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  • Ko želi da otvori temu za sledeću trku?
    Planiram narednih dana malo da izmenim strukturu F1 PDF-a. Imamo teme vozači i timovi na primer koje se jako slabo koriste i na nezgodan način. Nekim timovima i vozačima se ne napiše post po više meseci. Već sam smislio kako ću to da promenim. Isto tako će biti još nekih manjih problema. Nije to puno vremena i truda a može dosta da pomogne.
    ,,MO8, nemoj da se salis sa zivotom, zna se raspored: basket, F1, Nole, pa sve ostalo... Dakle No1e>skola... Na izvrsavanje!"

    "Cekamo sutra da se ozvanici Kimster i mogla bi da krene lagana dominacija plus kada bi i Ross dosao....ludilo :)
    I eto nama novog paketa u Ferari: Allison + Raikkonen + Slade + MarkedOne8 :D mozda jedino da je zvucniji transfer Bejla od ovog naseg novog :biggrin:"



    • Ja stvarno nisam u mogućnosti da otvaram ove dve trke do kraja, previše obaveza... Kad krenu predsezonska nadam se da ću imati vremena kao nekad...


      • Mogu ja. Trenutno nemam posao i samim time imam višak slobodnog vremena.
        Last edited by Dule Krtola; 09-11-15, 15:47.


        • Ok, kul, znamo da će biti odrađeno kako treba.


          • A nećemo se sada lagati


            • BREAKING: Alex Wurz announces retirement from racing:


              • Reno i Red Bul nastavljaju saradnju?


                • Iskreno ne vidim nikakvu drugu opciju za Red Bul.


                  • Giedo van der Garde prelazi u DTM, ekipa Mercedes.



                    Naredne godine na 24h Le mana, biće dostupne nove kategorije. LMP3 i GT3 klase.

                    Slika LMP3 bolida


                    Šumaher Junior u F3 i blizu prelaska u Ferari Akademiju(ako se ne varam).


                    Magnusen prije neki dan testirao Poršeov bolid(Porsche LMP1 919 Hybrid) u Barseloni. Kaže oduševljen i jedva čeka da opet sjedne. Inače i Aleks Lin testira čini mi se Audi.

                    Last edited by Dule Krtola; 13-11-15, 13:45.


                    • Mnogo mi se sviđa kako se WEC razvija, bojao sam se odlaska Pežoa, ali srećom tu su nam Toyota, Proše i Nissan...


                      • Da, a što je najbolje, F1 talenti sve više i više se okreću ka WEC seriji, jer u F1 ne mogu da dobiju šansu. Ali dosta Tojota fali vrhu, dosta zaostaje ka Audijem i Porešom. Zamisli kad bi te 3 ekipe bile podjednake. Na što bi to ličilo


                        • Kako je jedan lik s reddita sumirao Hondine avanture kroz 2015., jako zanimljivo i poučno, ima smisla.

                          Here's my take on it:

                          It all starts with the "size 0" body that the designers wanted at the back end of the car. The extra-narrow pinch at the back would have certain aero advantages: better downforce directly over the rear axle, better rear grip, less drag, and so on.

                          Problem: this means less space for the engine. In particular, there wasn't a good spot to put the compressor for the turbo.

                          Solution: they'll fit the compressor right into the "V" of the engine, instead of ahead or behind.

                          Another problem: that's a pretty small space to begin with. A normal compressor wouldn't fit there. You could squeeze in a small one, though.

                          Another solution: since it'll be smaller, the compressor will have to cycle faster to deliver the same power. About 130,000rpm instead of the more typical 110-120krpm. Most other teams aren't sure they could even make a (normal sized) compressor cycle faster than 120k without blowing up -- if they could get more power they'd already be running them faster. But Honda are confident that they can make a smaller one go that fast.

                          Season starts. To everyone's surprise, the small compressor does go that fast, without blowing up.

                          But, it has extreme, violent vibrations at max speed. Connections get shaken loose. When they are attached more securely, they get snapped and broken from the thrashing. Honda redesigns the connections.

                          Next problem is the compressor gets too hot. Unexpectedly hot. It's frying the nearby connections and electronics with heat. Honda tries to fix this, add cooling or insulate the rest somehow.

                          They don't find a way to completely fix the thermal issues (it's not exactly easy trying to route cooling airflow through the middle of your engine), and ultimately the only solution is to turn down the compressor so it doesn't get as hot.

                          Problem: with the compressor turned down so far, the ICE is losing a lot of power. Like 60-80bhp at least. At the lower power level, there's less exhaust power available for the MGU-H to collect, meaning a further loss of power -- the hybrid batteries don't get fully charged, and so on. The losses just cascade and multiply through the entire power plant.

                          Honda spends the rest of the season making incremental efficiency improvements to the ICE (making the most of what they get from the turned-down compressor) and riding the edge of how high they can run the compressor before ruining the works. They squeeze out many tens of additional BHP but it's nowhere near enough to make up for the shortfall.

                          Most sessions cost them an engine but they do manage to get a couple of them through entire races, always at the back of the midfield because of the compromised power levels.

                          Honda's real problem this season is that they went with a new, very novel design, which painted themselves into a corner where they needed a major redesign that touches all parts of their system to properly fix their systemic issues. But the token restrictions prevented that and straightjacked them into focusing where they spent their tokens -- they went with working mostly on the ICE (and MGU-H I think).
                          If they can fix their 2015 design over the break so that it works as intended, with the compressor and all components running at full power, I'm sure they're be strong contenders in 2016.


                          • Da, to je otprilike to... Preveliko samopouzdanje, što se moglo i naslutiti iz izjava pre početka testiranja i u toku 2014...


                            • Dave Ryan announced as racing director ManorF1Team

                              Alex Wurz offered team principal role at Manor
                              Last edited by Dule Krtola; 14-11-15, 18:57.


                              • Meklaren izgubio jos jednog sponzora, pole tri decenije saradnje odlazi Tag Heuer.


