučešće porodici i prijateljima.

                          "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                          • GARY SPEED: TOON TRIBUTES


                            Hugo Viana (translated):

                            "I was shocked, as were all who knew him. It was another great professional I worked with in Newcastle and a great person. It's a sad outcome."

                            Alan Shearer:

                            "Gary was a magnificent person, bright, fun and a wonderful family man - he lit up every room he walked into. I am proud to have been his friend and will miss him dreadfully."

                            Steve Harper:

                            "I am shocked and devastated at the news. Gary was a great friend, the ultimate professional and will be sorely missed by everyone. Our thoughts are with his family."

                            Robert Lee:

                            “He wasn’t just a great player, he was a great person too. He was always great to be around, the life and soul of the party, and a good friend - it's a sad, sad day."

                            Steven Taylor:

                            "It is a sad, sad day. I played with him when I came through the ranks. He helped me through, he was an absolute machine - the best professional in football. He had that aura about him. He always had time for the young lads and helped them feel good about themselves.”

                            John Carver:

                            "Gary was a very close friend and colleague of mine and I am absolutely shattered by the news, it is totally devastating.

                            "When I was coaching at Newcastle with Sir Bobby, Gary was as perfect a professional as you could ever wish to work with - 100 per cent committed, dedicated to his profession and, above all, a wonderful colleague and friend.

                            "I worked with him at Sheffield United too and of course was delighted to see the fantastic job he was doing with Wales.

                            "I am devastated by the news and I can only offer his family the most sincere of condolences at this tragic time. Gary was an exceptional person and a very dear friend. Football has lost a truly great man."

                            Kevin Gallacher:

                            "It’s just a massive shock. I don’t think anyone saw it coming, certainly I didn’t, and people who worked with him on Football Focus said he was in good spirits.

                            “I played against Gary many times and I played with him for a couple of years at Newcastle. He was the sort of guy who would make you very welcome and help you out. He taught me how to play the guitar when I was there.

                            “I spoke to him a couple of months ago and whenever I saw him I would always ask him about his family. Obviously my thoughts go out to them now.

                            “He was just the ultimate professional and no-one ever had a bad word to say about him. As someone who was younger than me the news is a huge shock. I’m just trying to soak it in.

                            “He was a good friend who I’ll sadly miss.”

                            Andy Griffin:

                            "When people talk about him today, they are all saying what a good guy he was. He was obviously a great player, you don't achieve what he did without the exceptional professionalism he had. But more so, as a man he carried modesty around with him, he was very successful in his business.

                            "He was just a top bloke, it's as simple as that, and it's very, very, very sad. He's someone I always had the utmost respect for as a man, as a football player. Everyone had nothing but positive things to say about him, and rightly so."


                            "The board, manager, staff and players of Newcastle United FC are today deeply saddened to learn of the tragic death of Gary Speed.

                            "Gary was an inspirational and much-loved player at Newcastle United during his time with the club from 1998 to 2004, making 285 appearances and scoring 40 goals. He was an excellent servant to the club, the ultimate professional, and an exceptional role-model for younger players.

                            "Gary will be deeply missed by everyone at Newcastle United. Our condolences go out to his family at this very sad time."

                            Shola Ameobi:

                            "Gary was a really great guy who joined the club the year before I made my debut. I looked up to likes of Gary and Alan Shearer, and he was always there for me and the rest of the young lads, taking time to talk to us at training and pass on little tips that helped you improve as a player. Not everyone would do that so it just goes to show what a class act he was.

                            "He taught me so much, not just on the field, but how to handle yourself off the pitch too. I wish his family all the very best at this terribly sad time."

                            Alan Pardew:

                            "This is one of the saddest days in football, when we hear a colleague as respected as Gary is tragically no longer with us.

                            "A top class international player whose seamless move into national team management tells us everything you need to know about him. He had great class on and off the pitch, he was a man of true character that so many people looked up to.

                            "It is so sad and tonight my thoughts are of course with his family."

                            Nobby Solano:

                            "He was a special guy, I was very close to him. He was a pretty strong character in the dressing room, especially when you had a bad game – he would give you a lift.

