Originally posted by Clint_Eastwood
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ATP Rankings
Ja bas citam po twitteru da naslovi uopste ne odgovaraju onome sto je Murray rekao, da je on pricao samo kakav je sistem u tenisu, ne i da se on ne slaze sa njim.
In tennis, if you miss four or five months it is almost impossible to maintain your ranking. So Rafa will be seeded five for Wimbledon, which is tough as he is better than that.That is how our ranking system works. It's a one-year ranking whereas with golf it is a two-year ranking, so even if one of the best players in the world gets injured they can still maintain their ranking.
Čisto da ne izgubimo nit No.1.. 85. nedelja i 32. uzastopna!sigpic
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.
Ferrer ce i definitivno biti treci najbolji igrac na svetu od ponedeljka, 8. jula 2013. godine blazene... Zeka pada ispod 6000, a Nadal gubi jos ovih frtalj poena, sto ce biti taman dovoljno da David zasluzeno preuzme trece mesto za sad, sve i da sutra (pu, pu, daleko bilo) ispadne...