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  • Nije sustina u postupku Radonjica, sustina je da je ovde pocela odbrana Covica (kako i Fener duguje), a ja kazem da se Covic napadao zato sto je sam insistirao na transparentnosti, ali izgleda samo kada mu odgovara. Da je transparentan, znalo bi se koliko se plata duguje.

    Niko ga nije bio po usima da se pravi bolji od drugih klubova po tom pitanju.
    You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.


    • Originally posted by mmajstor View Post
      Nema sta da oko toga dalje diskutujemo dok se ne prihvati da ako si ti ispravan a neko te ispaljuje, jedini nacin da ostanes ispravan jeste da odmah prekines takvu saradnju. Takodje razmisli gde je bio Dejan pre Zvezde a gde posle Zvezde, i da li je to sve bila neka velika ispala, ili ipak kljucan period njegove karijere.
      Gde je bila Zvezda pre Dejana? Mozemo i tako..Nigde, trenirali Vukoicic i Lazic..placao se Samardzinski kao petosoban stan u Bg, Brown,Skot, FC3 itd....stvarno sto pises nema vise smisla..Ne znam dal trolujes ili sta..Cuj budi ispravan, cuti nek te maze... ) onda kad dodjes i batujes kao Saolin Dulo onda si neprijatelj kluba itd...ti kao da zivis u u Danskoj i da nikad nisi cuo za Covica a i Zvezdeu pre Radonjica....Najveci moguci DOBITAK je imao Cova, pre i posle DR on ne zna gde bije...Jasno je kao dan...
      3× ABA League champion (2015–2017, 2021)
      6× Montenegrin League champion (2007–2012)
      3× Serbian League champion (2015–2017, 2021)
      2× German League champion (2018, 2019)
      6× Montenegrin Cup winner (2007–2012)
      4× Serbian Cup winner (2014, 2015, 2017, 2021)
      2× ABA League Coach of the Year (2014, 2015)


      • Originally posted by MannyCalavera View Post
        To je to brate. Krecu putevima LiAngelo Balla. Mozda drpi nesto pa da ga Vucic vadi iz cuze
        Za njega bi mnooogo bolje bilo da je radio individualno sa nekim trenerom u BGD, ovo mu je samo gubljenje vremena i bespotrebno lomatanje po Kini.
        E sad, ako nešto drpi na neviđeno, to je već posebna priča ...
        Nije mi cilj da sedim na klupi i da pričam da sam NBA igrač. Kad napunim četrdeset godina i prestanem sa košarkom,
        biće mi draže ako budem sav izlomljen od igranja, nego da budem krepak i čio jer sam karijeru proveo sedeći. - Marcus Williams


        • Originally posted by LosmiSK View Post
          Gde je bila Zvezda pre Dejana? Mozemo i tako..Nigde, trenirali Vukoicic i Lazic..placao se Samardzinski kao petosoban stan u Bg, Brown,Skot, FC3 itd....stvarno sto pises nema vise smisla..Ne znam dal trolujes ili sta..Cuj budi ispravan, cuti nek te maze... ) onda kad dodjes i batujes kao Saolin Dulo onda si neprijatelj kluba itd...ti kao da zivis u u Danskoj i da nikad nisi cuo za Covica a i Zvezdeu pre Radonjica....Najveci moguci DOBITAK je imao Cova, pre i posle DR on ne zna gde bije...Jasno je kao dan...
          Lošm, Samardžiski je bio 2013 doveden kao naknadna doselekcija u vreme Radonjića i plaćen papreno.
          Za pola sezone nas skupo koštao a vrlo malo doprineo.
          Last edited by nebitan; 26-07-18, 14:54.
          Ako mi časi smrti postanu bliski,
          I nešto mi se crno oko nozdrva skupi,
          Kažite drugovima da vojnik Zahar Gorodijski
          Nije umio da odstupi,
          Recite da sam, nagutavši se samrtnog vjetra,
          Pao unapred, a ne unazad,
          I da je slobode stosedamdesetdva santimetra
          Uračunato i u moj pad.