                            “He was a second captain after Alan Shearer. He was a great professional, giving everything in training day by day. He was an excellent leader and an excellent team-mate. It’s a sad day for football and especially for people who knew him.

                            “I remember when he was 34, 35, he was always training normally like a young lad - he always looked after himself.”

                            Steve Howey:

                            "He’s a man that will be hugely missed. I can’t believe he’s gone but I will never forget him. About two or three weeks ago I was with him and his son watching a game. He seemed fine and he was just cracking on.”

                            Lee Clark:

                            "Whatever people's opinions are on how good he was as a footballer, he was an even better person. He was one of the best footballers I played against - a man that did everything to the best of his ability and would do anything to be the best.

                            "It is hard to put into words what he was like as a person - you couldn't compare him. He was the best."

                            Terry McDermott:

                            "He was one of the nice guys of football and as I don't know anyone who had a bad word to say about him. He was a gem person and a very, very good footballer. Away from football he was a wonderful family man - to lose him is unbelievable.

                            Steve Watson:

                            "I heard the tragic news on the coach down to Charlton yesterday and I felt completely numb. I immediately phoned my wife as we are very close to his family and have spent time away from the football field together.

                            "It is devastating news, Gary was an unbelievable football man whether he was playing, coaching or managing. He was completely dedicated and loved the game.

                            "Away from the field he was a great person and very much a family man. My thoughts, as are those of my family, are with his wife and his two children."

                            Michael Chopra:

                            “He was a brilliant professional and when I was at Newcastle he would always be available to help you out and offer you some advice if you needed it.

                            "You remember the little things and I knew that if I ever needed to speak to someone, Gary was always there for you. It was a really sad day to find out what had happened to him. He had a bright future as a manager. “

                            Lee Bowyer:

                            “He was such a professional and so many people looked up to him. For the time that I knew him, and I've met up with him since leaving Newcastle, he was always so kind and just a really nice person.

                            “You couldn't say a bad word against the guy, he was a true gentleman on and off the field and he's definitely going to be missed.”

                            Carl Serrant:

                            "It was just a shock, a total shock. It is difficult to come to terms with. It seems so out-of-character for someone like that to do something like that. He was such a strong character, fun-loving and a leader.

                            "As a man and as a professional, he had every quality that you would want to be a top-level player and that is why he was the success that he was. He had a hell of a lot of talent, and he maximised it through his professionalism.

                            "He was the type of guy that you would want to be. He was full of stories, a funny guy and a leader of men. If you went out for a drink or were in a group, he would be the one leading the banter. He was a really intelligent guy, hard-working and always looking to improve himself.

                            "No-one ever spoke badly of Speedo - you couldn't. He was a strong-minded character, but spoke with a real level-headedness.... it is so sad, it's unbelievable."

                            Peter Ramage:

                            "I came up through the ranks at Newcastle and Speedo was a big character there. The young lads like me used to train with the senior pros quite often and Speedo was always the life and soul of the Club.

                            "He was a great bloke - one of a kind - and especially good with the younger lads like me at the time. He was always very supportive to us all. He would always encourage us. He was an absolute gentleman - on and off the park - and I still can't quite believe it.

                            "The way he conducted himself in any circumstance was unbelievable. He was a credit to himself, his family and the game in general. The world of football has lost one of the really good guys."

                            Kenny Dalglish:

                            "He was a smashing lad and was really well respected. We don’t know the circumstances and there’ll be a lot of people who are saddened at what’s happened, but I think the most important people at this particular moment in time is his wife and kids – they must be absolutely devastated.

                            "It’s a times like this that the football becomes a wee bit irrelevant. He was a very respected man in and around football."

                            Graeme Souness:

                            "You can call someone a great player if they've played for so long and won things. Some people are called great players after one season, but for me if you play for such a long time, it shows your character."

                            Sam Allardyce:

                            "I was fortunate to take Gary to Bolton. At that stage he was a young 34 and most people were saying he was getting past it, but in actual fact his stats were absolutely outstanding.

                            "As soon as he walked into the club he had an aura. He did everything to detail. When generally an old professional might moan and groan and say 'I don't want to do this' he just took it on board.

