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  • U prvoj epizodi je bila scena Kraljeve Luke iz pticije perspektive, to je bio Dubrovnik...


    • Karis van Hauten je strasna riba,ali bas strasna


      • Celi kraljev grudobran je Dubrovnik ;) ... Nasao na netu , ne verujem da nisam skontao , btw meni je Varys 3 puta jaci od Baelisha iako i ovaj ima svoje prednosti

        @Bojana , pogledao sam OUAT , pa kraj mi je malo nepredvidiv jel' ponovo ne znamo ko je August ni zbog cega je tu , da je on bio Bae dosta bi se toga razresilo ovako nove misterije ...
        Sale Stanojevic : , ,,Misija će biti ispunjena kada sa Partizanom ostvarim evropske snove, a to je veliki korak napred u Ligi šampiona ,.


        • Originally posted by Miko View Post
          Celi kraljev grudobran je Dubrovnik ;) ... Nasao na netu , ne verujem da nisam skontao , btw meni je Varys 3 puta jaci od Baelisha iako i ovaj ima svoje prednosti

          @Bojana , pogledao sam OUAT , pa kraj mi je malo nepredvidiv jel' ponovo ne znamo ko je August ni zbog cega je tu , da je on bio Bae dosta bi se toga razresilo ovako nove misterije ...
          U pravu si ali prestani da koristis prevode 'leba ti. King's Landing, mnogo bolje.


          • Ostala poslednja epizoda Six Feet Undera,pa prelazim na Breaking Bad.

            SFU je bez konkurencije najbolja serija koju sam u zivotu gledao.


            • Stv serija sa vrhunskim dijalozima i temama, tera na razmisljanje. Tesko bi mi bilo izdvojiti jednu najbolju, pogotovo od razlicitih zanrova, sve najdraze imaju nesto drugo sto pridonose, ali def jedna od naj od naj!

              Ja gledala Justified, gledljivo, ali nije za mene, previse "Nik Sloter" fazona za moj ukus

              Sad Shameless, i superiška je, nista spektakulrano, ali bas zabavno i zanimljivo, pa ko trazi nesto tako, ne pretesko, eto preporuke


              • Ko ti je najbolji glumac/glumica u SFU altlosta?

                Meni bez dileme Ruth Zena je objasnila neke stvari

                A stvarno nisam ocekivao da Krause zna da glumi


                • Pa da, imala je i stv bas dobru ulogu, i vrhunski ju je odradila. Podosta davno sam ja to gledala, znam da mi je i Dwight imao ekstra ulogu, doduse epizodnu. I Michael C Hall je bio odlican stvarno, super im je postava ta glavna cela u sustini.