          • Originally posted by Ganac View Post
            Lošm, Samardžiski je bio 2013 doveden kao naknadna doselekcija u vreme Radonjića i plaćen papreno.
            Za pola sezone nas skupo koštao a vrlo malo doprineo.
            Imas pravo sve, sem da je bio u vreme Radonjica doveden...Sta bi mi sa svim ovakvim ljubiteljima DR-a.... Vidim da ga ne mirises bas, ali prvo proveri cinjenice, ako ih se ne secas DR, nema bas nikakve veze sa Samardzinskim vec Vukoicic..
            3× ABA League champion (2015–2017, 2021)
            6× Montenegrin League champion (2007–2012)
            3× Serbian League champion (2015–2017, 2021)
            2× German League champion (2018, 2019)
            6× Montenegrin Cup winner (2007–2012)
            4× Serbian Cup winner (2014, 2015, 2017, 2021)
            2× ABA League Coach of the Year (2014, 2015)


            • Originally posted by LosmiSK View Post
              Imas pravo sve, sem da je bio u vreme Radonjica doveden...Sta bi mi sa svim ovakvim ljubiteljima DR-a.... Vidim da ga ne mirises bas, ali prvo proveri cinjenice, ako ih se ne secas DR, nema bas nikakve veze sa Samardzinskim vec Vukoicic..
              U pravu si, nasledio ga je od VVa i ne mrzim Radonjića nego ne mislim da je svetac, pre bi se reklo da ne volim Čovića nego da mrzim Radonjića(slobodan si da pogledaš sve upise koje sam napisao o njemu pa i na bivšem forumu) jedino ne želim da pravimo "sveca" od nesavršenog čoveka (vidi pod DV)...
              P.S. on je imao druge skupe promašaje...(kada kažem on mislim "za njegovog vakta" a da li je on odlučio i insistirao na određđenom pojačanju ja ne znam).
              Last edited by nebitan; 26-07-18, 15:31.
              Ako mi časi smrti postanu bliski,
              I nešto mi se crno oko nozdrva skupi,
              Kažite drugovima da vojnik Zahar Gorodijski
              Nije umio da odstupi,
              Recite da sam, nagutavši se samrtnog vjetra,
              Pao unapred, a ne unazad,
              I da je slobode stosedamdesetdva santimetra
              Uračunato i u moj pad.


              • Nije Samardzijskog, Radonja je doveo Lipovija - defanzivnu zver.
                Covic kakav god da je (a svi znamo kakav je), odgovarao je Radonjicu da preko Zvezde od provincijalskog trenera preraste u evroligaskog, u periodu kada su se u klub slivale dobre pare. Na pocetku je cutao, a progovorio je tek kada mu je skocila cena i kada mu Zvezda vise nije trebala. E to je ono sto nije lepo i sto nije bas za ceniti.


                • Originally posted by mmajstor View Post
                  Nije Samardzijskog, Radonja je doveo Lipovija - defanzivnu zver.
                  Covic kakav god da je (a svi znamo kakav je), odgovarao je Radonjicu da preko Zvezde od provincijalskog trenera preraste u evroligaskog, u periodu kada su se u klub slivale dobre pare. Na pocetku je cutao, a progovorio je tek kada mu je skocila cena i kada mu Zvezda vise nije trebala. E to je ono sto nije lepo i sto nije bas za ceniti.
                  Ne znas fabulu...Hopson je trebao potpisati, Cova nije uspeo..cekalo se do samog kraja i onda mu je uvalio redova iz Donbasa...Ma Doktor je hteo i Sofa itd...

                  Ja da napisem taj tvoj tekst i da kazem da sam zvezdas, bilo bi me sramota..Malo li je sve sto je uradio za CZ, od jednog tima u koje su se bacala pare, bez rezultata i pokrica..napravio je top8 ekipu uz minimalna sredstva...

