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  • Re: TADBAS SPAM!!!

    [quote link=topic=1649.msg78789#msg78789 date=1248464377]
    Jel' zna on da je nakada igrao tenis i da to treba da nastavi?
    Da ode on na skener mozga

    nemoj tako gold,vidis da trenira i jedno i drugo,resio je da stigne i Rogera i Vudsa 8) 8)

    Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


    Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
    with experience.


    • Re: TADBAS SPAM!!!

      [quote link=topic=1649.msg78789#msg78789 date=1248464377]
      Jel' zna on da je nakada igrao tenis i da to treba da nastavi?
      Da ode on na skener mozga

      Budala,cuo sam da mu je Tiger "3 koljeno"ako ode u golferske staze nece biti lose.


      • Re: TADBAS SPAM!!!

        Za fedom kasni samo za desetak titula, par miliona dolara, zenom i dve cerkice.
        I normalnim kolenima.

        A Tigra mozda i stigne. Za golf mu ne trebaju kolena


        • Re: TADBAS SPAM!!!

          [quote author=Nadal the King link=topic=1649.msg78791#msg78791 date=1248464610]
          Budala,cuo sam da mu je Tiger "3 koljeno"ako ode u golferske staze nece biti lose.

          Prevod anyone.


          • Re: TADBAS SPAM!!!

            [quote link=topic=1649.msg78792#msg78792 date=1248464652]
            Za fedom kasni samo za desetak titula, par miliona dolara, zenom i dve cerkice.
            I normalnim kolenima.

            A Tigra mozda i stigne. Za golf mu ne trebaju kolena
            Moguce vrlo,posto i Tigar ima odredjenih problema sa koljenom ;),a i taj Tigar nije nista posebno,covjek je prenaduvan,nista drugo ;D ;D ;D ;D


            • Re: TADBAS SPAM!!!

              [quote link=topic=1649.msg78792#msg78792 date=1248464652]
              Za fedom kasni samo za desetak titula, par miliona dolara, zenom i dve cerkice.
              I normalnim kolenima.

              A Tigra mozda i stigne. Za golf mu ne trebaju kolena

              ma trebaju mu kolena i za golf...Tajger ima nekih problema sa kolenima,bio je na operaciji,pa se sad vratio
              ali golf moze da igra duze nego tenis,tako da ima vremena za Nadala da ih sve stigne 8)

              Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


              Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
              with experience.


              • Re: TADBAS SPAM!!!

                Pa opste je poznato da Tigar i Federer prolaze na srecu nijesu oni radnici kao Rafa,a nemaju ni tu klasu ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
                editde li ovo KRALJ :'( :'( :'(


                • Re: TADBAS SPAM!!!

                  Ode Kralj,e steta.
                  Oznoji se Tata sav,
                  bekendi ga strasno muce,
                  borio se kao lav!
                  al' mu ipak puce!


                  • [/quote]
                    Ode :'( :'( :'(,a jos mi nije potpuno jasno kako se prezivaju Fedove djevojcice


                    • Re: TADBAS SPAM!!!

                      i cim je Kralj otisao,odmah nije vise tako veselo na forumu :'( :'(

                      Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                      Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                      with experience.


                      • Re: TADBAS SPAM!!!

                        Ma otisao da spava.
                        Proslo 22.00


                        • Oznoji se Tata sav,
                          bekendi ga strasno muce,
                          borio se kao lav!
                          al' mu ipak puce!


                          • Re: TADBAS SPAM!!!

                            [quote link=topic=1649.msg78806#msg78806 date=1248467851]
                            Ma otisao da spava.
                            Proslo 22.00
                            [/quote]Ali on je stariji,cak nije otisao na more,pa u Njemacku,nego je ostao ,zato sto je stariji 8),mora da smo mu dosadni



                              Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                              Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                              with experience.


                              • [/quote]
                                Ko je pobijedio,ako tacno odgovoris u roku od jednog minuta,povjerovacu ti ;D ;D ;D ;D