                            "I was also fortunate to get to know him as a person. He was an outstanding individual and this is what's devastating.

                            "His life was about standards, he had a high standard for everything that he did. To sum it up, if you had a daughter and she brought Gary Speed home you'd be delighted."

                            Mick Wadsworth:

                            "What can you say about Gary that hasn't already been said? I was fortunate to have worked with him. At that time, Sir Bobby gave me free licence to train the side when we were working to turn the club around.

                            "It was a difficult period for the club, but players like Gary Speed, Robert Lee, Alan Shearer, Shay Given, Steve Harper and Warren Barton, they were really important people in getting the club going again and Gary was a key member of that group.

                            "He was totally dependable, totally - his attitude to training, playing and learning and he also had a great will to win. He was the absolute model professional."

                            "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                            • NEWCASTLE UNITED - CHELSEA

                              U četrnaestom kolu Premier League, Newcastle United na svom St James' Park-u dočekuje ekipu Chelsea. Meč se igra u subotu sa početkom u 12.45h (GMT), odnosno 13.45h (CET).

                              Meč će početi minutom aplauza u znak sećanja na Gary Speed-a.

                              NUFC: Mike Williamson, Sylvain Marveaux i Cheik Tiote su povređeni, dok Jonas Gutierrez odrađuje jedan meč suspenzije zbog crvenog kartona. Leon Best je počeo sa treninzima i u konkurenciji je za tim.

                              Sudija: Mike Dean

                              Blues @ SJP - Premier League era:

                              2010/11 Drew 1-1 Carroll
                              2008/09 Lost 0-2
                              2007/08 Lost 0-2
                              2006/07 Drew 0-0
                              2006/07 Lost 0-1 (LC)
                              2005/06 Won 1-0 Bramble
                              2004/05 Won 1-0 Kluivert (FAC)
                              2004/05 Lost 0-2 (LC)
                              2004/05 Drew 1-1 og(Geremi)
                              2003/04 Won 2-1 Ameobi, Shearer
                              2002/03 Won 2-1 og(Hasselbaink) Bernard
                              2001/02 Lost 1-2 Shearer
                              2000/01 Drew 0-0
                              1999/00 Lost 0-1
                              1998/99 Lost 0-1
                              1997/98 Won 3-1 Dabizas, Lee, Speed
                              1996/97 Won 3-1 Shearer 2, Asprilla
                              1995/96 Won 2-0 Ferdinand 2
                              1995/96 Drew 2-2 Albert, Beardsley (FAC) (lost on pens)
                              1994/95 Won 4-2 Cole 2, Fox, Lee
                              1993/94 Drew 0-0

                              Meč DIREKTNO na SPORTKLUB-u sa početkom u 13.45h (CET).

                              "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                              • CHELSEA JAČI OD NEWCASTLE UNITED-a

                                NEWCASTLE UNITED - CHELSEA 0 : 3

                                Chelsea je pobedio Newcastle United rezultatom 0:3 i naneo tek drugi poraz svrakama u sezoni, odnosno prvi na St James' Park-u. Golove za goste postigli su Drogba u 38. minutu, Kalou u 89. minutu i Sturridge u 92. minutu utakmice.

                                Alan Pardew je na teren St James' Park-a izveo sledećih XI: Krul, Simpson, Steven Taylor, Coloccini, Ryan Taylor, Lovenkrands, Guthrie, Cabaye, Obertan, Ben Arfa, Ba.

                                Glavni sudija meča Mike Dean je odigrao centralnu ulogu na meču, kada nije pokazao crveni karton David Luiz-u, već u četvrtom minutu, u situaciji, kada je Luiz kao poslednji igrač odbrane na dvadesetak metara od svog gola srušio Demba Ba-u. Luiz je za ovaj start dobio samo žuti karton.

                                Nedugo zatim, Chelsea je istrčao kontru preko Daniel Sturridge-a, kojeg je u svom šesnaestercu oborio Yohan Cabaye. Odgovornost na sebe je preuzeo Frank Lampard, šutirao u donji levi ugao gola golmana krula, međutim, fantastični krul ga je pročitao i levom rukom odbio loptu do stative. Neko od igrača Newcastle-a je potom loptu izbacio u korner.

