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Davis Cup

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  • Pitanje je jel ce Monfilse uopste igrati. Simon ce muciti Federera.
    A, ko zna i Wawrinka kakav ce biti.


    • Simon bi mnogo vise mucio Feda na HCu nego na sljaci plus je i on povredjen

      Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


      Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
      with experience.


      • Stanimal je još poslije Wa rekao da ga do kraja godine samo DC interesuje, ne bi me iznenadilo da preskoči WTF da se sprema za pijetlove


        • Ne sumnjam da ga zanima, nego treba izdrzati taj pritisak, mentalno, a i fakticki posebno tu divnu i civilizovanu francusku publiku.
          A, plus su favoriti, a znamo kako se Stan nosi sa ulogom favorita.


          • Originally posted by NI View Post

            Igrano je malo meceva da bi statistika na Indoor hardu bila bitna. Nije valjda da stvarno vjerujes da je Gaske bolji od Federera na 'indoor hardu' kako statistika pokazuje.

            Gledajuci rezultate tokom karijere, Federer i Conga su jasno bolji na hardu nego na sljaci. Wawrinka je jasno bolji na sljaci nego na hardu. Simon i Monfis su nesto bolji na hardu a Gaske je jednak. I to je otprilke tacno.

            Na hardu je redosljed:
            1. Federer  82.7%
            2. Conga    69.3%
            3. Monfis   64.1%
            4. Gaske    62.5%
            5. Stan     60.8%
            6. Simon    60%
            Na sljaci je redosljed:
            1. Federer  76.4%
            2. Stan     65.5%
            3. Conga    64.8%
            4. Gaske    62.2%
            5. Monfis   62.1%
            6. Simon    58.4%
            Federerovo vodjstvo na sljaci je manje nego na hardu. S druge strane, Vavrinka je 2. na sljaci a 5. na hardu, ali sve je to druga liga u odnosu na Federera.

            Ako pogledas samo ovogodisnju statistiku, ona je na sljaci puno povoljnija za Francuze. Ali to je mali uzorak, pa je manje pouzdana.

            Osim faktora da Svicarci trebaju da predju sa harda na sljaku u 5 dana, postoji i drugi faktor. Ako Francuzi noce do maksimziiraju svoje sanse da osvoje jednu ili dvije pobjede onda treba da se igra na hardu. Ako pak hoce da makimiziraju svoje sanse da dobiju 3:2 onda nije izvjesno da sto im je pametnije.

            Cemu sluzi forum ako ne spekuliranju.
            i ovo je sustina svega

            razumem da su Fra verovatno isli na kartu da oslabe sto je vise moguce Svajcarce stavljanjem sljake, ali kao da nisu razmisljali da time znatno slabe i svoje igrace... Tsonga gubi ulogu favorita protiv Stana, Simonu smanjuju sanse da iscedi Rogera, pa cak su i dublu smanjili sanse iako je to trebalo da im bude najlaksi poen od svih 5 meceva...


            • koji je kreten ovaj Toni

              First of all, Gala did not know that they were going to call Uncle Toni. He asks her if she knows him, she says no.

              Then the mod, who is a jerk, opens the mic for Toni Nadal. She sounds understandably shocked.

              Toni then begins by questioning her credentials b/c usually the captain is someone more decorated, an ex player.

              He says that JCF, Bruguera, etc. seemed like a better choice, to which the mod replies, "Yes, absolutely." I don't know if I can do this.

              "I wish her luck, but before her, they should've considered JFC, Bruguera & Berasategui. They're much more knowledgeable about men's tennis"

              He then asks Gala, without letting her speak, "How many years of experience do you have as sporting director?"

              "Since July," she says. TN: "It seems odd to me that you did not have the courtesy to call Rafael to let him know."

              TN: "It is odd that you haven't spoken to any of the players. Yet you claim to have knowledge on men's tennis."

              TN: "I don't think I am being offensive." GL: "Oh, I do not feel offended."

              TN: *interrupts her* "I never wanted to offend anyone." GL: "I'm not offended." TN: "To be captain, you have to know men's tennis."

              TN: "If someone offered Rafael to be captain of the Fed Cup team, I don't think he'd be right for the job."

              GL: "That's your opinion. I respect it and I take no offence." TN: "But I don't want to offend you!"

              TN: "I think there are people who are more qualified than you are, who know more about men's tennis."

              TN: "I also think it's very strange that our newly-appointed sporting director didn't call Rafael to ask him how he was doing physically."

