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ATP - David Ferrer

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  • ATP - David Ferrer

    Nenametljiv, tih, povucen, uvek u drugom planu, iskren i skroman; borac, radnik, dzentlmen, olicenje sportskog duha, simbol posvecenosti i istrajnosti. Ili jednostavno David Ferrer.

    Trenutak kada je dosao do rezultata karijere cini se kao najprikladniji za pokretanje topika, mada je igrama u prethodnih nekoliko godina ovaj teniski majstor iz Spanije vec uveliko zasluzio svoje mesto pod suncem. Osnovne igracke karakteristike dobro su poznate svima: fantasticni baseliner koji zbog svoje konstitucije ne generise previse snage u udarcima, ali taj hendikep kompenzuje sjajnim pokrivanjem terena, kretanjem i besprekornom fizickom spremom. Nekada poznat kao najbolji defanzivac koji kada se ukopa postaje neprobojni zid za mnoge u poslednje vreme je dosta prilagodio svoju igru, postao znatno agresivniji pri cemu se najvise oslanja na unapredjeni FH i ritern koji spada medju najbolje na touru. Na BH-u koji je prilicno potcenjen mogu mu pozavideti mnogi top 10 igraci, a njegovu snagu s tog krila najbolje smo mogli videti u ovogodisnjim mecevima sa Nadalom u Madridu i Rimu. Retko koristi slice ili skoro nikako, dok na mrezu izlazi tek kada pazljivo pripremi poen odmerenim i preciznim udarcima sa osnovne. Ukoliko se moze naci neka mana onda je to definitivno servis. Zbog svojih 175 cm pocetni udarac nikada nije razvio u oruzje i ono sto mu najvise nedostaje su laki poeni nakon servisa. Mnogi su saglasni u oceni da je upravo tih nekoliko cm ono sto Davidu najvise nedostaje i sto ga je u najvecoj meri sprecilo da postigne jos bolje rezultate.

    Sa njegovom biografijom mozete se blize upoznati OVDE, ja cu se koncentrisati samo na najveca dostignuca.
    2012. okitio se prvom i za sada jedinom Masters titulom pobedisvsi u finalu Pariza mladu nadu iz Poljske, Jerzy Janowicza. Pored toga ima jos cetiri finala, kao i finale TMC-a 2007.

    U svojoj bogatoj karijeri osvojio je 20 ATP titula u singlu, dve titule u dublu, a tome treba dodati i tri trofeja u DC sa reprezentacijiom Spanije(2008. 2009. 2011.) Na ATP listi trenutno zauzima cetvrto mesto sto mu je i ranking karijere.

    Sto se Slamova tice najveci uspeh je ovogodisnje finale Roland Garrosa kada je u svom sestom pokusaju napokon uspeo da se dokopa toliko zeljenog finala na jednom GS-u dosavsi do njega na impresivan nacin, bez izgubljenog seta. Ostali rezultati na Grand Slam turnirima tokom godina:

    Kazu da zivi i stvara u pogresno vreme, mnogi ga potcenjuju govoreci da nije dostojan pozicije koju zauzima, osporavaju njegove igracke kvalitete, kazu da nema mentalitet sampiona i da je nagori top 10 u istoriji... A sta na sve to kaze David? Nista, cuti i radi, a sve sto ima da kaze govori na terenu i na najbolji nacin zapusava usta kriticarima. Teniski teren je njegova tastatura, rezultati i dostignuca njegov argument. Njegova je uvek poslednja, a zavrsnu rec jos uvek nije dao.

    Last edited by Navras 16950; 10-06-13, 18:41.
    Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.

  • #2
    Navras , svaka cast za temu

    Moze se slobodno reci da je najveci borac na turu i da je s pravom u TOP 5 i da zaslzuzuje da tu ostane . Kao sto si rekao , nekada je bio poznat kao defanzivac koji se ukopa u teren ( zato je i dobio nadimak "Rudar" ) . Ali sada je razradio dva udarca koja su mu potrebna za najveca dostignuca , jedino mu fali servis da moze da se kaze da je kompletan teniser .
    Ove godine u Parizu je konacno dosao i do svog prvog Grenslem finala i nadam se da ce nastaviti sa ovakvim partijama i na narednim turnirima i da pokazuje svoj talenat koji poseduje .


    • #3
      Amunt Ferru

      "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"


      • #4
        Korisni linkovi:

        Inace, sledeci turnir na kojem ce nastupiti je Hertogenbosch. Turnir se odrzava od 16. do 22. juna. David je branilac titule i postavljen je za prvog nosioca.

