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  • Originally posted by AcaGrobar View Post
    a znamo svi za sta sluzi desnica...
    Nije realno da ti ovako nesto napises, eto to je posledica druzenja samnom, pokvario sam jos jednog pristojnog mladica...
    Secate se onog Ace koji je branio zene i nikoga nije zezao, eto 10 dana se druzio samnom i pogledajte ko mu je na avataru
    I create a monster!
    There's something wrong with me chemically
    Something wrong with me inherently
    The wrong mix in the wrong genes
    I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
    It was the wrong plan
    In the wrong hands
    With the wrong theory for the wrong man
    The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
    The wrong questions with the wrong replies


    • Kazi Vlajko,sve za tebe


      • ajmo ljudi pametni i lijepi,upadajte

        Bjezmo Grumfe,njih je dvojica a mi smo sami!


        • ocu i ja tamo
          ali samo ako postavljate svoje slike kao corpus delicti
          in another life
          I will love you again, RF.


          • Originally posted by Vladan View Post
            Uuuuu, što ste lepiiiiiii!

            Samo Vladane, vi nas ne interesujete šta tamo radite, a mi vas da.... i to jako...
            Uostalom i mi imamo kvalifikovane špijune, zlu ne trebalo.

            Boooojaaaanaaaa! Nešto se ovi modovi i SMovi uzmuvali. Reguliši to, molim te.

            Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
            But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


            • Originally posted by bojanaBG View Post
              Pretpostavljam da tu primaju bez slike cim si ti prosao
              Khm, Khm.... toliko sam lep da me ponekad sve boli...
              Da ne pricam koliko ogledala je puklo kada bi se moj velicanstveni odraz pojavio na njima
              There's something wrong with me chemically
              Something wrong with me inherently
              The wrong mix in the wrong genes
              I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
              It was the wrong plan
              In the wrong hands
              With the wrong theory for the wrong man
              The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
              The wrong questions with the wrong replies


              • Originally posted by M_G_S View Post
                Mi stalni clanovi se vec odlicno provodimo, a mozda ste i Vi sledeci clan!

                Originally posted by Dacha View Post
                Kazi Vlajko,sve za tebe
                Naucio sam te dobro


                • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                  Uuuuu, što ste lepiiiiiii!

                  Samo Vladane, vi nas ne interesujete šta tamo radite, a mi vas da.... i to jako...
                  Uostalom i mi imamo kvalifikovane špijune, zlu ne trebalo.

                  vec sam izvidila situaciju, skroz su dosadni, sto se i ocekivalo

                  Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                  Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                  with experience.


                  • Originally posted by Indigo View Post
                    Nije realno da ti ovako nesto napises, eto to je posledica druzenja samnom, pokvario sam jos jednog pristojnog mladica...
                    Secate se onog Ace koji je branio zene i nikoga nije zezao, eto 10 dana se druzio samnom i pogledajte ko mu je na avataru
                    I create a monster!
                    Ja i dalje postujem zene a Vladana sam oduvek zezao...
                    Jedan je Obradovic Zarko!


                    • Svi koji sebe smatraju lepim nek stave sliku Lepog,pardon Federera


                      • Originally posted by AcaGrobar View Post
                        Ja i dalje postujem zene a Vladana sam oduvek zezao...
                        Nema vadjenja, sad smo prave kolege djilkosi
                        There's something wrong with me chemically
                        Something wrong with me inherently
                        The wrong mix in the wrong genes
                        I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
                        It was the wrong plan
                        In the wrong hands
                        With the wrong theory for the wrong man
                        The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
                        The wrong questions with the wrong replies


                        • Originally posted by Indigo View Post
                          Khm, Khm.... toliko sam lep da me ponekad sve boli...
                          Da ne pricam koliko ogledala je puklo kada bi se moj velicanstveni odraz pojavio na njima

                          ovo je izjava tipa: da nisam toliko skroman bio bih savrsen

                          Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                          Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                          with experience.


                          • Originally posted by bojanaBG View Post
                            Pretpostavljam da tu primaju bez slike cim si ti prosao
                            Za opstu informaciju, administracija grupe ce se truditi da poziva samo kvalitetne forumase. Ne moraju biti fizicki lepi, sto opet Indigo sigurno jeste (ili je poslao tudje slike), nego cemo se truditi da prepoznamo i unutrasnju lepotu. Moguci su i pozivi curapa, ukoliko imaju visak muskih hormona, ilti su muskobanjaste.

                            ps. I Vi biste Bojana trebali da dobijete poziv, ukoliko taj prijedlog prodje kod ostalih clanova grupe.


                            • Originally posted by Indigo View Post
                              Nema vadjenja, sad smo prave kolege djilkosi
                              Samo sto mene vise zene vole a ti moras da trazis "Dachu desnicu"...
                              Jedan je Obradovic Zarko!


                              • Originally posted by Dacha View Post
                                Svi koji sebe smatraju lepim nek stave sliku Lepog,pardon Federera
                                Cim mi istekne kazna stavljam na avatar Lepog,ovaj Federera!