                  E sad, sto je tebi krivo, sto je i posle CZ uzeo titulu u Bayernu, ima EL ispred je vec tvoj problem...Mozda selektore predjes u kkp, pa se taman nadjete

                  DR je uzeo titule u tri razlicite zemlje, u tri pokusaja...Sa tim da je u druga dva navrata, rusio Evroligase da bi dosao do cilja...Sigurno, trenutno jedan od najperspektivnijih trenera u Evropi
                  3× ABA League champion (2015–2017, 2021)
                  6× Montenegrin League champion (2007–2012)
                  3× Serbian League champion (2015–2017, 2021)
                  2× German League champion (2018, 2019)
                  6× Montenegrin Cup winner (2007–2012)
                  4× Serbian Cup winner (2014, 2015, 2017, 2021)
                  2× ABA League Coach of the Year (2014, 2015)


                  • Kako mislis "uvalio redova iz Donbasa"? Ajde da se dogovorimo da li je Covic Radonjicu sastavljao tim ili nije? Kada se to dogovorimo onda mozemo da tumacimo i razlicite kadrovske poteze.

                    Ako mu jeste sastavljao tim onda sve pobede treba da pripisemo Covicu a Radonjic mu dodje poslusnik kao masa drugih, a ako nije onda nema potrebe da prebacujemo odgovornost za losa pojacanja na njega. Vidim da je kod nekih prisutna logika da za svaku rupu od pojacanja se optuzuje Covic, a za svako dobro se pohvaljuje neko drugi. To nije konzistentno tumacenje stvarnosti, vec se polazi od tih nekih predrasuda kao nepromenljiva, a onda se cinjenice koriste da bi se te predrasude opravdale. Dakle ko je sastavljao tim?


                    • Ovde se jos uvek vode fajtovi Cova vs Radonja. Kako vam ne dosadi?

                      Tvrdim da Losmi ne gotivi toliko Radonju, koliko mrzi Covu, pa hoce sve dobro da pripise Radonji, a lose Covi. Nista licno, samo moje misljenje.

                      Pre gospodina Lipovija se pokusalo ne samo s Hopsonom, vec i Tomasom, Riversom, Marsalom, Dangom, Kalinom, Cakarom... Ovog nisu trebali ni da dovode, dzabe smo bacili pare.

                      Skupstina 24. avg, je l to znate?


                      • Znamo, dopuna UO, pisao je Sarac (cini mi se) za Heineken a vjrv jos neko od jacih imena. Ono sto ne znam, sta bi od odbijene ponude za gen sponzora?


                        • Top 10 slobodnih agenata na poziciji pleja

                          EuroLeague: The Top10 free agents in the point guard position

                          21/Jun/18 11:22

                          The season is over and teams are already focusing on the day after, which includes significant corrective moves with the aim of appearing improved in the new season.

                          By Giorgos Orfanakis /

                          Summer is one of the favorite periods for basketball fans since the interest surrounding the various transfer scenarios that are out there peaks.

                          Coaches, in collaboration with the teams’ management, start planning out the next season, which, among other things, includes departures but also important transfers. At the epicenter, of course, there are the players who are free agents and who are negotiating with teams in order to pick the next step in their career.

                          Eurohoops presents a list of 10 athletes in no particular order who are free agents and who are expected to grab the attention of EuroLeague clubs as well as others…
                          Nick Calathes

                          Stats: 14.5 points, 3.8 rebounds, 8 assists, 18.5 PIR

                          When it comes to Nick Calathes, there’s no need for any special recommendations. Panathinaikos’s leader is coming off an outrageously good season, during which he broke the single-season assist record in the history of the EuroLeague and proved that he’s the best player in his position.

                          The contract with the Greens formally expires in a few days and the Greek team’s management has already made its move in order to continue working with the Greek playmaker. Of course, a lot will depend on the offers that Calathes will get from the other side of the Atlantic, while Fenerbahce and Khimki are also expected to take an interest.

                          Calathes’s value is very high but he’s more than worth it. He’s undoubtedly at the top of the list of point guards on the free agent market and his name is going to be mentioned a lot in the next few weeks.
                          Brad Wanamaker

                          Stats: 11.3 points, 2.7 rebounds, 3.8 assists, 12.9 PIR

                          Brad Wanamaker adapted quickly in Fenerbahce and he helped them reach the EuroLeague final, where he chalked up 14 points, 6 rebounds and 8 assists. The coveted back-to-back win may not have been achieved but the American once again proved that he belongs in the elite of European basketball and that he has a place in any roster.

