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Formula 1 Gran Premio d'Italia 2013 (Monza)

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  • #31
    Šta kaže Pavle Fabian Nasr
    If a bike and rider coming past you three feet from your face at 180mph down a hill on a public road doesn’t raise even a grin, you are already dead.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Vanja #66 View Post

      Dosta promena na zadnjem delu, Monza-spec krilo, endplate-ovi, beam wing... Nema ni vertikalnih skretnica na izlaznim ivicama endplate-ova... Smanjenje otpora, kako i treba...
      gdje si našao te slike
      If a bike and rider coming past you three feet from your face at 180mph down a hill on a public road doesn’t raise even a grin, you are already dead.


      • #33


        • #34
          Najcrnje će biti ako E21B zaista ima realnog i vidljivog napretka u kvalifikacijama. Za trku ne sumnjam jer bi ovo moralo da poboljša još više trošenje guma pozadi. Ne mogu a da ne prokomentarišem Kimija na trećem mestu u slobodnom treningu. To se u Lotusu jako retko viđa.
          ,,MO8, nemoj da se salis sa zivotom, zna se raspored: basket, F1, Nole, pa sve ostalo... Dakle No1e>skola... Na izvrsavanje!"

          "Cekamo sutra da se ozvanici Kimster i mogla bi da krene lagana dominacija plus kada bi i Ross dosao....ludilo :)
          I eto nama novog paketa u Ferari: Allison + Raikkonen + Slade + MarkedOne8 :D mozda jedino da je zvucniji transfer Bejla od ovog naseg novog :biggrin:"



          • #35
            Raikkonen top speed na FP2 je 337,2. Prošle godine je bio 342,7. Pratićemo FP3 i kvalifikacije da vidimo hoće li moći brže.
            ,,MO8, nemoj da se salis sa zivotom, zna se raspored: basket, F1, Nole, pa sve ostalo... Dakle No1e>skola... Na izvrsavanje!"

            "Cekamo sutra da se ozvanici Kimster i mogla bi da krene lagana dominacija plus kada bi i Ross dosao....ludilo :)
            I eto nama novog paketa u Ferari: Allison + Raikkonen + Slade + MarkedOne8 :D mozda jedino da je zvucniji transfer Bejla od ovog naseg novog :biggrin:"



            • #36
              Tek sad sam video da Kimi i Grožan ne voze iste bolide, a postavili su potpuno identična vremena u FP2. Kako je naopak taj Grožan. Sad kad treba da vozi brže ili sporije on postavi identično vreme.
              ,,MO8, nemoj da se salis sa zivotom, zna se raspored: basket, F1, Nole, pa sve ostalo... Dakle No1e>skola... Na izvrsavanje!"

              "Cekamo sutra da se ozvanici Kimster i mogla bi da krene lagana dominacija plus kada bi i Ross dosao....ludilo :)
              I eto nama novog paketa u Ferari: Allison + Raikkonen + Slade + MarkedOne8 :D mozda jedino da je zvucniji transfer Bejla od ovog naseg novog :biggrin:"



              • #37
                Kako stvari stoje Vettel daleko ispred svih...Mada tek je petak,nije sve izgubljeno a verovatno ni pokazano.Za Ferrari izgleda gotov novi pod sa danom zakasnjenja...


                • #38
                  Lotus će odbaciti dizajn sa dužim međuosovinskim rastojanjem za ostatak vikenda. Pogodite ko je opet žrtva?! Upravo Kimi Raikkonen. Odu mu dva najduža treninga, FP1 i FP2, po ko zna koji put, na jebeno usavršavanje i unapređivanje i... tog sistema, i onda mućak. Svaka čast! Zgadili su mi se, definitivno! Sad bih čak više voleo da potpiše za Marusiju pa da se slavi kad on osvoji poen. Da, što bi se reklo, ,,ukrade nastup" čak i pobednicima.


                  Bio si u pravu Vanja. Uspeli su da zaseru i pre nego što sam mislio.
                  Last edited by MarkedOne8; 07-09-13, 00:10.
                  ,,MO8, nemoj da se salis sa zivotom, zna se raspored: basket, F1, Nole, pa sve ostalo... Dakle No1e>skola... Na izvrsavanje!"

                  "Cekamo sutra da se ozvanici Kimster i mogla bi da krene lagana dominacija plus kada bi i Ross dosao....ludilo :)
                  I eto nama novog paketa u Ferari: Allison + Raikkonen + Slade + MarkedOne8 :D mozda jedino da je zvucniji transfer Bejla od ovog naseg novog :biggrin:"



                  • #39
                    Kao i kod Ferrarija, na to kod njih mozes da racunas... Kao sto na Mecku mozes da racunas da ce Brawn da proba da provuce nesto ispod zita, a za Red Bull da ce da podmazu gde i koliko treba da im se sve namesti...