        Last edited by Navras 16950; 10-06-13, 22:38.
        Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


        • #5
          I David se opremio za Wimbledon

          Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


          • #6
            Konacno tema za Davida. Davno ju je zasluzio .

            Joking around is part of my personality, just who I am. Novak Djokovic

            Yesterday i was clever, so i wanted to change the world. Today i`m wise, so i`m changing myself.

            Without error there can be no brilliancy.


            • #7
              Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


              • #8
                Live Tennis interview: David Ferrer

                David Ferrer is renowned as one of the most humble players in tennis, though any talk of him not getting the praise he deserves is a bit outdated now. Following his run to the French Open final the man nicknamed 'The Little Beast' is rightly regarded as one of the best players of his generation. Had he been plying his trade during any other era you'd imagine his trophy cabinet would have at least one slam in it too, maybe several.

                That being said, entering the grass season Ferrer isn't necessarily considered one of the main men to beat. He's enjoyed more success on grass than most, though his achievements on the lawns pale in comparison to his clay and hardcourt exploits.

                I meet Ferrer during a press event at The Wimbledon Club for Maui Jim's sunglasses. He's on a tight schedule and is undoubtedly eager to dash over the road to the All-England Club, but he finds time to talk. His English is a little patchy in places but he's still got plenty to say. His first match at Wimbledon 2013 is just days away so I ask if he's ready for action. He says he's feeling good, adding:

                "It's different because in Spain we don't have grass courts. So, I think on grass court I have to play more with my game, it's very important, my serve. You know, I am not a specialist on grass court, but I think I have good shots to play good here."

                "It's difficult to [reach] one final on grass court or to lose semi-final at Wimbledon, it's very difficult. The surface for me is hard court or clay court, but you know I need luck, I need to have a good mentality and physicality. I don't have too much time for practice on grass courts, because in Spain we don't have these kinds of courts, but it's not an excuse. I know I can play good here, but to [reach] final on this surface is more difficult than the other ones."

                Following this up, I see if he thinks more grass court tennis should be played in Spain. He says yes, but notes that his fellow countrymen have stepped up their commitment to playing on the turf in recent years. After all, Rafael Nadal is a two-time champ and Feliciano Lopez, who won this year's AEGON International in Eastbourne, has proven to be a first class opponent during the grass swing over the years. Here's Ferrer's take on the situation:

                "I think the Spanish players now change their mentality. I know we can play good in grass court, Rafael won twice at Wimbledon, Feliciano Lopez is a very great player on grass court, won last week in Eastbourne. I think all the Spanish players change their mentality to play on grass courts."

                On a slightly different tangent, I quiz David for his thoughts on the Wimbledon 2013 draw. He's been seeded fourth and has a dubiously dubbed "clear" run to the semi-finals. He lets out a big laugh when I ask if he's happy to have avoided Nadal though:

                "No, I don't want to think about that! I want to be focused with my next match, because if it's not Rafa, there is Novak Djokovic, [Juan Martin] Del Potro, you know, there are a lot of good players. Now I have to play only first round and I will try to do my best."

                Before Ferrer makes his exit there's one more thing I want to know more about. Rafa had mentioned in a French Open presser that he sometimes hangs out with Ferrer off the court and that they like to play a few video games from time to time.

                "This year we didn't play the Playstation," says David, "Normally we play soccer, FIFA or Pro Evolution."

                So who usually wins? Ferrer grins and lets out another chuckle.

                "I think, I am better!"
                Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


                • #9
                  Davidova prica se nastavlja...

                  Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


                  • #10
                    Uz malo srece i do 2 da ode. I moze da stane...


                    • #11
                      Da bude prvi do prvog.
                      Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


                      • #12
                        E, svaka ti je ka' u Njegosa...


                        • #13
                          Inace je Rudar poznat kao vrstan alhemicar
                          pretvara travu u prasinu


                          • #14
                            Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


                            • #15
                              Sa nesto slabijom formom od one na koju smo navikli nije se moglo dalje, a s obzirom i na pehove koji su ga pratili tokom turnira i ovaj rezultat je uspeh. Stisnuo je zube i igrao, nije se zalio, za razliku od danasnjeg rivala koji je napravio citavu sapunicu i ceo mec simulirao. To samo po sebi govori koliko je veliki sportista David Ferrer. Srecno u nastavku sezone majstore.

                              Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.