                          A few weeks after winning the championship, Wanamaker’s contract with the Turkish club expires and despite an assurance from Obradovic that the player will not leave, this is by no means certain.

                          There are already plenty of reports speaking of a 3 million euro offer by Barcelona and it’s a given that the 28-year-old combo guard will attract the interest of even more clubs.
                          Taylor Rochestie

                          Stats: 13.4 points, 5 assists, 41% in three-point shooting, 14.4 PIR

                          The years have gone by for Taylor Rochestie, but he doesn’t seem to be affected. His season with Crvena Zvezda is deemed particularly satisfactory since he was the team’s best player in the departments of execution (13.4 points) and creation (5 assists).

                          Despite this, the Serbian club lost to Buducnost in the finals of the Adriatic league and failed to qualify for next season’s EuroLeague. This particular development makes the player’s stay in the team extremely doubtful, with the contract between the two sides, have already expired.

                          Rochestie is 33 years old and has the experience and quality that can secure him a spot on the roster of most EuroLeague teams.
                          Pau Ribas

                          Stats: 6.7 points, 3 assists, 47.8% in three-point shooting, 8.1 PIR

                          For yet another season, Barcelona had a disappointing course in the EuroLeague, they won the Copa del Rey and were knocked out in the semifinals of the ACB. It’s a given that there will be significant changes in their roster and one of the players who are on the free agent market, at least with what we know so far, is Pau Ribas.

                          The Spanish guard got limited playing time (17.48 minutes) and so his numbers in scoring and creating are not high. However, he remains an excellent shooter, while his Spanish passport provides him with a big advantage compared to other players when it comes to his country’s teams.

                          Ribas has overcome his serious Achilles tendon injury and, at 31 years of age, he’s a very interesting case in the transfer market.
                          Kevin Pangos

                          how to capture screen

                          Stats: 12.7 points, 5.9 assists, 47.5% in three-point shooting, 14.2 PIR

                          The season that just ended can be characterized as the season Kevin Pangos exploded! Zalgiris’s big leader put up some unique performances for the EuroLeague’s fans and, as a result, his value went through the roof and he attracted a lot of interest.

                          Barcelona seems to be ahead in the race to win the signature of the Canadian point guard but until any deal has been made official, the 25-year-old remains a free agent.

                          The team that will reach a deal with Pangos will automatically improve their backcourt with a player who is an excellent creator, ball handler and shooter, while he was chosen to the All-EuroLeague Second Team. Without a doubt, one of the most important free agents of the summer.
                          Ray McCallum

                          Stats: 9.2 points, 2.3 rebounds, 2.7 assists

                          In the summer of 2017, Malaga made a strong transfer move with the acquisition of Ray McCallum but on the court the enthusiasm was not justified. The American guard had some very good performances, he showed some of his skills, but he lacked consistency, which was also true for the Spanish team as a whole.

                          The contract between the two sides has expired and since the Andalusian club has not qualified for next season’s EuroLeague, the partnership seems very unlikely to continue.

                          McCallum, however, has certain elements as a player that help him stand on his own at the top level. He’s very fast, he can drive, and, armed with his excellent ball handling skills and his strong body, he is able to “unlock” rival defenses. What he certainly has to improve in order to go up a level in European basketball is his long-range shooting.
                          Norris Cole

                          Stats: 12.6 points, 3.8 assists, 11.1 PIR

                          Based on his bio and skills, Norris Cole is one of the biggest names in this summer’s transfer period. His first season in the colors of Maccabi Tel Aviv is deemed very good, especially in the first half of the season, where he showed that he doesn’t need a lot of time to adapt to a new environment.

                          Of course, the 29-year-old guard is not your run-of-the-mill player, since he has won the NBA championship twice (2012, 2013) and this season he helped Maccabi win the title in Israel.

