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  • Neam pojma. Sve sto saznam je sa nekog foruma

    Postavljacu ja ovde bitne vesti.


    • While the rest of the league was concentrating on the NFL Scouting Combine, the New England Patriots were busy locking up their future Hall of Fame quarterback to a "contract for life."'s Peter King broke the news Monday that the Patriots have agreed to a three-year contract extension that will keep Tom Brady under contract through the 2017 season, when he'll be 40.

      What's noteworthy about Brady's new contract is that he stands to collect just $27 million over the three years, which essentially is half of his market value. It's the second time in Brady's career that he has left a stack of money on the bargaining table in order to give the Patriots a competitive advantage.

      Consider it just another perk of enjoying a supermodel for a spouse.

      We shouldn't bend over backwards to turn Brady into a good samaritan, however. The extension -- which is guaranteed, a source told's Ian Rapoport -- gives Brady the security of at least $41 million that won't be ripped up by the Patriots at a later date.

      As's Albert Breer points out, the Patriots build their organization with two-year windows in mind. A Patriots source told Breer that the Brady extension creates "well over" $30 million in salary-cap space over the next two years and $20 million for 2013 alone.

      The logical implication is that the 2013 cap savings will be used toward a new contract for free agent -- and Brady friend -- Wes Welker. Or the Patriots could let Welker walk and devote some of those funds toward a player such as wide receiver Mike Wallace. Monday's news means the Patriots will be players in free agency.


      Tom Brady's reported three-year, $27 million extension is fascinating on so many levels. It helps the New England Patriots compete in the free agent market over the next two years. It truly makes Brady a Patriot for life.

      But let's not pretend that Brady doesn't get something out of the contract. Ian Rapoport and Albert Breer of NFL Network both report that all of Brady's contract is guaranteed. That's $60 million. That's guaranteed money until Brady is 40 years old, an awfully rare feat in football.

      The devil is always in the details with these contracts. $60 million guaranteed would rival Drew Brees' deal, even as Brady helps the Patriots' cap situation.

      There are so many angles here, let's break this baby out into a list.

      1. This should have zero affect on Joe Flacco's negotiations. Everything about his contract situation is different, starting with his age and free agent status. Brady's contract may make some quarterbacks look bad publicly, but it doesn't wipe away the mega contracts for Peyton Manning and Drew Brees. (Or even Brady's last contract.) Flacco is going to make his money.

      2. The deal clears about $15 million in cap space over the next two years, according to Breer and Rapoport. The Patriots look at everything in two year windows. They now have over $20 million in cap room to spend in 2013. Yes, that should help them try to keep wide receiver Wes Welker and right tackle Sebastian Vollmer. My guess: The Patriots still value Welker more than any other team out there.

      3. A lot can happen in five years. Brady knows it as well as anyone. Breer reports that Brady was concerned about his contract becoming an albatross for the team as he turned 38 or 39 years old, ala Brett Favre. This deal truly gives Brady a chance to never leave the Patriots. And he helps his team have to avoid cutting players over the next two years.

      4. This move will certainly play well in public and in the locker room.

      "Hearing the news about Tom is a reminder of why he is the definition of a team player," cornerback Devin McCourty wrote on Twitter.

      A contract this big involves give and take for both sides. Brady may have given up some long-term money, but he gets a ton of guaranteed money and a whole lot of respect.
      Last edited by Rondo9; 25-02-13, 23:28.


      • Kakva je Tommy Boy igracina i ljudina. Najpametniji izbor na draftu u istoriji americkog sporta generalno.
        Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


        • Sone, sta se to desavalo danas ? Ne mogu nikako da skontam, sve se nesto pominje broj 40...


          • Flaccova plata Ma nemam pojma, veruj mi ne pratim nesto, jedino sam combine ispratio detaljno zbog genijalnog Poliona. Geno odvalio.

            Zanimljivo je da je danas Jackson voidovao svoju poslednju godinu sa Ramsima i da ce u free agency. Stvarno je vreme da konacno ode u normalan tim, najbolji RB o kome se ne prica. Treba reci da su na trzistu i tri strasna iskusna odbrrambena igraca: Freeny, Ed Reed i Woodson.
            Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


            • Alex Smith otisao u Chiefse.
              Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


              • Alex Smith je onaj QB Ninersa ? I zasto je on otisao u Kansas ako oni imaju prvog pika koji bi trebalo da bude Geno Smith, takodje QB ? Ili ce birati nekog drugog ?


                • Jeste, a ne verujem da su uopste planirali da draftuju Genoa svakako. Hteli su iskusnog igraca na celu napada, pricalo se da su spremali opasnu ponudu za Vicka da je otisao iz Phille. Jbg, bas im upala losa godina, nema nijednog krstenog QBa, a jedini bas vrhunski igrac na ovom draftu Star Lotulelei ima nekih problema sa srcem. verovatno ce uzeti Jarvisa Jonesa. Bas slaba godina.

                  Sledece godine ce recimo biti jedno 3 igraca koji su HoF potencijal.
                  Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


                  • Kad ce Johnny Football na draft ?


                    • Ja sam mislio da moze tek za dve, ali vidim da je na mock draftovima za 2014. Jebem li ga.
                      Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


                      • Ma ili ce da idu trade down ili biraju Joeckela. LT je LT


                        • Ne verujem da ce iko hteti da ide trade up, prosto nema igraca vrednog jurnjave. Zavisice dosta od Pro Daya, to je u martu. Ja od pocetka govorim da ce prvi biti Jarvis, Mel Kiper stalno menja, evo sad je i on dosao na isto mesto gde i ja
                          Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


                          • Flacco se dogovorio sa Ravensima u postao najplaceniji QB u NFL istoriji. Sta ti je tajming.
                            Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


                            • Koliko ? 5 godina po 20m ?
                              Sale Stanojevic : , ,,Misija će biti ispunjena kada sa Partizanom ostvarim evropske snove, a to je veliki korak napred u Ligi šampiona ,.


                              • Ne znaju se jos detalji. Uskoro, da Mort ili Shefter to procackaju Ali ce biti iznad Breesea, sto znaci bar toliko koliko si napisao, verovatno i preko.
                                Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda

