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Davis Cup

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  • Jaaoooooooo, pa sta se desilo? Eto, sad mi i njega zao, imam osjecaj da je dobar covjek
    Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


    • Mislim da mu istice ugovor i da su ovi iz TS Argentine odlucili da ne nastave saradnju. ;)
      I meni se on cinio OK... ;)


      • Originally posted by bojanaBG View Post
        Evo malo slavlja Spanaca, Feli mi je mnogo smesan

        bojanaa svaka cast na ovom postu uzivala sam ;)


        • Nole, Viktor, Janko i Ziki po "salataru" kreću iz niškog Čaira

          izgleda da ce Brena ipak da dovede DC u Nis

          Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


          Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
          with experience.


          • Fed ce da igra protiv Amerikanaca

            Davis-Cup-Highlight Schweiz - USA mit Roger Federer!

            Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


            Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
            with experience.


            • The Davis Cup is a drug like no other

              The Davis Cup is right up there as one of the very best tournaments on the circuit, and it really is a drug like no other for the players.
              The competition means a great deal to all the players and staff involved, as well as the supporters, and the tradition and prestige is unmistakable.
              It is like a drug to the players being able to perform in front of supporters from their own countries, and the adrenaline and emotion is distinct from other formats.
              Each and every player feels the burden and expectation of representing their country, and seeing a top player like Juan Martin Del Potro left inconsolable after defeat was very heart-wrenching.
              The Spanish really did themselves proud again, and the atmosphere was incredible. It was tennis in the team format at its very best.
              There is talk about the Davis Cup being played over around two weeks, but that would be farcical - it has to be a standalone final.
              Rafael Nadal says he will not play in the Davis Cup next year, but I think he would come in if Spain reach the final stages.
              It is a real drain on top players' resources and Nadal was able, even in the euphoria of the victory, to declare that he does not want to feature in next season's competition.
              I still don't think that Nadal played very well in Seville, and he has not been at his best this season.
              Del Potro performed incredibly throughout, but after his monumental display in the epic with David Ferrer, he did very well to even be competitive in the fourth rubber.
              There is no doubt about the fact that Del Potro is back, and I can easily see him winning a Grand Slam next season.
              The Argentine cannot be discounted in any of the four Grand Slams, and he proved beyond any doubt that he can perform with the best even on clay with his powerful game very effective.
              Next season will see the end of the so called 'top four' with Del Potro, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga and Tomas Berdych all in the mix for every big tournament.
              We have clearly seen the dominance of the top four diminished throughout this season, and I think the players who have been on the periphery will continue to grow in stature.
              But back to the Davis Cup, and it is tremendous for the competition that Roger Federer is going to be playing in the competition next year, however, and that is very exciting.
              Switzerland will have to be one of the favourites for the tournament as a result of Federer coming back into the equation, along with Serbia of course.
              The Swiss have never won the Davis Cup - they finished as runners-up in 1992 - and, with Federer and Stanislas Wawrinka involved they have every chance.
              A lot has been said about the fact that Spain hosted the final, but I cannot see the same atmosphere being produced at a neutral venue and it would simply not be the same spectacle.
              The authorities must leave the Davis Cup exactly as it is, and not attempt to tinker for the sake of it. The competition is positively thriving, and the current format is perfect.
              The spectacle in Seville was absolutely incredible, and it was refreshing to see the top players - who so often are accused of only caring about money - battling for all their worth for their teams and countries.


              • Izasla satnica za mec Srbija-Svedska. Prvi dan od 15h, drugi 14h i treci 15h. U ponedeljak dolaze predstavnici ITF-a, da se pregovara, tj. da se naprave planovi oko pripremnih aktivnosti. Ja jos ne verujem da se DC igra kod nas.


                • Albert Kosta nije vise spanski selektor, sad mu je uloga da koordinira spanske timove za Dejvis, Fed i Olimpijske igre.

                  A Tito Vaskez, koji vise nije argentinski selektor, je rekao da je imao tezak odnos sa Nalbandianom.

                  Tito Vazquez, whose contract as Argentine Davis Cup captain was not renewed after his team’s final-round loss to Spain, takes issue with one of his players, David Nalbandian, whom he has had problems with in the past.

                  "I didn’t see Nalbandian as a positive leader, but I was willing to give him another chance," Vazquez told TyCSports. "I don’t think the same way as Nalbandian, and do not share many of the [ideas] about leadership."

                  Vasquez added that Spaniard Rafael Nadal is "a guy who you want to have on your team. He’s a motivational leader and was in the stands encouraging [his team]."

                  Martin Jaite, who once coached Nalbandian, is said to be the leading candidate for the captain’s position. Vazquez said that a Davis Cup captain "should not be friends with the players."


                  • Definitivno i ITF potvrdio da Hala Cair ispunjava sve uslove, bili su 2 dana ovde i sve je potvrdjeno.

                    Hala Cair domacin prvog kola Dejvis kupa 2012.


                    • Ivanisevic ipak nije selektor, hrvatski savez ne moze da mu plati

                      Goran too expensive for Croatian tennis budget

                      Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                      Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                      with experience.


                      • Spanci su u Sevilji docekali Argentinci,na sljaci naravno.

                        Mec su otvorili Nadal i Monaco.Nalbandian je sacuvan za dubl,ako bude doslo do odlucujuceg 5. meca tu bi igrao najvjerovatnije,a znalo se da su i Juanu i Davidu male sanse protiv Nadala,ustvari nikakve.
                        Nadal je prosto pocistio dobrog prijatelja sa terena.Bila je to igra macke i misa,Nadal je igrao izvanredan tenis i Juan nije mogao ni do repsektabilnog poraza.Na kraju je uzeo 4 gema,Nadal je ocekivano doveo Spance u vodjstvo od 1:0
                        U drugom mecu su se sastali Ferrer i Del Potro.Ocekivala se velika borba i dobili smo je.David je igrao za 2:0 i onda bi Spanci bili na korak od jos jedne Salatare jer znamo sta je Nadal na sljaci.Delpova pobjeda je znacila otvoren i do kraja neizvjestan mec.David je usao u mec kao favorit,ima sjajnu sezonu iza sebe,na kraju godine je u odlicnoj formi i znamo kako je dobar na sljaci.Delpo se dugo spremao za ovo i vidjelo se da je u dobroj formi iako jue nesto sporije usao u mec.Upravo zbog nesto sporijeg pocetka je rezultatski ubjedljivo izgubio prvi set ali je uspio da se vrati u drugom i da igra kao da se nista nije desilo.Drugi set je bio izuzetan,kao uostalom i citav mec,visok ritam,kvalitetni poene,odlicne razmjene sa osnovne linije.U TBu drugog seta Argentinac je uspio da dodje do izjednacenja.Iako je losije usao u treci uspio je da okrene i da povede 2:1.David,veliki radnik koji je stizao sve zivo je u tom dijelu djelovao umorno,sporiji za pola koraka i izgledalo je da ce Delpo doci do pobjede,da je sve na njegovoj strani.Imao je Argentinac brejk prednosti u cetvrtom setu,ali mu ni to nije bilo dovoljno.David je prosto nevjerovatan,iscupao se nekako iz teske situacije i cim se izvukao dobio neku novu svjezinu i okrenuo sve na svoju stranu.U petom setu je imao i dva brejka prednosti ali se ni Delpo nije predavao,jedan brejk je uspio da vrati,drugi nije mogao.Na kraju ga je David slomio,fizicki!2:0 za Spaniju u jednom od najboljih meceva ove godine,velika prednost za domacine.

                        Verdasco i Lopez su imali prvu mec loptu i htjeli su da vec u subotu sve zavrse,naporna sezona,zelio je to i Nadal,sigurno mu se nije izlazilo i u nedelju na teren ali su Argentinci imali veliki motiv.Nalbandianu DC vise znaci od Slama i njegova zelja je ogromna.On i Schwank su izasli na teren da pobijede,vjerovali su u to i odrzali su pravi cas Spancima.Eduardo je izuzetno riternirao,najzasluzniji je sto su uzeli prvi set posle kojeg je sve mnogo lakse islo.Pritiskali su stalno servis Spanaca,Nalbandian je bio sjajan na mrezi,potpuno zasluzeno su Argentinci smanjili na 2:1,nadali su se i dalje,mec je ziv.Neutralni su navijali za Argentince u dublu,navijali su za okrsaj Nadal-Del Potro i dobili su tu poslasticu.