              Mod asks her if she knows Rafa, she says that barely, just in passing and when she was a player. "He probably doesn't remember."

              GL: "He's always been nice, though." TN: "Of course, he's always been a gentleman. I am just saying..."

              TN: " I am just saying that other names should've been considered before yours because they know how men's tennis works."

              GN: "Okay." TN: "And, again, it seems odd that you haven't had the courtesy to contact any of the players to introduce yourself."

              GL: "The Spanish Federation is not only comprised of four players. I've spoken with other authorities..."

              GL: "First, I needed to meet with the previous captain. I also had other commitments with the Fed Cup..."

              GL: "I'm a new. I needed to gather as many information as possible before meeting with the players."

              TN. "Why not simply tell them. 'I am the new sporting director. I am at your disposal for anything you need.' I doubt that's too taxing?"

              TN: "Again, I wish you luck even though I think you're not qualified for this job. You probably are very qualified in women's tennis."

              TN: "I have never seen you at any of the men's tennis event, save perhaps for the slams..." (cont.)

              TN: (cont.) " which, as logic dictates, you were seeing to matters related to women's tennis."

              TN: "I just want to avoid controversies as there shouldn't be any." Mod: "You're being so direct and frank, Toni, I doubt there will be."

              GL: " I DO follow men's tennis. Mr. Nadal is simply stating an opinion. He's speaking to me as if he's known me all his life, though."

              Mod: "No, no, Gala. He's telling you quite the opposite: that he doesn't know who you are."

              TN: "Please don't confuse things. I am saying that I don't know you at all." Mod: "Yeah, he's been very clear in saying that."

              TN: "Rafael doesn't know who you are. I've also spoken with Feliciano López and he's told me the same."

              GL: "Feliciano said that?" TN: "I mean, he hasn't met you since you were appointed as sporting director."

              TN: "We're not talking about just knowing someone in passing. We're talking about TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE."

              TN: "Not to diminish your qualifications, but..." "But you have to build a rapport with the players. Build trust."

              Mod: " Honestly, I think this is an ill-advised decision. Because if Rafa, Lopez, Granollers, Verdasco say they don't know you..." (cont.)

              Mod: (cont.) "Not that they don't know you personally, but as team captain? These are the guys that must take us back to the the top."

              TN: "What do you have to say?" GL: "I really don't want to get involved in any controversy." TN AND Mod: "No, no, no. Gala, it's not."

              GL: "My position is that of the Spanish Federation. I will only look forward and work hard..."

              *Mod interrupts* "Yeah, all that is fine and dandy, but you can't just say I'm here because I was appointed by the federation."

              TN: "In football, when a team hires a new coach, they have the team's best interests in mind. Same goes for basketball and tennis."

              TN: "So the players involved are always thinking: Who would be the best choice for Davis Cup captain?"

              TN: "And there certainly are other people who know these players, who have tactical knowledge on men's tennis."

              TN: "If you consider that your qualifications meet or even surpass those of JCF, Bruguera, and Berasategui, then great."

              TN: "If you think that, that's an opinion. I don't share it. And the general opinion is that there were people with a much better resume."

              TN: "The tradition was that a decorated player would be named Davis Cup captain to end their career. It's been that way so far."

              GL: "Until now."

              GL: "I think it is great that you all have an opinion and can share it. You are free to do that and..."

              Mod: "No, Gala, not all of us. Toni Nadal said that, Feliciano López too."

              GL: "Neither of you would let me finish a thought."

              GL: "You keep interrupting. All I am saying is that I support the decision made by the federation, only time will tell what will happen."

              GL: "If I have to face consequences for the decision I have made, I will face them."

              GL: "What I can't do is echo an opinion I do not share. It is your opinion and I respect it, it is your right to share it."

              Mod: "I am just listening here, I haven't said anything."

              GL: "I feel I am qualified and that's why I took the job. I am very much looking forward to this new challenge and only time will tell."

              TN: "Can I add one final thought?" Mod: "Sure."

              TN: "I don't want to stir up controversy, that's not my intention..." (cont.)

              TN: (cont.) "But it would not be appropriate if, say, Beto Martin (Alberto Martín) were appointed as Fed Cup captain, as great as he is."

              TN: "And Beto knows women's tennis, he has years of experience. If the federation appointed him, that's their decision..." (cont.)

              TN: "But, to me, it wouldn't be normal."

              TN: "For the same reason that I don't think it's normal that more decorated names in men's tennis were passed on to appoint Gala."

              TN: "Because they know men's tennis. It's nothing personal."

