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  • Limar humanista ko ja, dodeljuje bod-dva filmovima koji nece ni da budu u prici za prolaz dalje.

    Originally posted by Black Mamba 24 View Post
    Haha ne verujem da je Adam prosao prvi krug. Sigurno smo Vladan i ja progurali.
    Bio je u poslednjoj grupi gde je ubedljivo najmanje ljudi glasalo, bilo je mislim ispod 10 glasaca i nije ni cudo sto je prosao dalje.


    • Originally posted by Erik Dekard View Post
      Pa cak i ne mora da se meni svidja niti namecem da se svidja nekom drugom, to su proste cinjenice. Za Hickoka sam mozda preterao (ali smatram da nisam) ali Tarkovski je u top5 reditelja svih vremena kmako god okrenes, nevezano za neciji ukus.

      Kao sto je Mocart bitniji za muziku nego Bregovic isto vazi za Tarkovskog/Hickoka u odnosu na Fincera.
      Ma znam Erice to je bio ironicno-sarkasticni post na ono Indigovo o ukusima i subjektivnosti.
      Last edited by Sandugp; 17-03-15, 17:07.

      Always somewhere Miss you where I've been I'll be back to love you again

      U crnim rupama možeš ludo da se zezaš. Da lebdiš iznad zemlje. Da slušaš rock ´n´ roll.Dozivaš kišu.
      Ili da mazneš neku lepu ribu. Samo je bezveze kada se probudiš….


      • 8. Citizen Kane

        7. Dr. Strangelove

        6. Cinema Paradiso

        5. Incendies

        4. The Deer Hunter

        3. The secret in their eyes

        2. American Beauty

        1. The Breakfast Club


        • Originally posted by Sandugp View Post
          Ma znam Erice to je bio ironicno-sarkasticni post na ono Indigovo o ukusima i subjektivnosti.
          Ironicno-sarkastican, nee serii.
          Svakodnevno me odusevljavas sa svojim "klinackim" buntom.
          Idol si kralju.
          There's something wrong with me chemically
          Something wrong with me inherently
          The wrong mix in the wrong genes
          I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
          It was the wrong plan
          In the wrong hands
          With the wrong theory for the wrong man
          The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
          The wrong questions with the wrong replies


          • Originally posted by Indigo View Post
            Ironicno-sarkastican, nee serii.
            Svakodnevno me odusevljavas sa svojim "klinackim" buntom.
            Idol si kralju.
            Ekstra, sad sam i idol nekome

            Always somewhere Miss you where I've been I'll be back to love you again

            U crnim rupama možeš ludo da se zezaš. Da lebdiš iznad zemlje. Da slušaš rock ´n´ roll.Dozivaš kišu.
            Ili da mazneš neku lepu ribu. Samo je bezveze kada se probudiš….


            • Originally posted by Sandugp View Post
              Ekstra, sad sam i idol nekome
              Po mom subjektivno-objektivnom misljenju svakako jesi
              There's something wrong with me chemically
              Something wrong with me inherently
              The wrong mix in the wrong genes
              I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
              It was the wrong plan
              In the wrong hands
              With the wrong theory for the wrong man
              The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
              The wrong questions with the wrong replies


              • 8. The Deer Hunter
                7. Citizen Kane
                6. The Usual Suspects
                5. Dr. Strangelove
                4. American Beauty
                3. Leon
                2. Fight Club
                1. Judgement at Nuremberg

                How do you shoot the devil in the back? What if you miss?
                Last edited by Sandugp; 18-03-15, 09:24.

                Always somewhere Miss you where I've been I'll be back to love you again

                U crnim rupama možeš ludo da se zezaš. Da lebdiš iznad zemlje. Da slušaš rock ´n´ roll.Dozivaš kišu.
                Ili da mazneš neku lepu ribu. Samo je bezveze kada se probudiš….


                • 8-Cinema Paradiso
                  6-Good Will Hunting
                  5-Citizen Kane
                  4-The Breakfast Club
                  3-The Usual Suspects
                  2-American Beauty
                  1-The Deer Hunter



                    Fin textic povezan sa ovom nasom igrom kao i cestim negodovanjem odredjenih clanova (me included) zasto nema ovog ili onog filma dalje u takmicenju.


                    • 8. The Deer Hunter
                      7. Dr. Strangelove
                      6. Citizen Kane
                      5. Judgement at Nuremberg
                      4. Fight Club
                      3. The Usual Suspects
                      2. A Beautiful Mind
                      1. American Beauty


                      • 8.Good Will Hunting
                        7.A Beatiful Mind
                        6. Dr. Strangelove
                        5.The Deer Hunter
                        4.American Beauty
                        3.The Breakfest Club
                        2.Fight Club
                        1.The Usual Suspects


                        • Ceka te lajkcina od Mamabre


                          • Totalno sam zaboravila da glasam!

                            Da li mogu sada/danas?

                            Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                            But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                            • ni ja uopste nisam video. ako nije kasno usvojite glasove, ako jeste jbga eto nek se vidi sta volim

                              The Deer Hunter - najveca ocena , pa redom
                              Cinema Paradiso
                              A Beautiful Mind
                              Fight Club
                              The Lion King
                              Good Will Hunting
                              Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels
                              Citizen Kane

                              majku ti koliko sam omiljenih filmova izbacio srce me zabolelo, pritom na ovih 8 sto sam izabrao mogu lagano da dam svima prosek ocenu 4 jer su mi bukvalno svi tu negde
                              It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you


                              • Indigo da se po tom pitanju izjasni, ako kaze ne postavicu tabelu.Ako produzi do veceras, izbacujem tabelu posle ponoci(pod uslovom da budem budan posto sam jutros rano ustao) i uracunacu danasnje glasave.