                        Malo je ko davao sanse Del Potru protiv kralja sljake,protiv najboljeg igraca na ovoj podlozi svih vremena.Medjutim Delpo je izao na teren kao da je apsolutni favorit,vjerovao je u svoje udarce i mocno je izgledao u prvom setu.Igrao je monstruozan tenis.Iako je dao Nadalu samo jedan gem i to onaj prvi u mecu,iako mu je svaki servis gem oduzeo,taj set je trajao oko sat vremena,svaki gem na razliku,svaki poen tezak i dugacak.Odlucivali su ga Delpovi vineri,kad Nadal na tako sporoj sljaci ne moze da vrace tek je onda jasno koliko su to bili mocni i ubojiti udarci Argentinca.Imao je priliku i na stratu drugog seta da dodje do brejka i mozda rijesi mec,drzao se u tom setu ali je na kraju popustio.Pao je taj ludacki ritam,dea to moze stalno da drzi ne bi mu niko nista mogao ali je Rafa znao sta radi,bio je strpljiv,nije panicio i isao na to da ga slomi jednostavno.Uspjelo mu je,posto je u tecem setu dao samo jedan gem Argentincu.Cinjelo see tada da ga je Rafa potpuno slomio,da Delpo vise ne moze,sporiji za pola koraka,sve vise udaraca van terena,u mrezu,Nadal koji je sve dublje u terenu i kaznjava svaku kracu lopticu,brejk prednosti u cetvrtom setu.Ali kao da je Delpo dobio neku novu snagu kad je bio grogiran,na konopcima.Poceo je da udara jako,precizno,licio na onog iz prvog seta.Vratio je brejk,potom je izgubio servis ali je opet uspio da ga vrati i uslo se u TB.Tu vec nista nije mogao,Nadal siguran na servisu,Delpo koji poklanja par lopti i na kraju mu Rafa ne daje ni poen u TB cetvrtog seta.Bio je to izuzetan mec,jedan od najboljih u sezoni.

                        Spanci su vratili trofej,opet je u njihovim rukama.Bice tesko da je odbrane posto je Nadal najavio da nece igrati sledece sezone u DCu ali ako neko ima igrace i moze da bira koga da stavi u tim to su Spanci.Ne razmisljaju sad o tome sigurno,sezonu su zavrsili u velikom stilu,a mnogi smatraju da ce Nadalu ovaj trofej i pojede,pogotovo ova protiv Delpa mnogo znaciti na psiholoskom planu i da ce se vratiti na ton.Zasluzio je ovo i David Ferrer,sam je dobio Amerikance maltene,donio veliki bod u petak protiv Argentinaca,covjek je neumoran i ove godine je zasluzio i jednu veliku indiividualnu titulu do koje nije dosao pa ce se zadovoljiti sa ovom.
                        Last edited by Vladan; 22-12-11, 02:20.


                        • Pominje se da ce Cilic biti selektor, kao i da je on vec to prihvatio.
                          Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                          • Originally posted by ivan piper View Post
                            Pominje se da ce Cilic biti selektor, kao i da je on vec to prihvatio.

                            NISU NORMALNI ŠTA NAM RADE OD TENISA
                            CROATIAN TENNIS IS THE BEST


                            • Coretja je nov selektor Spanaca:

                              Davis Cup @DavisCup
                              Alex Corretja, one of the players that won the first #DavisCup for Spain in 2000, has been appointed Spain's new captain for the next 2 yrs

                              Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                              Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                              with experience.


                              • Del Potro nece igrati prvo kolo DC protiv Njemacke. Navodno zato sto nece da mijenja podlogu, ali mislim da to ima veze sa promjenom selektora... ;)