                                Sturridge je nešto kasnije i drmao levu stativu Krul-ovog gola, udarcem sa desne strane terena iz box-a domaćih.

                                U 27. minutu utakmice, Fabricio Coloccini napušta igru zbog povrede. Umesto njega u igru ulazi James Perch.

                                Newcastle uspostavlja terensku inicijativu i stvara dve izgledne prilike. Prvu kada je Ba na asistenciju Lovenkrands-a pokušao akrobatskim udarcem da savlada Cech-a, ali je čuvar mreže plavaca bio na visini zadatka, izbacivši loptu preko gola u korner.

                                Demba Ba je na centaršut Guthrie-a, loptu glavom uputio ka golu Cech-a, ali ona umesto u mreži završava na desnoj stativi Cech-ovog gola.

                                Sturridge je oprobao udarac sa petnaestak metara, ali mu i ovog puta Krul brani.

                                Međutim, sedam minuta pre isteka prvog dela igre, Chelsea stiže do vođstva. Brzo su gosti izveli aut sa levog boka, Juan Mata je odlično centrirao na peterac, gde se nalazio Didier Drogba, koji malim trzajem glave smešta loptu u desne rašlje Krul-ovog gola, za 0:1, minut 38. James Perch je kriminalno kasnio da zatvori Drogba-u.

                                Poluvreme: 0 : 1

                                Hatem Ben Arfa je iz taktičkih razloga ostao u svlačionici, dok je umesto njega na početku drugog dela igre u istu ušao Shola Ameobi.

                                Shola je uneo nešto živosti u igru Newcastle-a ali mogao je i bolje da uputi udarac sa desetak metara, kojeg mu je izblokirao Lampard.

                                Posle jednog kornera Newcastle-a sa levog boka, Didier Drogba je umalo zatresao sopstvenu mrežu, Na nesreću igrača i navijača Newcastle-a, lopta je pogodila prečku i odbila se u polje.

                                U 71. minutu utakmice, Alan Pardew pravi i poslednju izmenu na meču, ubacivši u igru Sammy Ameobi-a, umesto Lovenkrands-a.

                                Ramires je imao odličnu priliku da postigne gol, ali mu je Krul u situaciji jedan na jedan odbranio udarac.

                                Shola Ameobi drma prečku Cech-ovog gola, odličnim udarcem sa dvadesetak metara i kada je posle udarca Sammy Ameobi-a, loptu sa svoje gol linije izbacio John Terry, Newcastle-ove nade za povoljan rezultat su počele da blede.

                                Dok je Steven Taylor hramljao po terenu, priliku da duplira prednost svog tima imao je Torres, kojem je Krul odbranio udarac, ali u nastavku akcije Salomon Kalou udarcem sa ivice šesnaesterca nekako pronalazi put do mreže Krul-ovog gola, za 0:2, minut 89.

                                Steven Taylor je napustio igru zbog povrede, što je u drugom minutu sudijske nadoknade iskoristio Daniel Sturridge, koji je rezantnim udarcem sa petnaestak metara, savladao Krul-a, za knačnih 0:3, minut 92.

                                Konačan rezultat: 0 : 3

                                NUFC: Krul, Simpson, Steven Taylor, Coloccini (Perch 27), Ryan Taylor, Lovenkrands (Sa.Ameobi 71), Guthrie, Cabaye, Obertan, Ben Arfa (Sh.Ameobi 46), Ba.
                                Subs n/u: Harper, Santon, Gosling, Best.

                                CFC: Cech, Ivanovic, Luiz, Terry, Cole, Ramires, Romeu, Lampard (Meireles 60), Sturridge, Drogba (Torres 79), Mata (Kalou 74).
                                Subs n/u: Turnbull, Malouda, Bosingwa, Bertrand.

                                Man of the Match: Tim Krul

                                Gledalaca: 52,305 (3000 gostujućih navijača)

                                Sudija: Mike Dean

                                Pre početka utakmice, minutom aplauza odata je počast Gary Speed-u. Zaista odličan meč viđen je na St James' Park-u. Posle utakmice, skliznuli smo na peto mesto.

                                "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson

