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Serie A 2013/2014 - (diskutovanje i komentarisanje utakmica uzivo)

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  • Dobra stvar je što Borijela neću videti u Interu!!!

    A da vidimo gde će biti potrošen novac od prodaje Ranokije. Plašim se da će jedna od kupovina biti Paolo Kanavaro!?


    • Ma za Inter je ovo sve presipanje iz šupljeg u prazno po mom nekom mišljenju, ništa se njima konkretno neće promeniti ovim transferom i nzm kako to u klubu već dve godine ne vid !?

      Ja bih se hvatao za dve opcije kao rešenje iz ove sive situacije:

      1. Napao bih Mongola da uloži grdne pare

      2. Oslonio bi se na omladinsku školu, jer Inter ništa neće osvojiti narednih 5 godina ako ne uloži bar 150m za 1 ili 2 prelazna roka u rekonstrukciju tima jer je očigledno da oni u timu imaju ili vrhunske potrošene igrače ili prosečne i ispod proseka igrače (gledamo renome kluba kada ocenjujemo vrednost igrača). Već sam pričao da je Handanović tu jedini vrhunski fudbaler, sve ostalo ili matori potrošeni igrači ili igrači za klupu, plus talentovani Kovačić i Palasio i Riki Alvarez koji mogu u jakih 11 na šlepanje ili u jaku rotaciju. Dakle, ako već nema para, a očigledno je da neće biti ni uspeha ako klub ne uloži baš mnogo, daj da od svojih talenata iz škole ili italijanskih (može i argentinskih, ma bilo kojih talenata) talenata koje bi sakupili za male pare pravimo tim koji će kroz 5 ili 6 godina opet prezentovati Inter dostojno renomeu kluba.

      Ovo što oni teško da ima nekog smisla, pravo račenica "presipanje iz šupljeg u prazno".

      EDIT: Zaboravih i Guarina, može i on u vrhunskih 11 na šlepanje ili neku ozbiljnu rotaciju .
      Last edited by Brajkula; 20-01-14, 13:39.


      • Stvarno ne kapiram sta ce Guarin Juveu. Jedino ako ce prodati Markizija Mancesteru ili Pogbu Parizanima.
        Last edited by Lion; 20-01-14, 13:51.


        • Ček, ček sad se juri LE

          A za pola godine će biti interesantno jer odlazi nekih 10 igrača. Neki se vraćaju sa pozajmica itd.

          Ali opet čisto sumnjam da će svoje pare da uloži i tad TAhir.
          C'E SOLO L'INTER


          • Originally posted by PRINCE View Post
            Stvarno ne kapiram sta ce Guarin Juveu. Jedino ako ce prodati Markizija Mancesteru ili Pogbu Parizanima.
            Ima baš komentara da je Inter bolje prošao jer im je potrebniji Vučinić nego Juveu Guarin.

            Pa Pogbu očekujem da Juve proda na leto...
            C'E SOLO L'INTER


            • Originally posted by PRINCE View Post
              Stvarno ne kapiram sta ce Guarin Juveu. Jedino ako ce prodati Markizija Mancesteru ili Pogbu Parizanima.
              Jesi li razmišljao u smeru da je uvek lakše prodati Guarina nego Vučinića sa 30 godina ? Npr. ta neka solucija, a i što da nemamo ovakvog igrača za back-up, realno ako želimo ozbiljno da se guramo sa ovima u LŠ ovakav igrač da rastereti tim pret neki od bitnih mečeva u Evropi je prekopotreban.

              Originally posted by Il Capitano View Post
              Ček, ček sad se juri LE

              A za pola godine će biti interesantno jer odlazi nekih 10 igrača. Neki se vraćaju sa pozajmica itd.

              Ali opet čisto sumnjam da će svoje pare da uloži i tad TAhir.
              Pa taj Tahir je neodumica, msm ne on lično već ono šta je on zamislio kada je kupovao Inter. Trenutno šta radi, Masimo bi bolje odradio ovaj period, siguran sam, potrudio bi se stari veštac, nešto bi muljao u prelaznom roku, jurio pare, ovaj Mongol se samo kezi po TV-u sa onim žutim kljovama.

