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Originally posted by bojanaBG View PostKo od ovdasnjih skolaraca ima manje od 19 poena, dobice momentalni ban, pa ovo je presmesno
http://www.blic.rs/_customfiles/pdf/...tematika-3.pdfThere's something wrong with me chemically
Something wrong with me inherently
The wrong mix in the wrong genes
I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
It was the wrong plan
In the wrong hands
With the wrong theory for the wrong man
The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
The wrong questions with the wrong replies
Originally posted by Indigo View Post1 i 10 odoh da se obesim MOj sestric koji ima 10 godina ovo resava bez problema....Boze sacuvaj pa mene bi bilo sramota da kazem da iz ovog testa dobije manje od 20 poena....cccccJedan je Obradovic Zarko!
Ma nije to tako kako pricate
Tj.jeste ali delimicno.Sramota je ne znati prvih 10 pitanja,to bi i najgluplja osoba trebala da zna.Ali u ostalim zadacima se zeznes brzo,jos neko ko ima tremu-nije bas bezazleno.Pogotovo poslednja 3 zadatka,zaboravis znak,broj bilo sta i gotov si.
Moram da branim sebe
Salim se,nadam se da sam ubo nest
Originally posted by Dacha View PostMa nije to tako kako pricate
Tj.jeste ali delimicno.Sramota je ne znati prvih 10 pitanja,to bi i najgluplja osoba trebala da zna.Ali u ostalim zadacima se zeznes brzo,jos neko ko ima tremu-nije bas bezazleno.Pogotovo poslednja 3 zadatka,zaboravis znak,broj bilo sta i gotov si.
Moram da branim sebe
Salim se,nadam se da sam ubo nestJedan je Obradovic Zarko!
There's something wrong with me chemically
Something wrong with me inherently
The wrong mix in the wrong genes
I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
It was the wrong plan
In the wrong hands
With the wrong theory for the wrong man
The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
The wrong questions with the wrong replies