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Kompjuteri, igrice, sve vezano za tehnologiju...

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  • Momci potrebna mi je pomoc.
    Ovako stoje stvari,uvecao sam rezoluciju na cs 1.6 i sad ne mogu da je smanjim nikako jer ne vidim nista od dodnjeg dela igrice samo gornji deo koji zahvata sliku.

    za somija.jpg

    Izbrisao sam cs,ubacio drugi,isti problem,kada pokrenem igricu i dalje je isto.
    Probao sam desni klik na properties da namestim 640x480 i opet nece.
    Probao sam da prebacim cs sa drugog kompa i prebacio na ovaj moj,na drugom kompu sve normalno radi,ovde nece opet isti problem.
    Moze li mi neko reci kako da to popravim?
    Dreams are coming true.

    Marcello Lippi: „Usporeni snimci akcija nisu realan fudbal. Svi mi želimo da vidimo Moniku Beluči golu, ali ne želimo da je gledamo kroz rendgen“.


    • Najjaci intro. Koristio ga za sastav iz engleskog u osmom


      • Pa svi oni audio i video snimci golova, komentatora i timova unutra...FIFA 06 je imala veliku dusu.
        Last edited by Bogi; 14-07-14, 15:27.


        • Au, znas da sam skroz zaboravio na to? Trebalo mi par sekundi da mi se vrati secanje.. prejako je i to bilo. Menadzer mod bio Bog i batina tad. Trajao 15 ili 20 godina mislim


          • Druga sezona Walking Deada je bas tanka, prva je bila mnogo bolja. Zato Wolf Among Us sabija!


            • Kazem ja, Wolf Among Us je odlican, po meni bolji i od TWD season one.
              Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


              • Superfan Perfectly Recreates "Friends" In The Sims 4


                • Ovako, imam problem sa budjenjem laptopa (Dell Inspiron 15 3537) nakon sleep i hibernate stanja. Jednostavno se ne moze aktivirati, to mi se desilo nakon instalacije windowsa 8.1, na Ubuntuu radilo sve odlicno, instant on. Do cega moze biti? Ja cu sada drajver za BIOS da instaliram, a vi ispaljujte predloge.
                  Apa i ostali forumasi?


                  • Nemoj da se zajebavas sa BIOSom.

                    Probaj ovo:

                    Hi, I posted this to help anyone who came across with slow start up and sleep issues in windows 8.1. ( Dell Inspiron 15-3537)

                    I recently upgraded from windows 8 to 8.1. After installing all the drivers found that fast start up not working and laptop does not awake from "sleep" state. Tried many solutions for few day,but no results.

                    Actually reinstalling the Intel Video driver solved the problem. When I was going to install video driver, it was said that a newer version is already installed. However neglected that and downgraded the video driver. Woahhh!!!! PROBLEM SOLVED.

                    And have to say, that 8.1 is faster than 8.

                    So make sure that you install the latest driver given in dell website.

                    GOOD LUCK
                    Last edited by Mr. Wolf; 09-09-14, 19:20.
                    Dayman (a-a-ah...)
                    Fighter of the Nightman (a-a-ah...)
                    Champion of the sun (a-a-ah...)
                    You're a master of karate and friendship
                    For everyone


                    • Uradio sam update BIOSa, isto i dalje, sad cu taj. Problem je sto je meni apsolutno sve (osim bluetootha) radilo nakon instalacije 8.1 iako nisam nijedan drajver instalirao. Pa sam onda neke instalirao, ali zaboravio koje, mrzelo me sve, jer je kod vecine restart required.

                      EDIT: Ne pomaze :/
                      Last edited by Black Mamba 24; 09-09-14, 19:28.


                      • Probaj ovo:



                        I have the same laptop. My solution to resolved this problem is:

                        - please go to Device Manager and uninstall drivers for AMD and Intel Card (please select uninstall all components.... and not reboot your computer)

                        - from add/remove programs please remove all software realted with graphic card (catalyst, intel graphic)

                        - reboot computer

                        - download latest drivers from dell site to intel and amd card and install it, then reboot your computer

                        And now your problem should be resolved, my computer without any problem now turns on from sleep mode.
                        Dayman (a-a-ah...)
                        Fighter of the Nightman (a-a-ah...)
                        Champion of the sun (a-a-ah...)
                        You're a master of karate and friendship
                        For everyone


                        • Uninstalliram u device menageru, obrisem sve sa absolute uninstallerom, ali nakon restartovanja vrati se sve u device menager kao da nista brisao nisam. Uspeo sam nekako doci do pola puta. Sada nakon sto preklopim laptop i otvorim ga, ne mogu sa bilo kojom tipkom da ga aktiviram, samo da power dugmetom, traje dugo, skoro kao pokretanje sistema (cak ocitava Dell, nudi opcije za ulazak u BIOS, sve kao kad pokreces sistem) , ali je tu sve sto sam otvorio, znaci ne restartuje se sistem.
                          E sad kako doci do toga da se odmah budi, za sekundu-dve i sa bilo kojom tipkom.


                          • Na kraju ces ga skroz sjebati

                            Posto si raspolozen evo jos neceg:

                            Unfortunately, this solves the "waking up problem" but creates another one, much bigger. This amd driver link you gave us doesn't alow graphic card to run games and graphic softwares whith full potential.

                            Yes, my laptop could sleep and wake up, and my screen turns on when I open the lid BUT I must run games on low quality or windowed mode if i dont update a driver.

                            I downloded specificly this AMD driver, wich is one of the latest


                            and now everything works fine for me (quality + wake up). This is just about AMD driver, I still got installed intel driver that you suggested.
                            Also, you need your win 8.1 with very latest updates!!!!
                            I hope this problem is now solved for good and thank you for your first idea.
                            Dayman (a-a-ah...)
                            Fighter of the Nightman (a-a-ah...)
                            Champion of the sun (a-a-ah...)
                            You're a master of karate and friendship
                            For everyone


                            • Hahaha, pa sinoc sam instalirao most wanted iz 2005 i mnogo koci, uzasno. Graficka je radeon 8670M 2GB, a tu igricu igrao na nvidia 128 MB, staroj 11 godina.
                              Neka ga sjebem, samo da resim ovo budjenje, ne treba mi za igrice. Da mi nisu trebali neki programi ostavio bih ubuntu.
                              Last edited by Black Mamba 24; 09-09-14, 21:27.


                              • Ako ti ovo poslednje ne bude radilo, ostaje samo da sacekas Apu.
                                Dayman (a-a-ah...)
                                Fighter of the Nightman (a-a-ah...)
                                Champion of the sun (a-a-ah...)
                                You're a master of karate and friendship
                                For everyone