                    • #40
                      Ma nek Lotus puši ku*ac više.Nije ni Kimi poludio da ostane sa njima.Oni su luzeri
                      If a bike and rider coming past you three feet from your face at 180mph down a hill on a public road doesn’t raise even a grin, you are already dead.


                      • #41
                        Načuo sam negdje da red bull koristi neki termoplastični pod

                        The Dutch Formula 1 magazine recently discussed thermoplastic floors being used on the RB9 of Red Bull Racing. For me this raises the question whether or not Red Bull Racing are using an illegal flexible floor.

                        Thermoplastics are plastics that are tough, but above a certain temperature get weak and then distort. By adding carbon fibre wires to strengthen in the distortion you would be able to integrate programming without anyone touching it.

                        Philip Palmer, then a student at the TU Delft, conceived in 2006 one way you can do this. Suppose you have an airplane wing with wire heating wires, consisting of pre-programmed memory material. When you send an electric current through that heating wires, the memory material is activated, so you get the wing in a form. Palmer figured this out for an aircraft, but why would you not also apply it in F1?

                        Meanwhile, at Red Bull. Technical Director Adrian Newey and his friends have fixed years of dubbing how they could apply thermoplastics in their car. Then all of a sudden there is an eureka moment, the realization that you don’t need electricity at all for the deformation of the material because you have the heat of exhaust gases. And the good thing is: there is no human hand, so there are no rules broken. That is the reason that in Germany a part of the floor of the Red Bull was not made of carbon fibre, but made from a thermoplastic material.

                        Highly accidental that particular floor area gets covered with glowing hot exhaust gases, on its way backwards to the diffuser to seal the sides, aided by aerodynamic winglets and other aids. Those flows must not make too sharp curves, because only then they will continue to stick to the bodywork surface, they will flow laminar and won’t cause air swirls. The warmer the thermoplastic material of the floor area, the weaker it gets and the more the floor bends down. This creates a cavity, which makes smooth curves for the exhaust gases.

                        There could be a permanent cavity in the cars floor, but that is excluded by the rules and is therefore not an option. The technical regulations state that the car floor on the sides (the step plane) must be exactly 50 millimeter higher than the reference plane in the middle of the car. If the vehicle floor is 48 or 49 millimeter higher than the reference plane, then its lower than allowed. But this clever cavity of Red Bull is only present if there are hot exhaust gases flowing over it, so only when the car is driving. And if a car is driving you can’t measure it. This cavity disappears again when the car is parked at the technical inspection. Actually it is so an illegal flexible floor, which cannot be proofed illegal, because it is not detectable as the car is stopped.

                        So the FIA have to watch out. On a certain point there will be more cars with a body work that deform when it get’s warm. Maybe this happens already: the riddles around the flexible front wings and car floors are never quite resolved.
                        If a bike and rider coming past you three feet from your face at 180mph down a hill on a public road doesn’t raise even a grin, you are already dead.


                        • #42
                          Nema tu sta, ako to rade, a ne bi me cudilo, to je po pravilima. FIA moze samo da promeni pravila i zabrani upotrebu odredjenih materijala na podu i to je sve.

                          Ferrari deluje dosta bolje danas, rekli su juce da ce FP2 posvetiti gumama i aerodinamici, manje vremenima, tj. set-up kombinacijama... Ako Alonso dodje do 2. ili 3. mesta, bice zanimljivo, dugacak je pravac... Mecka deluje jako delikatno sa tim kocnicama, FRIC ih bas sputava ovde...


                          • #43
                            Još jedna fenomenalno istražena oblast Red Bulla za koju ostali timovi nemaju para, domišljatosti, a najčešće oba. Kada su pravila konstantna, tu su oni najjači. Zato je dobro za sport što sada dolazi do promene pravila.
                            ,,MO8, nemoj da se salis sa zivotom, zna se raspored: basket, F1, Nole, pa sve ostalo... Dakle No1e>skola... Na izvrsavanje!"

                            "Cekamo sutra da se ozvanici Kimster i mogla bi da krene lagana dominacija plus kada bi i Ross dosao....ludilo :)
                            I eto nama novog paketa u Ferari: Allison + Raikkonen + Slade + MarkedOne8 :D mozda jedino da je zvucniji transfer Bejla od ovog naseg novog :biggrin:"



                            • #44
                              If the police cant stop you you must be on the dust


                              • #45
                                Povecavaju se sanse za kisu sutra, bile su 30% pre vikenda, sad su 50%... Kisa uz grmljavinu se ocekuje u toku trke, a ocekuje se da ce sama kisa poceti da pada veceras, eventualno oko 1-2 ujutru...