                          Now he’s a free agent and he’s one of the players coming off the top shelf. Cole loves to run on the open court, he’s a good scorer for European standards, he has improved his shot, while he was always fast, strong and effective in 1-on-1 situations.

                          The only questions are his size, his ability to set plays and his appetite for creating.
                          Bobby Brown

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                          Bobby Brown is no stranger to European fans. Far from it! Besides, we’re dealing with the best scorer of the 2012-2013 season, during which the American put up an average of 18.83 points.

                          His arrival to Olympiacos made the fans happy for a while, but Ioannis Sfairopoulos never found the way to integrate his player in the Reds’ game and make use of his given quality.

                          Brown is 34 years old and it’s a given he can no longer lead a club. On the other hand, he’s a very good shooter who can create either for himself or those around him, and can offer quality minutes. His presence in Olympiacos is not representative of his true skills and it remains to be seen whether the future of his professional career belongs in Europe or the USA.
                          Mantas Kalnietis

                          Stats: 4.5 points, 2.1 assists, 4.9 PIR

                          After two years in Armani Milan, Mantas Kalnietis’s comes full circle and this is the best possible development both for the player and the team. It’s telling that the Lithuanian did not play a single minute (!) in the Italian championship, while the last time he played in the EuroLeague was February 1, 2018.

                          At 32 years of age, Kalnietis is looking for the next club that will put faith in him to prove that he still has a lot to offer. His skills are specific, with organizing the game – mostly in the 5-on-5 – being the standout characteristic in terms of execution.

                          In general, the Lithuanian can be a part of the backcourt of a team looking to be reinforced without spending a lot of money.
                          Toney Douglas

                          Stats: 7.9 points, 2.1 rebounds, 2 assists

                          Toney Douglas is yet another player who cannot be judged solely by his presence on European courts, as he counted just 14 appearances with Efes, with good nights and bad nights.

                          The game against Fenerbahce, where the American scored 29 points (7-for-8 in two-point shooting, 3-for-3 in three-point shooting, 6-for-6 in free throws) is indicative of the offensive talent that helped him clock up 394 appearances on the courts of the NBA.

                          Douglas prefers to execute rather than dishing assists and it will be very interesting to see which team will trust him from the beginning, so that he can join the preparation, become a part of the whole and show what we saw when he played in the Knicks, the Pelicans, the Rockets and others.
                          Malo je starija lista, pola od njih je već našlo angažman, ali pruža dobar uvid u tržište.
                          “La vostra fama è come il fiore, che nasce e muore, e si secca allo stesso sole che gli ha dato vita dall'acerba terra"


                          • Originally posted by Дијаз View Post
                            Ovde se jos uvek vode fajtovi Cova vs Radonja. Kako vam ne dosadi?
                            Vidis da se nista samo da niko ne dolazi nego niko ni od najavljenih da ode. Idealni momenti za vecne teme, mada je ova prevazisla samu sebe i evoluirala u Radonja Vs Sveti Radonja


                            • To koliko je ko dobar ili loš nedvosmisleno pokazuje mesto gde se taj trenutno nalazi - u evroligašu, koji je to postao zahvaljujući njemu nakon osvojene titule. Nema dalje.
                              “La vostra fama è come il fiore, che nasce e muore, e si secca allo stesso sole che gli ha dato vita dall'acerba terra"


                              • Mmajstore ili Selektore... Dal je tebi sposobniji onaj sto ide po namirnice ili kuvar koji pravi specijalitete...Specijalitet se moze napraviti i od losih namirnica,a jos bolji od kvalitetnijih...Dok po naminrice moze otici i kuvar, ali ovaj iz dostave ne moze napraviti specijalitet...bitne razlike.. i sustinske...
                                3× ABA League champion (2015–2017, 2021)
                                6× Montenegrin League champion (2007–2012)
                                3× Serbian League champion (2015–2017, 2021)
                                2× German League champion (2018, 2019)
                                6× Montenegrin Cup winner (2007–2012)
                                4× Serbian Cup winner (2014, 2015, 2017, 2021)
                                2× ABA League Coach of the Year (2014, 2015)

