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Gerno di Lesmo, Italy
Monday, 15th March 2010
Fiat Yamaha Team rider Jorge Lorenzo will take part in this week's MotoGP test in Qatar, four weeks after breaking a bone in his right thumb during a training incident.
The 22-year-old has spent the time recuperating at home in Barcelona and he has now been given the all-clear by his doctor to get back on his bike. The recovery has gone well and the hand is no longer swollen, but he needs to continue with physiotherapy in order to keep repairing the muscle around the break.
His doctor has confirmed that there is no risk to the broken bone from riding, but he will need to wait until testing starts in order to ascertain if he will be able to ride and use the brake at full strength.
This week's test takes place on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th of March under the Qatar floodlights, the last test before the season starts in April.
Jorge Lorenzo: "Today we are leaving for Qatar for the last Winter test. I think that it is important that we are there. The fracture happened less than five weeks ago, but we could not have missed this last test because it would have been negative for our preparation; we are not far from the first race of the season! The doctor has made a special carbon fibre protection and Dainese have modified my glove, in order to further protect the fracture, so we will see how we get on."
Wilco Zeelenberg: "We are happy that Jorge will be back for this last pre-season test at Qatar! Of course we have had to miss a whole test but we are confident that we can make up for lost time because the 2010 bike has proved to be very competitive from the first time we have used it. We will have to wait to see how Jorge's hand feels when he starts riding, but we do not take anything for granted. The doctors have prepared a special brace for the thumb, Dainese have prepared special gloves and also a modified handlebar grip has been produced. Yamaha will give him all the support and time he needs to return to full strength."
[quote author=Srdjan Erceg link=topic=1368.msg118705#msg118705 date=1268656327]
Gerno di Lesmo, Italy
Monday, 15th March 2010
Fiat Yamaha Team rider Jorge Lorenzo will take part in this week's MotoGP test in Qatar, four weeks after breaking a bone in his right thumb during a training incident.
The 22-year-old has spent the time recuperating at home in Barcelona and he has now been given the all-clear by his doctor to get back on his bike. The recovery has gone well and the hand is no longer swollen, but he needs to continue with physiotherapy in order to keep repairing the muscle around the break.
His doctor has confirmed that there is no risk to the broken bone from riding, but he will need to wait until testing starts in order to ascertain if he will be able to ride and use the brake at full strength.
This week's test takes place on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th of March under the Qatar floodlights, the last test before the season starts in April.
Jorge Lorenzo: "Today we are leaving for Qatar for the last Winter test. I think that it is important that we are there. The fracture happened less than five weeks ago, but we could not have missed this last test because it would have been negative for our preparation; we are not far from the first race of the season! The doctor has made a special carbon fibre protection and Dainese have modified my glove, in order to further protect the fracture, so we will see how we get on."
Wilco Zeelenberg: "We are happy that Jorge will be back for this last pre-season test at Qatar! Of course we have had to miss a whole test but we are confident that we can make up for lost time because the 2010 bike has proved to be very competitive from the first time we have used it. We will have to wait to see how Jorge's hand feels when he starts riding, but we do not take anything for granted. The doctors have prepared a special brace for the thumb, Dainese have prepared special gloves and also a modified handlebar grip has been produced. Yamaha will give him all the support and time he needs to return to full strength."
Znači dolazi mali, pa naravno, ovaj test ne bi smeo daa propusti ni za živu glavu! Gde si Srđane, nema te već duže vreme, jel si se spremio za početak? Kome će titula ove sezone, šta misliš? Ok, nikako da ti izvučemo favorita javno, ali barem koju dvojicu očekuješ u borbi? Za mene, Vale i Stoner, Lorenco će biti malo dalje po meniThe most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
From that stage there is no progress.
[quote author=N_Trooper link=topic=1368.msg118707#msg118707 date=1268657996]
Srđan se opet javlja... '65slif ... Ok, mogao bi stvarno i on da pukne neku prognozu... Srđane, sutra proveri PP, ima nešto za tebe bajo ...
Stvarno, jedna prognoza nije na odmet +*@WT*48* Nećemo da mu zamerimo, to nikako %QWT&WThe most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
From that stage there is no progress.
[quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg118706#msg118706 date=1268656547]
Znači dolazi mali, pa naravno, ovaj test ne bi smeo daa propusti ni za živu glavu! Gde si Srđane, nema te već duže vreme, jel si se spremio za početak? Kome će titula ove sezone, šta misliš? Ok, nikako da ti izvučemo favorita javno, ali barem koju dvojicu očekuješ u borbi? Za mene, Vale i Stoner, Lorenco će biti malo dalje po meni
Spremam se
Titula? Rosi. Prva najava i strahujem da će biti preterano dominantan. Znaš da ne navijam ni za koga, ali takav imam osećaj. Naravno, ovo je na prvu i realno ćemo znati, kao i uvek, tek posle Hereza kako zaista stoje stvari. Jedva čekam, svakako.
Što se tiče navijanja, nema toga. Zna se da je Stoner, ovaj Rosi, ovaj Lorenco, mislim Pedrosa najbolji ;) Mada sam najvljivao svojevremeno da će Doviciozo biti glavni... Mala provokacija za kraj
[quote author=Srdjan Erceg link=topic=1368.msg118709#msg118709 date=1268659162]
[quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg118706#msg118706 date=1268656547]
Znači dolazi mali, pa naravno, ovaj test ne bi smeo daa propusti ni za živu glavu! Gde si Srđane, nema te već duže vreme, jel si se spremio za početak? Kome će titula ove sezone, šta misliš? Ok, nikako da ti izvučemo favorita javno, ali barem koju dvojicu očekuješ u borbi? Za mene, Vale i Stoner, Lorenco će biti malo dalje po meni
Spremam se
Titula? Rosi. Prva najava i strahujem da će biti preterano dominantan. Znaš da ne navijam ni za koga, ali takav imam osećaj. Naravno, ovo je na prvu i realno ćemo znati, kao i uvek, tek posle Hereza kako zaista stoje stvari. Jedva čekam, svakako.
Što se tiče navijanja, nema toga. Zna se da je Stoner, ovaj Rosi, ovaj Lorenco, mislim Pedrosa najbolji ;) Mada sam najvljivao svojevremeno da će Doviciozo biti glavni... Mala provokacija za kraj
Oduvek si bio lukav, nikako da te otkrijemo l5'%9 Ova sezona se odužila kao nijedna do sada, ne mogu da verujem da ćemo čekati još MESEC dana - malo će Katar da ublaži pauzu, ali samo na dva dana. Ovde smo nagađali za Jerez showdown, ali izgleda da se neće održavati ove sezone. Jel imaš neku pouzdanu informaciju povodom toga? Ja se ubio na netu da nađem, ali nema ništa...The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
From that stage there is no progress.
[quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg118711#msg118711 date=1268660084]
[quote author=Srdjan Erceg link=topic=1368.msg118709#msg118709 date=1268659162]
[quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg118706#msg118706 date=1268656547]
Znači dolazi mali, pa naravno, ovaj test ne bi smeo daa propusti ni za živu glavu! Gde si Srđane, nema te već duže vreme, jel si se spremio za početak? Kome će titula ove sezone, šta misliš? Ok, nikako da ti izvučemo favorita javno, ali barem koju dvojicu očekuješ u borbi? Za mene, Vale i Stoner, Lorenco će biti malo dalje po meni
Spremam se
Titula? Rosi. Prva najava i strahujem da će biti preterano dominantan. Znaš da ne navijam ni za koga, ali takav imam osećaj. Naravno, ovo je na prvu i realno ćemo znati, kao i uvek, tek posle Hereza kako zaista stoje stvari. Jedva čekam, svakako.
Što se tiče navijanja, nema toga. Zna se da je Stoner, ovaj Rosi, ovaj Lorenco, mislim Pedrosa najbolji ;) Mada sam najvljivao svojevremeno da će Doviciozo biti glavni... Mala provokacija za kraj
Oduvek si bio lukav, nikako da te otkrijemo l5'%9 Ova sezona se odužila kao nijedna do sada, ne mogu da verujem da ćemo čekati još MESEC dana - malo će Katar da ublaži pauzu, ali samo na dva dana. Ovde smo nagađali za Jerez showdown, ali izgleda da se neće održavati ove sezone. Jel imaš neku pouzdanu informaciju povodom toga? Ja se ubio na netu da nađem, ali nema ništa...
Ma showdowna u Jerezu neće biti... na žalost... &*(@W6
[quote author=N_Trooper link=topic=1368.msg118713#msg118713 date=1268660204]
Ma showdowna u Jerezu neće biti... na žalost... &*(@W6
E baš jebiga, $JS}| $JS}| $JS}| navikao sam na to, sjajna uvertira za početak sezone, ali više ga nema &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
From that stage there is no progress.
