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  • Zigara e lesina zigara e vo
    snimi brata Pantelu kako dae go!!!

    Ja i brat Indigo Djilkos zahvaceni ludilom Pantelizacije!
    Jedan je Obradovic Zarko!


    • Nego staa Pantelizacija......!
      Inace Seoski i ja sam tako naucio engleski, sve preko filmova i nikada nisam imao problem sa njim u skoli.
      There's something wrong with me chemically
      Something wrong with me inherently
      The wrong mix in the wrong genes
      I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
      It was the wrong plan
      In the wrong hands
      With the wrong theory for the wrong man
      The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
      The wrong questions with the wrong replies


      • Ja ne znam je l' ja te pantela fore ne kontam, ali one meni uopste nisu smijesne, jos manje zanimljive.


        • Da čestitam i ovde svima koji slave Sv. Nikolu!
          Srećno i veselo vam bilo i da slavite još mnogo, mnogo godina! Živeli!

          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


          • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
            Da čestitam i ovde svima koji slave Sv. Nikolu!
            Srećno i veselo vam bilo i da slavite još mnogo, mnogo godina! Živeli!
            Hvala Olja Evo kod mene te ceka zito, pa ako hoces
            Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


            • Posto je najposecenija tema , sretan Nikoljdan svima onima koji slave
              Sale Stanojevic : , ,,Misija će biti ispunjena kada sa Partizanom ostvarim evropske snove, a to je veliki korak napred u Ligi šampiona ,.


              • Ko god da slavi svetog mene, srecna vam slava!

                Posmatram vas da li ste dobri ili ne, da znate!


                • Je li se neko najavio da ce otvarati AO temu , da se ja rezervisem
                  Sale Stanojevic : , ,,Misija će biti ispunjena kada sa Partizanom ostvarim evropske snove, a to je veliki korak napred u Ligi šampiona ,.


                  • Originally posted by Seoski Terminator View Post
                    Ko god da slavi svetog mene, srecna vam slava!

                    Posmatram vas da li ste dobri ili ne, da znate!
                    dzoNI la gente esta muy loca! WTF
                    There's something wrong with me chemically
                    Something wrong with me inherently
                    The wrong mix in the wrong genes
                    I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
                    It was the wrong plan
                    In the wrong hands
                    With the wrong theory for the wrong man
                    The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
                    The wrong questions with the wrong replies


                    • Srecna slava svima koji slave

                      posto je Nebojsa vec zvao na zito, kod mene mozete da svratite na kolace

                      Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                      Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                      with experience.


                      • Eto ja zovem na dobro vino, ljutu kajsiju od 20 godina, pogacu... i za one koji ne poste danas, jagnjentinu, prasetinu i naravno kolace.
                        There's something wrong with me chemically
                        Something wrong with me inherently
                        The wrong mix in the wrong genes
                        I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
                        It was the wrong plan
                        In the wrong hands
                        With the wrong theory for the wrong man
                        The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
                        The wrong questions with the wrong replies



                          ali ovo je skroz tacno, kod mene u kancelariji, od nas 5, danas radi samo jedna koleginica plus je moj prvi radni dan u cetvrtak

                          Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                          Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                          with experience.


                          • Indigo alkosu, ti bi samo da se napijes!


                            • Najzanimljivije tech reklame 2011.

                              Ali ove 3 su mi ubedljivo najbolje


                              Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                              Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                              with experience.


                              • Originally posted by Seoski Terminator View Post
                                Indigo alkosu, ti bi samo da se napijes!
                                E da samo znas koliko se dugo nisam napio...
                                There's something wrong with me chemically
                                Something wrong with me inherently
                                The wrong mix in the wrong genes
                                I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
                                It was the wrong plan
                                In the wrong hands
                                With the wrong theory for the wrong man
                                The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
                                The wrong questions with the wrong replies