              Originally posted by Il Capitano View Post
              Pa Pogbu očekujem da Juve proda na leto...
              Ne verujm ovo leto, ali ono tamo sledeće sigurno ide. Btw. stavićemo mu transfer klauzulu od 85m, tako bar navode italijanski mediji, dakle ne 50, ne 60, već 85m i ide plata sa 1m na 4m, taman da ga drži ta platica još sezonu, jer kada opet nagrnu ovi bogataši Juve neće moći da duplira taj ugovor kako bi ga zadržao, ma ni da digne primanja na 6 miliona i on ide.
              Last edited by Brajkula; 20-01-14, 13:57.


              • Da dodam i

                Vucinic leaves Juve training

                Mirko Vucinic’s proposed move to Inter seems to be accelerating, as he leaves Juventus’ training centre today.

                The Montenegrin is reportedly the subject of a bid from the Nerazzurri, who are seen as offering Fredy Guarin to the Bianconeri in a swap deal that the Gazzetta dello Sport believe terms of have already been agreed and that other outlets say is on the verge of agreement.

                Attention has since turned to Juventus’ headquarters at Vinovo, where Sky Sport Italia suggest that Vucinic has already bid farewell to his colleagues, before leaving ahead of today’s training session.

                Speculation is that in leaving the club today, the player is heading out to Milan to negotiate with Inter.

                Meanwhile, transfer expert Gianluca Di Marzio is running the line that Guarin has reached agreement with Juve for his side of the transfer and that tomorrow he will undergo medical examinations with the Old Lady.

                i da se polako spremam za promenu avatara


                Juventus reaches deal with Guarin: tomorrow the medical

                Progress was made, Guarin is on his way to Juventus. The bianconeri have in fact reached an agreement with the Colombian midfielder, who will take his medical tomorrow, with what is likely his new club. Inter has given Guarin’s agent permission to speak to Juve, now the two clubs need to reach with an agreement on the Guarin-Vucinic swap. The clubs are currently meeting to define the financial consideration that would go to Inter.

                Last edited by Brajkula; 20-01-14, 14:40.


                • Znaci ovo je trampa bez ikakvih dodataka?Mnogo mije krivo za Vucka bas ga gotivim ali moram reci da on nema sta da trazi pored Teveza i Ljorentea ovako Guarin,definitivno trenutno u boljoj formi od Markisija iako ga mnogo volim(markizija naravno) moram to reci.Po svemu sudeci neko od veznjaka na leto napusta klub a rekao bih da je to upravo Markizio ili Pogba mada cisto sumnjam da ce ga Marota pustiti.Aj da vidimo bas kako ce da ispadne ovaj transfer.
                  Dreams are coming true.

                  Marcello Lippi: „Usporeni snimci akcija nisu realan fudbal. Svi mi želimo da vidimo Moniku Beluči golu, ali ne želimo da je gledamo kroz rendgen“.


                  • Neće ni jedni ni drugi biti bolji ovom trampom. Čak mislim da će Inter proći bolje ako se Vučinić malo sredi. Guarin je u poslednje vreme smešan igrač, blago rečeno. Toliko predispozicija da bude svetska klasa, a njemu glava prazna. Juve pun u veznom redu, tako da neće on videti prvu postavu dugo.


                    • Jeste Vucina zagazio 30 godina, ali nije ni Guarin omladinac. A i cudno mi deluje da bi bio Guarin poslednja rupa na svirali Juvea, ipak nije on rang Padoina. Mada mozda ga Konte stavi na desnom boku, kao sto je uradio sa Asao na levom boku. Ali najrealnije da neko ide iz Juvea.