Definitivno nema Hereza, posledni testovi pred pocetak sezone su u Kataru.
[quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg118714#msg118714 date=1268660322]
[quote author=N_Trooper link=topic=1368.msg118713#msg118713 date=1268660204]
Ma showdowna u Jerezu neće biti... na žalost... &*(@W6
E baš jebiga, $JS}| $JS}| $JS}| navikao sam na to, sjajna uvertira za početak sezone, ali više ga nema &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6
To da, bilo je lepo, ali ionako nikada nam nije ništa govorio test u Herezu o sezoni, samo ko će biti bogatiji za još jedan od milion M3-ova. Mislio sam na trku. Losail je Kejsijevo tle, Japan zavisi od vremena, a tek je Herez početak. Mada ni on nije najbolji pokazatelj, ali makar znamo koliko je sati posle te tri trke. Nadam se da Spiz može nešto da učini zanimljivo. $#&+/
[quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg118714#msg118714 date=1268660322]
[quote author=N_Trooper link=topic=1368.msg118713#msg118713 date=1268660204]
Ma showdowna u Jerezu neće biti... na žalost... &*(@W6
E baš jebiga, $JS}| $JS}| $JS}| navikao sam na to, sjajna uvertira za početak sezone, ali više ga nema &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6
Ma to je ono... krem pre početka ludnice... a ove godine MUKAR Rođo ... &*(@W6 *T_*@SR
[quote author=Srdjan Erceg link=topic=1368.msg118717#msg118717 date=1268660769]
To da, bilo je lepo, ali ionako nikada nam nije ništa govorio test u Herezu o sezoni, samo ko će biti bogatiji za još jedan od milion M3-ova. Mislio sam na trku. Losail je Kejsijevo tle, Japan zavisi od vremena, a tek je Herez početak. Mada ni on nije najbolji pokazatelj, ali makar znamo koliko je sati posle te tri trke. Nadam se da Spiz može nešto da učini zanimljivo. $#&+/
Ma ja živ nisam za Katar...jeste Stejsijevo tlo, ali.. da li će M1 ovoga puta uspeti da uradi nešto više... možda će Stejsijev BigBang da pokaže drugačije rezultate na drugačijim stazama ?
[quote author=N_Trooper link=topic=1368.msg118719#msg118719 date=1268660919]
[quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg118714#msg118714 date=1268660322]
[quote author=N_Trooper link=topic=1368.msg118713#msg118713 date=1268660204]
Ma showdowna u Jerezu neće biti... na žalost... &*(@W6
E baš jebiga, $JS}| $JS}| $JS}| navikao sam na to, sjajna uvertira za početak sezone, ali više ga nema &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6
Ma to je ono... krem pre početka ludnice... a ove godine MUKAR Rođo ... &*(@W6 *T_*@SR
[quote author=Srdjan Erceg link=topic=1368.msg118717#msg118717 date=1268660769]
To da, bilo je lepo, ali ionako nikada nam nije ništa govorio test u Herezu o sezoni, samo ko će biti bogatiji za još jedan od milion M3-ova. Mislio sam na trku. Losail je Kejsijevo tle, Japan zavisi od vremena, a tek je Herez početak. Mada ni on nije najbolji pokazatelj, ali makar znamo koliko je sati posle te tri trke. Nadam se da Spiz može nešto da učini zanimljivo. $#&+/
Ma ja živ nisam za Katar...jeste Stejsijevo tlo, ali.. da li će M1 ovoga puta uspeti da uradi nešto više... možda će Stejsijev BigBang da pokaže drugačije rezultate na drugačijim stazama ?
Ja očekujem da se Rosi baš naoštri za Katar, i da će u trci ići na pobedu maksimalno oštro. Kejsi već ima tri vezane, treba mu poslati poruku, ali će biti prokleto teško, mada Yama za sada funkcioniše briljantno. Milsim da zbog bigbang Dukati će sve više ličiti i ponašati se kao M1, odnosno da će im odgovarati slične staze. Ne znam videćemoThe most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
From that stage there is no progress.
[quote author=vesna8.11 link=topic=1368.msg118722#msg118722 date=1268661408]
Ja se kladim, u g l a v u da ce Rossi pobediti u Kataru, jednostavno, svi znaci su tu. Samo ih treba procitati.
+*@WT*48* +*@WT*48* +*@WT*48* '65slif '65slif '65slifThe most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
From that stage there is no progress.