              GL: "I maintain that I respect your opinion and that of those who share it. But I am sure others welcome the change and that's great."

              Mod: "We are still waiting to hear from those who welcome the decision, Gala, we have yet to see any."

              Mod: "We haven't heard anyone say, 'Oh, what fantastic news the appointment of Gala.'"

              GL: "I don't think that's true." TN: "All the players are against it." GL: "That's not true."

              GL: "I have received congratulations from others, but I won't name names because I don't want to bring them into this."

              Mod: "Well, Gala, I wish you all the best. I think Toni has explained it very well and very respectfully."

              Mod: "His explanation was also very illustrative as he used very clear examples."

              Mod "But your brain is yours and you're the one who feeds it..." "...and you can choose to agree with Toni or with Gala León".

              Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


              Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
              with experience.


              • Logican izbor Francuza.Sljakom ce definitivno da oslabe Federera koji je u posljednjim mecevima (koje sam ja gledao) s ozbiljnijim protivnicima izgubio vecinu izmjena,"zivio" je od servisa.Wawrinka je manje bitan u citavoj prici glede podloge,njemu je bitno na koju nogu ce da ustane a ne na cemu igra.
                Sigurno da ce im biti prednost i to sto ce moci duze da se pripremaju a i sama sljaka ce da ponudi vise izmjena,mogucnosti da se publika ukljuci u mec nego u klasicnom "boom boom" mecu.
                Jedini Francuz koji ce biti ostecen sljakom je Tsonga,ali Francuzi imaju siri kadar tako da mogu da kombinuju.Mec koji bih ja volio da vidim prvi dan je Federer-Simon


                • Da ne kopiram ovo sve od Bojane, kreten je Toni, ili nije, ne ulazim u to, ali who the fuck is Gala Leon, mislim čovjek je 200% u pravu. Odkud da ona bude kapetan, nestvarno Još ako je istina ovo da se nije javila igračima i da savez nije pitao igrače, što sigurno nije jer nebi ovu "anonimku za muški tenis" zaposlili.


                  • A who the fuck je bio Toni Nadal, sta je on imao kao preporuku osim sto je stric i tako je postao Nadalov trener?

                    Covek je tezak idiot i seljak, a onaj voditelj je jos gori...

                    Plus sa Mojom je bas upalilo, muskarac je, koliko ja znam, bivsi teniser, ali su oni ipak ispali iz svetske grupe

                    Sent from my HTC, posto mi se moze

                    Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                    Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                    with experience.


                    • Igraci su najvazniji.Ako najbolji odluce da igraju,za Spance nema problema.
                      Originally posted by Casiraghi
                      Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
                      Originally posted by Casiraghi
                      Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

                      Originally posted by Casiraghi
                      Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


                      • Selektor u DC je totalno nebitan,to moze i svaki forumas bit.Kod Bojane postoji odbojnost prema svemu sto ima veze s Nadalom,pocet ce da mrzi igrace samo zato sto igraju s Babolat reketom


                        • Originally posted by Damir View Post
                          Selektor u DC je totalno nebitan,to moze i svaki forumas bit.Kod Bojane postoji odbojnost prema svemu sto ima veze s Nadalom,pocet ce da mrzi igrace samo zato sto igraju s Babolat reketom
                          Lupio si glupost i ostao ziv....
                          Toni je kreten, sovinista i da ne redjam dalje epitete, dovoljno je procitati taj razgovor i videti kakav je...a voditelj je jos veca budala

                          Sent from my HTC, posto mi se moze

                          Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                          Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                          with experience.


                          • Hoces da se kladis da bih ja napravio bolji rezultat u DC s Svicarskom nego Niki Pilic s Tanzanijom? Pomeli bi ih 5:0
                            Sto se same gospodje tice Toni je u pravu,prvenstveno glede atmnosfere u ekipi,svlacionici.Jednoj zeni nije mjesto tamo,igraci ce morati da mijenjaju svoje navike.


                            • atmNosfera


                              • Originally posted by Damir View Post
                                Hoces da se kladis da bih ja napravio bolji rezultat u DC s Svicarskom nego Niki Pilic s Tanzanijom? Pomeli bi ih 5:0
                                Sto se same gospodje tice Toni je u pravu,prvenstveno glede atmnosfere u ekipi,svlacionici.Jednoj zeni nije mjesto tamo,igraci ce morati da mijenjaju svoje navike.
                                A nije nikakav problem da muskarac bude selektor Fed timu?
                                ima miilion primera, i niko se nikad nije bunio

                                Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                                Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                                with experience.