                  • Spoiler
                    Why shouldn't
                    I work for the N.S.A.?
                    That's a tough one,
                    but I'll take a shot.
                    Say I'm workin' at the N.S.A.
                    and somebody puts a code on my desk.
                    Something no one else
                    can break.
                    Maybe I take a shot at it
                    and maybe I break it.
                    I'm real happy with myself
                    because I did my job well.
                    But maybe that code was the location of some
                    rebel army in North Africa or Middle East.
                    Once they have that location, they bomb
                    the village where the rebels are hidin'.
                    Fifteen hundred people that I never met,
                    never had no problem with, get killed.
                    Now the politicians are saying, "Send in
                    the Marines to secure the area,"
                    'cause they don't give a shit.
                    It won't be their kid
                    over there gettin' shot,
                    just like it wasn't them when their number got
                    called 'cause they were in the National Guard.
                    It'll be some kid from Southie
                    over there takin' shrapnel in the ass.
                    He comes back to find the plant
                    he used to work at...
                    got exported to the country
                    he got back from,
                    and the guy who put the shrapnel
                    in his ass got his old job...
                    'cause he'll work for 15 cents
                    a day and no bathroom breaks.
                    Meanwhile, he realizes the only reason
                    he was over there in the first place...
                    was so we could install a government
                    that would sell us oil at a good price.
                    Of course, the oil companies used a skirmish
                    over there to scare up domestic oil prices.
                    A cute little ancillary benefit for them, but
                    it ain't helpin' my buddy at 2.50 a gallon.
                    They're takin' their sweet time
                    bringin' the oil, of course.
                    Maybe they even took the liberty
                    to hire an alcoholic skipper,
                    who likes to drink martinis and fuckin'
                    play slalom with the icebergs.
                    It ain't too long till
                    he hits one, spills the oil...
                    and kills all the sea life
                    in the North Atlantic.
                    So now my buddy's out of work,
                    he can't afford to drive,
                    so he's walkin' to
                    the fuckin' job interviews...
                    which sucks because the shrapnel in his
                    ass is givin' him chronic hemorrhoids.
                    Meanwhile, he's starvin', 'cause every
                    time he tries to get a bite to eat,
                    the only blue plate special
                    they're servin'...
                    is North Atlantic scrod
                    with Quaker State.
                    So what did I think?
                    I'm holdin' out for somethin' better.
                    I figure, fuck it. While I'm at it,
                    why not just shoot my buddy,
                    take his job,
                    give it to his sworn enemy,
                    hike up gas prices, bomb
                    a village, club a baby seal,
                    hit the hash pipe
                    and join the National Guard?
                    I can be
                    elected president.

                    Zvanicno omiljeni govor, bar za sada.


                    • Originally posted by Miko View Post
                      Celi kraljev grudobran je Dubrovnik ;) ... Nasao na netu , ne verujem da nisam skontao , btw meni je Varys 3 puta jaci od Baelisha iako i ovaj ima svoje prednosti

                      @Bojana , pogledao sam OUAT , pa kraj mi je malo nepredvidiv jel' ponovo ne znamo ko je August ni zbog cega je tu , da je on bio Bae dosta bi se toga razresilo ovako nove misterije ...
                      Pa bilo bi glupo da mu je on sin, posebno sto te celu epizodu navlace da jeste, bilo je logicno da se nesto zakomplikuje
                      a i ovo su isti scenaristi kao za Lost, tako da od njih ocekujem samo da jos vise zakomplikuju na kraju 1. sezone

                      Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                      Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                      with experience.


                      • Znam da su , ali recimo kad smo kod JJ Abramsa , meni se mnogo vise svidja sto je napravio od Person of Interest , serija mi je odlicna i svakako preporucujem svima sa glavnom ulogom Michael Emersona (Ben Linus - Lost)
                        Sale Stanojevic : , ,,Misija će biti ispunjena kada sa Partizanom ostvarim evropske snove, a to je veliki korak napred u Ligi šampiona ,.


                        • Originally posted by Ljuba90 View Post
                          Ostala poslednja epizoda Six Feet Undera,pa prelazim na Breaking Bad.

                          SFU je bez konkurencije najbolja serija koju sam u zivotu gledao.
                          I ja trenutno gledam SFU, u 4 sezoni sam. Moram da priznam da sam bila skeptična u početku ali kako se serija razvija sve mi se više sviđa. Posle ću konačno da krenem na GOT. Jel neko gleda Homeland?


                          • Originally posted by Miko View Post
                            Celi kraljev grudobran je Dubrovnik ;)

                            Originally posted by gagablues View Post
                            Jel neko gleda Homeland?
                            Od novih serija Homeland je posle Bossa sto se mene tice najbolja

                            Ostale su mi jos tri epizode Justifieda,to je jedna od rijetkih serija koja standardno ide uzlaznom putanjom,ako nastave ovako bice jedina koja moze da parira Breaking Badu i GOTu
                            Last edited by Vladan; 24-04-12, 13:32.


                            • Gledaj SFU nesreco


                              • Nema sanse,nikad to necu gledat' ;)