                      • Sve ovo rekao već Brajkula dobrim delom, dosta se slažem sa autorom teksta

                        3 Reasons Why Vucinic-Guarin Swap Makes Sense

                        Just as it appeared Vucinic’s agent was set to meet with Arsenal in L0ndon today, news broke of a swap of the striker from Montenegro for Inter midfielder Guarin, who will take his medical for Juve tomorrow. Vucinic said goodbye to his now former Juve teammates at Vinovo before heading to Milano to join Inter, who is expected to receive cash as part of the deal. While on the surface this swap doesn’t appear to make much sense, especially from Juve’s perspective, there are some factors to consider:

                        1 Guarin was promised a contract extension with raise from Inter’s previous administration, while Thohir is trying to control costs (Gazzetta Dello Sport went as far as reporting he will cap individual wages at 2.5 million net). The Colombian midfielder either wanted a raise or to be sold. Once Chelsea landed Matic there was one less contender with deep pockets for Guarin, Manchester United’s interest in the Colombian midfielder had been described as “timid” by Di Marzio. Inter needed to sell Guarin and/or Ranocchia to get another striker and there are only 10 days left in January mercato. By swapping Guarin for an established striker Inter saves some time.

                        2 - Juventus tried to acquire Guarin when he played for Porto, but ultimately picked Caceres when they only had one non EU slot left. Guarin is a very talented player but who can be selfish and stubborn, if there is one coach who could get him to fulfill his potential it’s Antonio Conte. On the other hand, Inter’s coach Mazzarri has always liked Vucinic and he is a massive upgrade from Icardi, Belfodil (who is almost certainly leaving on loan) and the current version of Milito. In the short term this deal helps Inter (they get the best striker on a team that won back to back to scudetti), while Juve sees this as a long term move. Guarin is however eligible to play in the Europa League and gives Juve depth in midfield.

                        3 - Many are making a correlation with Guarin’s potential arrival to Juve selling one out of Pogba or Marchisio. While I certainly don’t dismiss that entirely there are two very important factors to consider: 1) On the last day of the summer transfer period Juve was frantically trying to acquire Cagliari’s Nainggolan, and since it was the last day to make a move they wouldn’t have had time to sell Pogba or Marchisio. This tells us, Juve doesn’t necessarily see acquiring another midfielder as a reason to automatically have to sell one of their starters 2) Juve turned down Arsenal’s loan offer for Vucinic. Considering Vucinic’s age (he will turn 31 in October) Juve prefers to sell him now while they can still get a substantial return. Guarin is 3 years younger than Vucinic and is an asset on the transfer market. Inter was looking for 15/18 million euro for him just a month ago. I think Juve sees Guarin as an asset for next summer, they can either sell him (for more than they would receive for Vucinic now) or use him as a replacement if they sell Pogba or Marchisio. I think Juve simply sees getting Guarin permanently as a better option than loaning Vucinic.

                        At the end of the day Inter is acquiring the best player in the deal (and likely cash), while Juventus is getting a better long term asset who also gives them roster flexibility in the summer.


                        • Hahaha....kakvi trolovi


                          • Ali smešni su mi navijači. Pa Inter i Milan menjaju igrače što je najveća bruka za gradske rivale, a sad im kao smeta što velika "igračina" Guarin ide u Juventus.
                            Kao i da se oni nešto pitaju...

                            Guarin poručio da se ne vraća u Inter tako da je ovo sve rešeno već...
                            IO NON RUBO IL CAMPIONATO
                            ED IN SERIE B NON SON MAI STATO
                            C'E SOLO L'INTER


                            • Fabrizio Romano ‏@FabRomano21 2m
                              Guarin wants Juve, Vucinic wants Inter: the swap is close to be done. Clubs always in contact to finalize the deal
                              Ma sad ce to da se zavrsi vrlo brzo, mada ne kapiram ko je ovde na dobitku, verovatno Juve da ima back up veznjaka, a Inter ima 4 napadaca, a 'oce i petog(doduse Vucko nije klasika), a Mazzari fura sa jednim klasicnim spicom.

                              “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                              -Jürgen Klopp


                              • Honda par dana u klubu a raduje se kao da je tu godinama, za svaku pohvalu, i dokaz da one izjave o tome kako mu je san bio da zaigra za Milan nisu samo fudbalerska fraza kao u vecini slucajeva

                                Mexesu prekinuli dremku
                                VALENTINO ROSSI #46

